All Chapters of Virago: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
139 Chapters
Chapter CX
“Your majesty!” Lord Slog and the others called out.They had been unable to reach their liege for the past few hours. Fearful that they might get in his way. All of them didn’t really have much of a choice. None of them were able to traverse the mountain has had to avoid getting blasted or burned alive.Somehow the whole place had finally calmed down. After that final surge of light covered the whole place. Though it leveled the whole mountain, it also managed to douse the flames all around them.But now they were all worried, seeing how powerful that attack was. Though they knew their emperor was almost an unstoppable beast, they were now starting to think of the worst seeing the large barren area that had replaced the once lush form of land.“Find the emperor!” Mistress Moryana quickly ordered everyone in sight.The soldiers began scattering around the whole place. Digging, searching, a
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Chapter CXI
“Kaya!” The man’s voice kept echoing inside her head.She was already leaning on the trees, trying to keep herself up. For some reason, her legs felt like they were already about to give in. This pain in her chest kept poking at her. Scratching inside of her after several memories of their past came crashing in on her.She bit her lips, trying to keep her sobs when she remembered the pain. She had really thought she’d moved on, forgotten about it. But that all prove wrong when she felt his touch on her body.Falling on her knees, she let out a quiet sob. She hated herself for still having feelings for the man. That lingering thought just made her feel uneasy. In her mind she should hate him, loathe him, and most of all, she shouldn’t be feeling that way anymore.There was once again a sudden thrust in her heart. Remembering how she would have been able to have ended it all a while ago. She was so close
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Chapter CXII
“How are the boys doing?” Karilaya asks as they had just finished doing rounds on the village wall.She wanted to make sure that the runes remained in check and stable and the wooden walls did not have any kind of damages.“They’re still in bed, my lady,” Kirei answered as she finishes writing all the things that her lady had instructed a while ago. “It seems the fight with the Draconian has exhausted them all,” she informs.Even her head priestess could not believe that the three were actually beaten into submission like that.“Are they doing well,” Karilaya sighed, remembering the injuries that they got from the fight.“Their wounds are all healing well. And we’ve also managed to fix their dislocated joints,” Kirei informs her lady since the three boys don’t seem to be having any problems recovering.“Thank goodness.&rdqu
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Chapter CXIII
The morning was already approaching and there were only a few dozen people to transport. Karilaya was thankful that she was able to hold on that long.She never expected that such a kind of army existed. She knew that the empire's army was formidable, but she never thought that they would be this horrifying. No matter how many phantom soldiers and golems she’d summon, they were not enough as she could only summon about a thousand or. Which was the same number as the imperial soldiers. It would take at least three of her high-level phantom warriors to take on a fully armored knight. The only things that were keeping them at bay were the barriers and the flame sentinels that shot from a distance, pushing them back.“My lady, you should step into the portal,” Kirei called out after transporting the last of the civilians.It was now only her and a few soldiers that remained there. Karilaya finally felt comfort when she saw that ev
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Chapter CXIV
“Your majesty, are you all right?” It was lord Galford Drake who approach him. The old man could not help but show his worry. Having seen the broken armor and tattered clothes of their emperor after emerging from that magical fortress. “I am fine, uncle,” he waves him off. His eyes still focus on his lady that was unconscious in his arms. Kaya finally fainted after letting out her final attack. Luckily he had his Draken sword which he used to nullify and absorb the woman’s last attack. “You are wounded, sire!” Lord Drake gasped upon seeing the gashes and still dripping blood from his shoulders and arms. “It is nothing to be concerned about,” Alexander shrugs him off, not wanting him to worry about such a thing. “But your majesty,” The man once again tried to plead. Alexande
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Chapter CXV
It came as a shock to lord Slog, Mistress Moryana, and Headmaster Artheous upon seeing their liege arrive. It hadn’t been that long since he went his way to help out with suppressing the next village but already came back with his lady in tow. The two of them quickly move to greet the man as he was approaching the two of them. “Welcome back, your majesty,” the three of them greeted with enthusiasm seeing as the emperor was smiling as he carried his lady in his arms. “Is the tent ready?” The emperor asks. “This way, sire.” Headmaster Artheous immediately moves aside, gesturing to the large dwelling that had already been set up by the soldiers. The man quickly moves ahead, walking hastily. The headmaster, adviser, and Grand witch remained following behind their liege as he entered the makeshift shelter. Thankfully they had already finished setting the bed and d
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Chapter CXVI
“Where’s ma!” Giro grumbled, frowning as he kept looking around.   The few remaining forces they had surrounded them. Guarding them while they were having dinner.   “I want to see ma,” Cicero whined as he crossed his arms.   Not daring to touch the food that was served in front of him. Not wanting anything that wasn’t prepared by their mother.   “This isn’t ma’s cooking!” Metikulo groaned when he took a bite of the food.   It tasted so bland and raw that it made him almost spit out the meat. It lacked that essential taste that had always been with their mother’s cooking.   “My lords, we have little to spare right now. And the cooks can’t do much since the spices and herbs haven’t arrived from the neighboring village,” Kirei gave her sweetest smile to calm the triplets.   All three boys gave each other meaningful glances. Ever since they w
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Chapter CXVII
“Has she woken up yet?” Alexander asked. All three advisers looked at each other. Not knowing what to say at the moment. They didn’t want to incur their liege’s wrath, especially since his temperament was getting harder to gauge lately. “I think lady Kaya just wants a bit more rest, your majesty.” Lord Slog was the one who answered. He knew that the emperor’s patience has been thin lately. And he didn’t want to experience another tantrum from their liege. Alexander took a deep breath, throwing a weakened gaze at lady Kaya, who was still lying asleep on the bed. “Leave us,” He waves them out. Deciding not to prolong his agony, Alexander laid beside her, taking the woman into his arms to pull her closer into a warm embrace. Catching the slight whiff of her sweet, floral scent insta
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Chapter CXVIII
“Who are these people and why are they so strong?” Cicero was panting as he took on one soldier after the other. “Stop complaining and beat them already,” Giro grumbled as he too was having a hard time taking on two black knights at the same time. They didn’t want to go all out yet, knowing that the Dragon man may appear at any moment. “There he is!” Metikulo caught sight of the man walking away. The other two boys quickly look where their brothers’ eyes were at. It didn’t take that long before they also found the person they were all looking for. “Get him!” Giro shouted before kicking away the two men who were holding him. All three rush in chase of their mark, like wild animals seeking their prey. Their eyes showed an instinctive hunger that made all the black knights back away. 
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Chapter CXIX
Karilaya could no longer ignore the noise that was coming outside. She knew only three people who had the bravery and naivety to attack an enemy camp like that, not to mention the familiar and strong surge of energy that floated through the air. She slowly touched the jaded restraints that were attached to her. Trying to get an idea of how they worked. It resembled the old magical cuffs that were used on her by the witches before. She could still feel her anger and hate remembering it. The only difference with these things that she was wearing now is that it didn’t have the spike, nor did it give out a shock whenever she would try to cast a spell. Instead, it would only nullify it and absorb the magic that was being accumulated. Hearing the increasing noise coming from outside. Karilaya picks up the first thing that she sees’s on her side.Holding tight to the candleholder, she walks straight out, on
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