All Chapters of A Splash of Colour: Chapter 11 - Chapter 16
16 Chapters
Chapter Ten
Chapter Ten My Girl   -Reya- I could not help but sigh for the nth time as I looked at the empty chair across mine – Thomas’ supposed seat. Then I glanced at my wristwatch – it probably was a bad idea because it just made the disappointment within my heart grow. We were supposed to meet at 3 PM, and now an hour and a half has passed but even a glimpse of his shadow was nowhere to be seen. When he asked me if I was free today, I thought he was also, but according to his secretary, Jonas, he was still in the middle of a meeting with the board of directors. I sighed again. According to the mini-research that I had done last night, Thomas is one of the heirs of the Parri Empire – he belongs to a very influential family made up of known business personalities. I also found out that aside from being a business tycoon, he is also one of the sought-after bachelors whose net worth costs billions! Plus, aside from I also found out that he graduated
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Chapter Ten (Part 2)
Chapter Ten (Part 2): The Proposal Reya took a deep breath and let out a sigh before she glanced at Thomas whose attention was focused on the road. After the incident, he then guided her to walk out of the restaurant. He was very gentle with her – it was as if he was her dashing knight in a business suit. Speaking of business suit, Reya felt her cheeks heat up when her eyes drifted to the black coat that she was wearing. Before they walked out of the restaurant, Thomas handed her his coat to cover up her ruined dress. It was already a very common gesture that gentlemen would do, but it still made her heart flutter a little. A small smile then made its way to her lips as she secretly inhaled the scent of his masculine perfume. She then turned to glance at him, and she could not stop herself from getting drawn to his presence. They were both quiet in the car – she was sitting on the front seat while Thomas was driving with his full attention focused on the road
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Chapter Eleven
Chapter Eleven: Bothered Rebound   “Gosh! Just let me have some sleep,” Reya groaned in frustration as she repeatedly rolled over her bed while hugging a pillow close to her chest.   It was way past her bedtime, but she still could not bring herself to sleep since a lot of thoughts were piling up in her head - most of them were about that Thomas’ proposal.  A week has passed since she heard Thomas’ crazy proposal. Ever since that day, there was never a moment when Thomas’ words would not play in her thoughts – it just disappoints and infuriates her.   ‘A week ago...’   “Will you be my girlfriend?” Thomas spat out. Reya’s eyes widened in surprise upon hearing the man’s proposal. She was instantly out of words to say, and for a moment, she thought her brain froze, for she could not process information.  “W-What?” She blinked thrice. “Be my girlfriend,”
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Chapter Twelve
Chapter Twelve: Deal and Date “I agree to help you with your problems, but in exchange, you offer your management and investing services to my company.” Reya proposed as she gazed straight into Thomas’ eyes.They were currently sitting across from one other inside a simple restaurant that Reya chose.For a moment, Thomas was silent. He was not quite sure what he was supposed to feel; A part of him was glad because Reya agreed to help him, but there was also a part of him that was curious about why she had changed her mind.Reya took a deep breath and looked away. Even without Thomas’ words, in her mind, she knew what he was thinking about. He is probably asking questions.“Sure!” Thomas nodded with a smile plastered on his lips. “I delightedly accept your offer,” he added. “I’ll have my secretary assist you with the ventures as soon as possible.”Reya nods after
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Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Thirteen: Business Partners, and a friend at work.The sky was still dark as the sun had not yet risen, yet Reya was already wide awake. In her twenty-three years of existence, she has lived to witness the beginning and end of approximately one thousand one hundred and ninety-nine weeks. But unlike the other weeks, this new one was quite different. It marks the start of her acting as Thomas Parri’s Pretend Girlfriend. She barely had enough sleep, thinking about how things will go later.‘Am I really doing this? Is this really happening, like for real?’ She thought while she blankly stared at the ceiling; she spent minutes contemplating things, including her decision.“Argh!” She groaned in frustration as she rolled on her bed and buried her face on the pillow. “Nobody forced you to say ‘yes’; it was all you, Reya! So there’s no other person that you can blame other than yourself!” She s
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Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fourteen: Beautiful   Reya took a deep breath, plastering a smile on her face, as she made herself comfortable inside the car.    “Mr. Parri asked me to give you this, ma’am.” Jonas smiled as he handed her a brand new phone. “This is how you and Mr. Parri would be communicating most of the time,” he added.   Reya took a moment to stare at the phone after bringing herself to receive it from him. She couldn’t help but release a sigh. The phone was a brand new unit of the most recently released phone model.   “Along with the phone are some information, written as notes, about Mr. Parri which was prepared personally by him. Listed there are his interests, hobbies, and educational background,” Jonas spoke ag
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