All Chapters of The Alpha's Moon Princess: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
175 Chapters
Chapter One Hundred-Ten
Caleb-I could tell that something was going on with Kyra and it was irritating me that she was ignoring me. Not to mention, why the hell did she want to fight with Rex? She couldn’t go at full capacity as she could with me. Everyone wanted to see what she was capable of, if she ends up killing him it would cause a war with the Blood Moon pack.I kept glancing at Hunter, but it was like he didn’t even care. Either he wasn’t privy to what was going on with her and just wasn’t paying attention or he knew and he wasn’t saying anything either. Now I knew how Kyra felt being left out of certain things. It sucked.I watched Rex and Kyra walk out onto the empty field as everyone gathered around to watch. Was I the only one that was even thinking of the dangers here? The only one who looked uncomfortable was Rex’s Beta.“You do realize if she kills him, it could start another war right?” I linked Hunter.&ldq
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Chapter One Hundred-Eleven
Kyra-“Because ever since you were born, I barely get to see my mother.” I listened to him complain and for a split second, I loosened my hold on him.“So what was your plan then by coming here?” I asked, feeling anger consume me to the point I was crying.“I don’t know. I thought it was to kill you, but I don’t know anymore.” He whispered and at his admittance, I released my hold on him.I expected him to get up, instead, he just turned over on his back and looked up at the sky. I fell to my knees on the ground next to him and I contemplated letting him just kill me.“You think I asked for any of this?” I asked, my voice just barely above a whisper.“I was cursed to live my life as a rogue, not knowing who or what I was. Growing up with a man that was not my father and only ever hearing my mother's voice in my head on occasions, but never really being able to talk to her. Do
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Chapter One Hundred-Twelve
Kyra-Walking towards the packhouse, I began to feel dizzy. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but my vision started to blur and it felt like everything around me was moving in slow motion. Caleb was talking, but I couldn’t understand him anymore. It was like someone turned down the volume.It was hard enough putting two feet in front of the other. I could feel Caleb looking at me, but I kept looking at the ground, just trying to keep my body moving in a straight line. Every step I took felt like I was walking through quicksand or something. My legs felt heavy and it was taking more effort than was needed just to lift each foot off the ground.I was relying on my sense of smell to even know that we were close to the house. Looking up, I tried to see how much further it was but my focus kept going in and out. One second it seemed like the house wasn’t much further, then the next it was as if it was miles away.My arm was hurting was startin
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Chapter One Hundred-Thirteen
Hunter-What the hell had I done? I knew better than to let Ace out when I was pissed, I didn’t think clearly and I knew it. Yet I had felt that Kyra was in danger, except she hadn’t been. At least not until I put my hands on her. I never wanted to hurt her.She was the reason for my existence. The moment she entered into my life, it had changed everything. I couldn’t even blame it on Ace, because I had been right there with him. It had been my actions that caused it.Hearing that she wasn’t going to heal quickly and she would have a scar, had torn me up from the inside out. I was glad I would have the constant reminder of what I did, I deserved to be reminded every day of it. But knowing Kyra would have that same reminder, ate at me. I know she didn’t blame me, but I would never be able to forgive myself for what I did to her.Still in wolf form, I came to a stop as soon as I reached the border. A part of me wanted to keep r
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Chapter One Hundred-Fourteen
Kyra-Opening my eyes, I blink a few times to clear them. It takes me a minute to focus and adjust my eyes to the bright white fluorescent light above me. When I could see more clearer, I find a bag of clear fluids hanging above my head on a metal hood attached to the plastic white headboard.It took me a minute to realize what had happened. The last thing I remember was walking back with Caleb and my vision becoming blurry. After that, I don’t remember anything else or how I even got here. Looking around the room I see I am in a white room, with a machine beeping with numbers and lines on it.I followed the cords that came out from the bottom and found I was attached to the ends. I wasn’t sure where I was, I knew I had been on my way to see the pack doctor, but I don’t remember if I ever been in this room or anything like it. I look down at the bicep of my right arm and see it is bandaged up.It stung a little but other than that, I did
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Chapter One Hundred-Fifteen
Hunter-At the sound of Kyra’s voice, both Caleb and I came to a stop, just inches from punching each other in the face. The moment my gaze fell on her, I knew I couldn’t continue. I wasn’t sure if the pain I seen in her eyes was from what Caleb and I were doing or from what I had done to her, all I knew is if it was the former, I just couldn’t do that to her.Seeing her leaning against the tree, all thoughts of staying away from her vanished and I quickly made my way to her side. I heard the sound of both Caleb and Brett growling, but I didn’t care. Once I reached her, she pushed off the tree and wrapped her arms around the back of my neck.The regret of what I had done still stung, but having her in my arms was reason enough to stay alive. If not for me, I would do it for her. Maybe I was being selfish at this moment, but I didn’t want to leave her. Wrapping her in my arms, I held her close.“I am sorry, Little
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Chapter One Hundred-Sixteen
Kyra-“What do you mean I can’t train?” I yelled at Caleb as he blocked me from getting on the training field.“You heard me. You are still injured.”“It has been two days!” I yelled at him, my frustration growing even more.For the past two days, I have been walking around the house being pampered and babied by everyone. It was annoying as hell. I couldn’t take it any longer. I felt fine, yeah my arm hurt a little, but not enough to keep me from training.“Then you can train with Aiden.” The tedious way he spoke, was getting on my nerves.   With a huff, I turned on my heel and walked away.“You are an ass!” I yelled, not turning away.I was fed up with the way everyone kept babying me. There was absolutely no reason I couldn’t continue training. Even doctor John had cleared me yesterday. I still had one more option though, I just hoped he
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Chapter One Hundred-Seventeen
Caleb-“Kyra, drop the fucking shield!” I tried yelling again, but once again, she ignored me and continued fighting with Rex.That’ll teach me to deny her. At least if I was the one sparring with her, I could limit how much she was injured. Watching Rex, he wasn’t pulling any punches. Granted, she seemed to be holding her own, but for how long? Realizing there was nothing more I could do, I walked away and I saw everyone had stopped training.“Get back to it!” I growled.They did as I said, without complaint and I looked one last time over my shoulder. I saw Rex had a smirk on his face as he watched me walk away. I didn’t like the guy. Never really have. He always seemed like he was better than everyone. Okay so yeah he technically was, being who he was related to. But I wanted to knock the holier than thou look off his face.I wasn’t really mad at him though, or even Kyra. I was still pissed at Hunt
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Chapter One Hundred-Eighteen
Hunter-I let him go past me, but the way he just brushed me off had my blood boiling. Who the hell did he think he was? I get that what I did had been the worst mistake of my life. That was the thing though, it was my life. Not his. Not even his mate, she was mine. So where did he get off thinking he could act the way he was with Kyra?Following him, I did my best to wrangle in my temper. If it wasn’t for the fact that he was carrying Kyra I would have put him in his place right then and there. She was his only saving grace right now. I waited until he placed her on the bed in one of the rooms and stepped out of the way, so Doc could check her over.“Come here, now!” I commanded.I watched as he did his best to fight off the command. His body went rigid with the effort. I could see it written all over him, that it was hurting like hell as he tried to ignore the command. Good. In the end, he had no choice and came to stand in front of me
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Chapter One Hundred-Nineteen
Kyra-“Ugh.” I groaned.I once again woke up in the same room I had been in after I had gotten hurt. Maybe I hadn’t been as well as I thought. Sitting against the headboard of the bed, I had no intentions of getting up. I felt like crap. I have been up for more than an hour and I have been alone ever since. Maybe I should have felt just a bit of concern that neither Hunter nor Caleb were here.The last time they had attempted to kill each other. Right now I just didn’t care. I was getting tired of the way they were acting towards each other. I get that I got hurt, but it wasn’t as bad as they were making it seem. Yeah, so maybe I passed out again while sparing with Rex. It had been my own fault.My arm had hurt but I pushed through the pain to the point it became unbearable and I could no longer ignore it. Something had to change though, their attitude was affecting everyone. At least Brett seemed fine. Okay so sure I kept ca
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