All Chapters of Virago: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
139 Chapters
Chapter CXX
Alexander didn’t think that breaking his lady’s will was going to be this easy. Which only made him see that there might be something special about their captive that would cause the woman to be this concerned about them. He looked to his men, who were about to take the boys away. Signaling the soldiers to bring their prisoners closer. Kaya turned pale when the knights began moving towards them. He could feel that she was afraid. That piqued his interest and ignited a certain feeling of jealousy in him. His senses kept shouting at him to do act immediately. Alexander wanted to find out what was the reason behind Kaya’s action. Though he understood how the princess cared for her people, there was something different in the way she acted. “Your majesty,” Lord Drake speaks to get their attention. He could still not remove his gaze away from his lady,
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Chapter CXXI
Karilaya could not hold her tears when Alexander finally turned to look at her. His eyes still had this crazed look, like he had lost his mind. That left her speechless, not knowing what else she could say just to stop that madness. “My lady, that is quite the revelation. But are you aware that there is a way for us to know if the child is truly a pure-blooded Draconian or not? There’s an Imperial ritual that we could now to confirm the boy’s bloodline! You’d be quite amazed at how easy it is to spot a lie and a fake.” Alexander’s teeth were clenching as he spoke. “What do you mean?” Karilaya’s heart sank the moment he saw doubt in his eyes. It seemed his rage blinded the man that he would not even listen to what she had to say. “Uncle,” Alexander turned to the silver knight who held Cicero’s chains. &ldquo
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Chapter CXXII
“Can you believe this, uncle! There’s three of them.” Alexander could not hide his joy as he looks at all of his children. Even just the mention of the word son was enough to send him to bliss. Sending troves of ecstasy in his mind, knowing that he and his lady had produced such strong offsprings. Also, was that there were actually three of them at once. Lord Drake had this wide grin on his face while nodding. “I can see that, your majesty,” he chuckles, watching his men struggle with keeping the three at bay. The man could not hide his own sense of pride, seeing that his nephew was quite happy. Finally fulfilled for bearing three healthy boys. The only thing that they had to worry about now was which one was going to inherit the throne. “Have you ever heard of such a thing?” Alexander let out another laugh as he looks at his uncle in disbelief. 
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Chapter CXXIII
Karilaya kept looking outside the window of the carriage. She could not help but worry about her son, remembering how much pain they were in. If only she could use her magic, she would have never left them. But since it’s taking her a bit more time to discover the secret of the new restraints that she was wearing, all she could do now was play along with the advisers’ wishes. She was with three of the emperor’s aides, mainly Lord Slog who sat in front of him, keeping his smile, the Headmaster Artheous Lore who seems to be asleep, and the Grand witch Mistress Moryana Fray who was quietly sitting beside her, like a maid-servant. “You do not have to worry, my lady. The emperor will not let any harm come to the boys,” the woman implied when she noticed how Karilaya was looking at everyone. “It’s best if you do not think too much about them, m’lady. All should be well after they
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Chapter CXXIV
The moment the last maid-servant walked out the door, Karilaya immediately started rummaging through the room. As if fate had intervened. They sent the princess to her father's old chambers. The place that they’ve been wanting to go into for such a long time. She breathes a sigh of relief, thankful for the luck that was given upon her. Though the empire redecorated the whole bedroom, they touched nothing much on its architecture. It still had the same stone, floorings, and woodworks.Remembering her chat with her priestess’s she began searching on the side of the walls. Near the top of the bed for a loose brick. The princess smiled. When after just a few moments, she had struck an uneven, shaky part of it. Though it would seem that it could fall off, it did not easily come out. After inspecting it, she discovered the sigil that was told to her, with a bit more tinkering, and she finally found the others. 
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Chapter CXXV
Until now, the only news that she would get from them was that her sons hadn’t calmed down yet. It has been a week since they brought back Karilaya. During the duration of her stay, she took notice of how now and then there would be a march of weary witches. They would come from the town and go back to the palace and vice versa. Currently outside the palace, she chances upon them while checking some area within the town. Once again, they were moving in droves towards the castle. Some were barely walking, being carried by their friends. Others limp as they move, and some were barely awake but still kept on. The princess could no longer ignore the entire group. Especially when she saw mistress Moryana assisting on their parade. Guiding them properly so that none would go astray while they trek back to the castle. She walks in strides to where the grand witch was as curiosity was clawing at her. Wanting to know what i
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Chapter CXXVI
Silence was all Karilaya gave Alexander as he throws him inside the room. She did not say a word even as he began closing the doors, all the while remaining looking at her with those sharp melting eyes.   She swallowed hard, hearing the click of the lock. Taking a deep breath, she threw him the same intensity of look that he was throwing at him, not wanting to back away.   Alexander’s slow walk was heavy, that it made the floor creak with each step. He was panting as he approached her.   “You see this!” He points to his shoulder.   Karilaya gulped when she saw the puncture wound on the man’s side, but remained quiet about it.   “I got this from you during that time that you escaped, and this!” He then gestures his hands to the fresh gashes and scratches all over his body.   “This was from fending off our children. All because I could not get through to them s
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Chapter CXXVII
One push of that knife through his chest would end it all. She only needed the strength to do so. But she’d stop whenever she would feel the soft, warm flesh touching the sharp edge of it. Her bones soften, feeling weak just from knowing what happens after that. Her heartbeat faster at the thought of losing him and no longer seeing the man ever again after that. She could not do it. No matter how much her mind shouted, her body would not follow. Alexander took in a deep breath as he closed his eyes, waiting for the inevitable. Karilaya grabs the knife with both hands, but she still kept trembling. Panting, as tears continue to run down her cheeks. A loud scream came out of the princess as she fell to her knees. Unable to do what the man was telling her to. At that moment, she could feel her whole body shaking from the sudden cold that she felt just thinking of killing him. Her heart could not take it and her mind w
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Karilaya woke up to butterfly kisses on her forehead, an aching body, warm arms around her, and a very hard thing between her legs. “Good morning, my beloved,” Alexander says. Cooing in her ear as he brushes the hair off her face. The man was spooning her from behind, all the while fondling her breast. She remained quiet, steady, pretending to be asleep. She still could not believe that she gave in to those urges she so long had tried to forget. “Kaya, I know you’re awake. Shall we continue where we left off?” He playfully says to her before giving a slow, tempting thrust inside of her. She grabbed hold of the sheets of the bed, holding down the moan that wanted to escape. Alexander continued his delicious, sensual assault, wanting to hear her answer. The heat inside of her increased with every deep hump that he’d give her. Making it harder to
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Chapter CXXIX
Staring blankly into nothingness. It still stunned Karilaya when she couldn’t do anything while her sons tried to rip each other off. She didn’t care nor take notice of her she was being taken or what the advisers were so troubled that they kept running back and forth for. It was until mistress Moryana move towards the lady, the only person who seemed to have the bravery to approach her. It was only when the woman was close to her that she was she finally able to realize what was going on around her. “My lady, apologies for my lateness.” She says after moving beside her. It was only then that she had the sense to turn her gaze inside the room. Piles of scrolls, books, and parchments were in front of her. All properly stack in order and colors. All the while, lord Slog, and some other advisers, along with the magic council, stood in face of her. Waiting, chatting, and discussin
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