All Chapters of The Better Place: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
186 Chapters
142 : Part 2
Chapter 42: Part 2* Strive to beat the best and be the best, You can do it! Fighting! ---- Queenebunoluwa15. *****  ----- Adam -----I had to stay in the company till night due to an emergency meeting I had with the executives of the company.There was a problem with one of the branches of the company, which could cause a ruckus if not well attended to.I had informed my wife Lucy about this earlier as I didn't want her to stay up late waiting for me.I was aware of how tired she has been these few days due to the high demand for custom-made clothes.I would never stop being proud of her! Not only is she a good wife but also an amazing mother!I never felt so blessed and happy to have a wonderful family with her! As soon as the meeting
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142 : Part 3
Chapter 42: Part 3 * Whatever it is that you are going through. Remember, there will always be light at the end of a tunnel. Even the deepest and darkest ones do have a light at the end of it. So don't lose hope! Keep believing! ----- Queenebunoluwa15. * **** ----- Jemmy ----- My eyelids opened slowly and I began to adjust to the light. White walls! This was the first thing I sensed. Then my memories began to come back slowly. I remember Preparing to study before the pain came over me and I passed out from the intense pain.   ' So I was brought to the hospital.... ' I thought. I turned my body to the side and was Suprised to see my mom lying on the other bed. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. Was mom the one that broug
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143 : Part 1
Chapter 43: Part 1Unedited.* It's time to start chasing your dreams. Don't give in to doubt! You are good enough! Your future self is waiting for you! So go and hunt for your dream! You can do it! Fighting! ------ Queenebunoluwa15. *****   Interhouse Sports Day." I welcome you all to the 23rd inter-house sports event celebration of Royal Queen's. " The principal of the school announced before giving a slight bow to the parents, who were sitting on the tent opposite the tent he was.As it was an inter-house sports event, One of the largest city stadiums was used.   Large tents were erected on all sides of the large field for the event.The field had been marked by professionals for the event. While the parents s
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143 : Part 2
Chapter 43: Part 2Unedited.* When you are in doubt. Relax and concentrate on listening to that silent voice within you. ----- Queenebunoluwa15. *****Due to a little problem with the arrangements.The red house which was supposed to be the first house to present turned out to be the one that would be the last to present.Contrary to the expectations of the other members of the different houses. The house affected wasn't worried or saddened by this.They still had that determined look on their faces.  They believed in the saying, He who laughs last laughs best.As there were the ones who would be the last to present, everyone would be opportune to watch them and then the winner would be decided.   " We've got this! " The housemaster told
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143 : Part 3
Chapter 43: Part 3Unedited.* Believe in yourself even when no one does. You owe it yourself to do this! Shut out all distractions and get to work, pursuing your dreams!  ----- Queenebunoluwa15. * ****  " You guys did amazingly great! " The Housemaster cheered them." It's all thanks to your guidance, sir... " The members replied." Aw, you guys are so humble. Keep it up! "" We will, thanks, sir! " The members were all given a spoonful of glucose each to replenish their energies.Some were given two spoons depending on the amount they desired.   " What do you think, Guys? Would we win? " Jemmy asked her friends. " We will! We did our part by putting our all into preparing
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144 : Part 1
Chapter 44: Part 1* The most important person in your life is the one you see in the mirror when you wake up. Don't miss the chance to see that person who can change your life for the better. ---- Queenebunoluwa15 *****Five years later...The mini-mansion was hustling and bustling with guests.   They have all come from far and near to celebrate the 15th year birthday of the one and only first daughter of, Adam Standford. Jemmy Standford.    The mansion was decorated beautifully for the occasion.Everywhere was covered with beautiful lights and multi-colored banners were hanging here and there around the house.    The guests were all dressed in beautiful ball gowns and suits.And can you
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144 : Part 2
Chapter 44: Part 2* Giving up is not an option. Just keep pushing! You can do it, fighting! ---- Queenebunoluwa15. *****The girls entered the hall as soon as, Happy birthday by Anne Marie began playing in the background.* I'm another year olderI won't cry about you anymoreTold my friends to come overTo dye my hair, mmhIt's not even the weekendAnd I'm wearin' that dress I can't affordGivin' life a new meanin'Without you thereDo some stupid shit, maybe get a tattooWhatever I can do to get my mind off you. * The guests present were completely stunned by the three girls' ethereal beauty.    The Necklace on their necks shone with the lights Making them all look like the Three dazzling sisters.
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144 : Part 3
Chapter 44: Part 3* Just be yourself. Stop comparing yourself to others, Everyone is different!----- Queenebunoluwa15. * ****The birthday party went on happily.   Immediately Jemmy descended the stage, she was embraced by a young woman with a huge baby bump.    " You have become so big now, Jemmy! Happy birthday! " The woman who was none other than Lucia Jackson said to Jemmy happily! " Aw, thanks, Sis... " Jemmy replied before glancing at the baby bump,  " How is the little one in there doing? I am hoping he or she isn't giving you much trouble? "  " He isn't... " Lucia assured her with a faint grin. " He? Do you already know the gender of the baby? " She said quizzically." A mother's instinct. " Th
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145 : Part 1
Chapter 45: Part 1* Strive to be the best at what you do, only then will you be able to make a difference. --- Queenebunoluwa15. *****Days later.The three girls were in Jemmy's room, chatting."  I must say, Jemmy, you had an amazing birthday celebration! " Essy couldn't help but say as she looked through the photographs they took at the party." I guess so... " Jemmy replied Simply." I agree with you, Sis... Looking at the gifts she got It feels like a princess birthday celebration. " Stacy added." Well, aren't I more deserving of the princess title than most Princess out there? " Jemmy said smugly." Yeah, you are... " Stacy replied with a smile.   " By the way, did you tell your mom about the bracelet you got from, Joel? " Es
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145 : Part 2
Chapter 46: Part 2* Dare to jump. Dare to take that risk. Dare to chase after your happiness. Dare to leap. Dare to fly.  I dare you to work hard to become the best of yourself! ----- Queenebunoluwa15. ****  " So your mom gave you a go-ahead? " Stacy said slowly after jemmy finished her story. Jemmy nodded before replying, " Yes, she did which was the most surprising part of it all... "" Why is it so surprising? " Essy pressed curiously." Isn't it obvious? Which mother would want her daughter to get involved with a guy already at this stage? " Jemmy reasoned." I understand you, Jemmy. But I guess I understand your mom, more. She's trying to secure your happiness by making you live your life to the fullest before the inevitable happens --- " " But, I am not dying! " Jemmy
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