All Chapters of The Better Place: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
186 Chapters
Chapter 35* Your goals and dreams are what keep you going. It gives you the ability to persist to the end. So make sure to have a goal and dream! ----- Queenebunoluwa15. ****   The hearing resumed minutes later, with the people involved at the interrogation stand.   " Mr. Gideon. I have a person question for you. " Lawyer Sam said while facing Gideon." Go on. " As always Gideon said confidently." Okay. You and your wife both claimed you never maltreated, Miss Essy, right? "" Yes, of course. " " Alright. But did you ever treat her like your daughter? Have you ever shown her fatherly love? " Lawyer Sam asked while staring intensely at, Gideon.As expected, Gideon's countenance changed when he heard this question. He suddenly couldn't c
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Chapter 36* Love shouldn't be measured by material things but by the intense feelings and emotions, one has for another. ----- Queenebunoluwa15. *****Later the available witnesses walked to the interrogation stand. One of the witnesses was a woman from the child rights organization. Juliana Silvers." I swear to say the truth and nothing but the truth. " She said placed but her hands on the Holy Bible brought over by the court attendant.The attendant walked away quickly after she had sworn.  " I hope you won't forget your promise, Miss Silvers. " Gideon's lawyer said whilst smirking at her." I won't. " Juliana replied with determination.[ A/N: Let's name Gideon's lawyer, Micheal Ronaldo. ]" Okay. So you were the one that wen
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Chapter 37* Believe in you! Don't ever underestimate yourself! You are stronger and smarter than you think you are! So don't let anyone tell you otherwise. ---- Queenebunoluwa15. * ***As expected, Lawyer Sam won the case after many efforts.It was only when the judge made her decision, did Essy finally sigh in relief.She still can't believe that the case had been won just like that! And the court had granted, Tristan Wales her custody.She doesn't have to have anything to do with her parents.She was free to treat them as air... Strangers from now on.Essy couldn't forget the shock on her so-called parents' faces when the final decision was made.How satisfying, she thought.She had always wanted to be able to wipe that arrogant smirk off her Stepmothe
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Chapter 38* Always remember that You are enough. You are loved. You are wanted, You are needed! Don't let anyone or anybody tell you otherwise! ---- Queenebunoluwa15. * ****I went back to the car where my new dad and Sister were waiting patiently for me along with the driver.Immediately the driver spotted me coming, he opened the door of his side and walked out before welcoming me with a slight bow and opening the door of the backseat for me.   " Thanks.." I replied and got into the car.There, Stacy and our Dad were seated.While Dad Tristan was working on his laptop, Stacy on the other hand was completing her painting.   The painting was of me as Stacy claimed that everyone must have a painting of themselves drawn and placed in their room.[ A/N
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Chapter 39* When things happen that are unexpected. Instead of asking, " Why me? Ask,  " What's this teaching me? " ----- Queenebunoluwa15. *****----- Essy ----Later, I was taken to my room by, Stacy.I was indeed very surprised by the design of the room. It was just the way I like it...  Perfect!   " So, I'll be leaving you to rest for a while now. See you later. " Sis Stacy said." Oh, alright. " I said embracing her.She patted my hair in response before breaking the hug and living the room.Now, I was left alone in the room. I sat on the mini Queen-sized bed which was super soft and sighed.My room in the attic can't be compared to my current room.They are just so far apart.Just like Heaven and Hell.
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Chapter 40.* Do what you love. Fight for what you love. Don't listen to the nay Sayers. It's your life! You've got only one shot, so make good use of that one shot! ----- Queenebunoluwa15. * **** Happy 140chapters, guys! *  The game ended minutes later.While some were happy about the results some weren't so happy.Despite all the best he put in, Caleb couldn't win against Stacy and likewise, Presley.  " Congratulations, Stacy and Essy. " Jemmy said with a smile." Thanks, Jemmy. "" Caleb? Presley? You guys shouldn't be sad alright? This isn't considered a loss for you both since you tried all your best, Kay? So congratulations to you guys too! " Jemmy said as she pulled her siblings to herself and hugged her." Thanks, Sis... "Caleb's h
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141 : Part 1
Chapter 41: Part 1* Be kind to others, Say nice things to others, why because you never know, whose day you are making with your kindness. ----- Queenebunoluwa15. ****  Days later.----- Essy -----I was working on my Algebra assignments at the study table in my room that evening.  I realized that as I continued solving those questions, I found myself loving the topic more.You Know, I had Realized since elementary school that I loved calculations.While others preferred reading or Watching movies during their leisure time. I, on the other hand, preferred calculations.I remember then that I usually finish all the questions in my maths textbook before the term ends.You know, I thought it was weird since not everyone w
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141 : Part 2
Chapter 41: Part 2* The set time for you to rise and soar high as an eagle has finally come! It's a command! Arise and Soar! Stop being a chicken! Let the eagle in you out, now! ---- Queenebunoluwa15. * ***   ---- Essy. ----Then, I was not able to dream.But now I can.Then, I was not able to wish but now I can.And from now, I am going to pursue my dreams.I am going to fulfill my goals in life! Yes, I am! I know it's not going to be easy but I am ready to fight!I know it's going to be a tough battle but I am more than ready for it.Yes, I am! I continued solving the questions and got so lost in it that I completely lost track of time till the sound of my cellphone ringing di
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Chapter 141 : Part 3
Chapter 41: Part 3* Learning to love yourself the way you are and not the way others sees you is one of the greatest achievements in life. ----- Queenebunoluwa15. * ****As if knowing the thoughts on my mind. The lawyer sighed a little.   " Why don't you have your seat first, Essy love? " Dad's concerned voice rang to my voice and that's when I finally realized that it wasn't only Me and the lawyer in the room.  " Um... Okay, Dad. " I replied before moving forward and taking a seat beside, Sis Stacy.    She wasn't smiling as she usually does, she had that serious Expression on her face which is very rare as she's a very jovial person.As soon as I sat down, she moved a little closer to me and held my hands in hers as if passing me some strength.
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142 : Part 1
Chapter 42: Part 1* It's time for you to start loving and putting yourself first above every other thing and people. ------ Queenebunoluwa15. *----- Jemmy. ----I am now very relieved to know that Essy is fine, now.Thankfully she settled in alright.I still can't imagine going through what she did.I had to admit that Essy is indeed a very strong girl and I admire her. You know, she's also a very loving and caring girl and I am so happy to have her as my best friend.***I sat down at my study table as I began to prepare to read. Since our end of the term exams are coming up right after the Inter-house sports event,  I had to study hard for it.I had to keep up with my grades.I opened the science textbook
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