All Chapters of Virago: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
139 Chapters
Chapter LXX
“I am here, my lady,” the voice called out.It was only then that she was finally able to turn her head to the shadow that hid behind where she was. The large figure was already trying to crouch up unto the wagon though he seemed almost shaking with each movement.“Are you all right?” He asks while pushing a round-looking container on the bottom of the cage in one of its larger openings.Without hesitation Karilaya reached for it, quickly pulling the cork that sealed it and putting it onto her lips, the taste of water touching her lips, cleansing her mouth, and running down her throat felt so revitalizing that she was almost shivering. She could not help but smile at the old crumpled face that was looking at her.“Apologies, this is all that I can bring you, they seem to be so wary of you that they suddenly forget common courtesy towards people,” he scoffs as he slid a loaf of bread into her cage
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Chapter LXXI
Though her leg felt numb and her vision was already blurring along with the feeling that her world was turning, Karilaya still had a wide smile on her face after a whole night of restlessness. During the morning when the line of women had finally subsided and the sun had finally given its grace to show itself, the person inside the carriage that was making all the ruckus finally emerged. Stepping out to basque into the clear view of the morning light. His wings spreading as he took in the cool breeze of the morning air, looking all high and mighty like before, gazing at the now quiet camp. Seeing that it was not her captain inside brought joy and relief to her heavy heart, finally giving her some sense of peace. The Black knights were quick to surround their prince as he began moving towards the other carriage’s, he was only halted when he was about to take a peek at the one that was plated with full metal, as several of the wizards and soldiers b
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Chapter LXXII
“Max!” she screamed.   That soft vibrating voice made him open his eyes in an instant, panting from a dream he felt was so real. He was trying to grab hold of his lady but then all of a sudden she kept being pulled away. Cold sweat ran down his spine when he felt several hands wrapped around him, it was only then that he had remembered what had happened.   He grumbled suddenly feeling the sticky wetness covering all over his body, from the holds of several women who were still grabbing a hold of him, his face wrinkling at the stench of their mixed scent that has turned sour and was now reeking all over
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Chapter LXXIII
Max could feel the rush of his blood coursing through his veins each time his claws would slide through the flesh of each enemy. His laughter echoed all over the forest, finally being able to let out his inner beast, the adrenaline rushing inside him with every hit and bite that he would receive. Even with their numbers and huge sizes, the creatures fell on his hands one by one, unable to best the prince’s monstrous power and strength.A pile of bodies was already piled up when the battle had ended and somehow that managed to quenched his uncontrolled rage that had been brewing since the moment he woke up.“Your highness,” commander Tycus already had a cloth for him when he approached.“Commander, tell me, where are they hiding, my lady?” The way Alexander wiped the blood off his claws in front of the commander, made the man turn pale.Commander Tycus swallowed hard. “You mean the priestess, my l
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Chapter LXXIV
Karilaya could not hide the smile on her face, there was not a single mark that was left on her leg after performing the spell she thought of. The shackles that were stopping her from using magic seemed unable to comprehend that little trick she has thought of. She was so proud of that deed she had managed to do that she didn’t mind being in the dark crevices of that dungeon.Healed and in a very good mood all the princess could do right now was patiently wait until Max would come and get her out, she knew the man wouldn’t leave her in that place and it was only a matter of time before she would be able to see him again, getting strength by holding on to that hope.She let out a deep sigh, looking at that faint glow from the candle, it reminded her of the days when she and Max would stay just lying in their makeshift bed, looking outside and not doing anything. Those memories were whats keeping her sane right now, knowing that the man would rescue her i
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Chapter LXXV
Alexander felt the sudden rush on his skin, feeling the sudden surge of danger around him. He woke up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily as he almost jumped out of his bed. The women that were embracing him woke up with tired pouting eyes as they looked at him. “Good morning, prince.” One of them giggled as she tried to once again embrace him. Yet this time he felt some kind of shiver in his spine making him crawl away from them, his eyes kept wondering on the ceiling the floor having this sense that something was looking at him.“What’s wrong, my lord?” Another woman asks, copying him but ended up frowning. “Would you like us to call mistress Lilian so that we may proceed with our morning activity?” One of them said, her hands pressing his shoulder along with her breast that seem to be brushing on his back. Six women had slept with him that nigh
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Chapter LXXVI
Grumbling as he sat on the throne, Alexander could not help but tap his fingers on the chair's armrest. It had already been several hours since he had woken up but already he had not rested nor stopped moving, ordering his soldiers around along with preparing, after finding out that his lady had gone missing, all because of the witch’s some failed attempt at a ritual that he had no knowledge of.“What’s taking so long,” he growls gripping tightly on the armrest. His patience slowly slipping away with each passing moment.“Sire, do you not think all of this is a little too much,” lord Slog whispered, trying to smile as he bent down on his liege.The old adviser ended up silent when all he received was but a sharp look from the prince.“Sire, the mistress has contributed quite a lot since coming here, can we not give them a bit of leniency?” Rashamon from the sorcerer's conclave added.
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Chapter LXXVII
“How’s the mistress?” Commander Tycus asks.   All three advisers had finally met up within the war room, weary and barely moving in haste after handling all the mess that had happened around the castle. It had been a busy day for all of them and not one had managed to get some rest.   “Barely alive, if his highness had not stopped midway she’d be ashes by now,” lord Slog shook his head remembering the sight of the woman’s body that was almost turned to cinders.   “I doubt any magic would be able to have withstood the prince’s dragon flame, even something like that black magic that mistress Lilian uses,” Headmaster Artheous mumbled as he felt a shiver run down his spine having thought of the incident a while ago.   “Seems the prince was still considerate enough towards the others from the coven,” lord Slog let out a sigh, relieved that somehow the women were all still alive even though they might all
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“Foolish princess, you have failed your duty, you have failed your people, you have failed your ancestors,” the voices echoed everywhere like it was the only sound in the world.Karilaya opened her eyes to see only darkness, though she could see her body, everything else was covered in pitch black. She could move but there was nothingness all around her, giving her the feeling that her body was being cradled by the void as she kept floating in mid-air.“Whe-Where am I?” Her thoughts echoed throughout the endlessness as if she were speaking yet she knows that her mouth still did not open.“Your Naivety and selfishness have caused our beloved land to completely fall in the hands of our enemy, you’ve allowed them to taint our sacred house with dark magic, and you’ve allowed yourself to be tainted by them,” a cold icy female voice screeched sending chills through her skin.She looked around, tw
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Chapter LXXIX
“My lord, please calm yourself, there is no point in causing a fit from all of this,” Lord Slog was not already out of the air just trying to move with haste to keep up with the prince.Alexander was pacing back and forth, throwing things that he could have his hands on, the servants along with the soldiers, remained distant, all the while the other adviser stayed quiet in their seats, leaving only the commander and lord Slog to deal with him.“Why hasn’t anyone found her yet!” he roared.A poor chair instantly flew out of the window like it did not weigh anything when it ended up blocking the prince’s path, the brittle sound of glass breaking made everyone flinch making his advisers back away for a moment.“Sire, all the soldiers at our disposal have been sent out to look for her, for all we know, she might have just hidden away somewhere within the castle,” the commander tried to co
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