All Chapters of Pursuing My Ex-Wife Isn't Easy: Chapter 2921 - Chapter 2930
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Chapter 2921
"Don't worry."Frowning, Joshua approached Luna and hugged her to ease her nerves. "The wedding is starting in less than three hours, so we'll need to head there first. Once we settle things with Adrian, I'll bring you to go look for Anne, alright?"The doctor mentioned it was necessary to keep Luna in the dark about Anne's death. Thus, he was not about to inform Luna about what happened to Anne yet."No." She bit her lip and extended her arms, wrapping them around Joshua's body. She feebly said, "For some reason, I'm worried about her. I feel like I've forgotten something, and it's related to her."She looked up. "Joshua, can you please bring me to her? I'll only feel okay when I see her with my own eyes."Joshua's face looked terrible after hearing that. 'Anne is…'"I have a better idea." After a moment of silence, he said, "I'll send people to Anne's house for protection. After we're done at Adrian's wedding, I'll bring you to her right away."Frankly, Joshua did not know wha
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Chapter 2922
After reading the text message, Joshua's brow furrowed vehemently. Theoretically speaking, John was either handling Anne's funeral in the hospital or was at home comforting Sammie while taking the time to inform their relatives.'Why did John leave with Sammie, as well as Anne's body?' he thought to himself.Jude sent another text message when Joshua did not reply. [What should we do?[I think John is going to leave the city with Sammie, as well as Anne's body. I've already sent people to search at the airport and bus station. I don't think they can leave in such a short period.]Joshua replied, [Don't do it.]With a frown on his face, he nonchalantly added, [If John wants to leave with Anne's body and Sammie, don't stop him.]Maybe it was a good choice to let John leave this city with Anne and Sammie. At least, Luna would not be able to find Anne after John left, and it could stall her memory from recovering.[Should I recall my men, then?] asked Jude.Although Jude did not kn
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Chapter 2923
The scenery outside the window was a blur.Startled, Luna looked at Joshua in confusion, and her lips stretched unnaturally. "Joshua, what are you talking about? How is it possible that you'd do anything I can't forgive?"Seven years ago, she mistakenly thought he had wronged her, something she just could not forgive.After seven years, she finally knew the truth and that it was just a misunderstanding. The man she was looking at never did anything that would truly hurt her. Even if he did, it was not his intention.Thus, Luna found it hard to imagine what Joshua could do to result in her not forgiving him.Joshua paused when he saw Luna's confused eyes. In the end, he could bear to tell Luna the truth and sighed. "What I mean is…we have a whole lifetime ahead of us. During these periods, would you forgive me…if I did something you deem unforgivable?"Luna stopped. She took a deep breath and started to give Joshua's question some serious thinking."Joshua." She gave him a seriou
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Chapter 2924
When Bonnie noticed Anne's virtual absence, the others in the group chat also realized something was wrong.[Yannie: I called Anne just now, but she didn't answer. Is she busy?][Bonnie: Impossible. She's not working, and Sammie is just an infant. Normally, she's the first one to reply in the group…][Rachel: Maybe she's doing something. Don't worry. What could go wrong when she's in her house? Besides, Luna is in Banyan City too. She should know if something is wrong with Anne.]It reminded Bonnie that Luna was in the same city as Anne. Thus, she quickly asked in the group chat.[Bonnie: Hey, Luna. Anne isn't replying to any messages. Is she with you?]After changing into another evening gown, Luna left the fitting room and wanted to send the photo to the group chat again. This was when she saw the messages in the group chat. She paused and did not know what to reply.In the end, she simply texted, [We're not together. I think she's busy with her stuff. I'm going to look for he
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Chapter 2925
What Joshua said did not bring any comfort to Luna at all. Instead, she felt even more irritated. For some reason, she felt like Joshua was hiding something from her.Nonetheless, she knew him well enough to know she would never get it from him if he did not want to tell her. In the end, she sighed and followed Joshua to the car to get her hair styled and makeup.For some reason, the stylist was extra thoughtful today. It took nearly two hours for Luna to get her hair and makeup done. When she was finished, Joshua had already contacted Rosalyn and told her about Luna's situation.As he heard sounds coming from his back, he looked back at where Luna was coming from. His eyes widened in surprise when he saw Luna.It had been a long time since he saw Luna dressed up so beautifully. If he did not have to stall for time so Luna would forget about Anne, he would not insist on getting Luna all dolled up…Anne came into his mind again when he looked at how beautiful Luna was, and at this
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Chapter 2926
In the photo, Anne's face looked bruised. She was tied to the chair with a rough, thick hemp rope, and she looked to be in a dark and humid basement. There was rusted iron and moss from the corner of the photo.There was a message along with the photo.[Keep quiet about this. If you and Joshua do not attend the wedding now, Anne will die.]Luna's heart nearly leaped out of her chest the moment she saw the photo.'Anne… Who kidnapped her?!' She bit her lip.Subconsciously, she glanced at Joshua, who was on his phone not too far away from her. Her heart clenched.Her hunch was right. Anne was in trouble! Joshua was acting weird for the entire time because of this!Luna took a deep breath and replied to the message.[Who are you? Why did you kidnap Anne? Where are you? I'm going there!]Since the stranger made the request for her and Joshua to attend the wedding, she was sure the people who kidnapped Anne were trying to force Joshua to show up at the wedding.[If you want Joshua
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Chapter 2927
Luna was so shocked that she could not find any words when the people surrounded her and Joshua.Before they arrived, Joshua had told her Adrian had secretly used his name to borrow a lot of money when they were not in Banyan City.Yet, Luna did not think that nearly 80% of the guests who attended the wedding were people to whom Adrian owed money. Those who lent money to Adrian were almost everyone from the upper class from Banyan City!The shocked Luna stared at the scene and grabbed Joshua's hand tightly.Joshua looked at the people who surrounded them indifferently and said, "Are all of you here to attend Adrian and Jacqueline's wedding or here to collect your debt?"It brought silence to the wedding.Not long later, a female shouted out from the crowd, "What's wrong with that? Why can we attend the wedding and also collect our debt at the same time?"The others quickly adhered to her."That's right! We're here to attend the wedding and also collect our money. Is that wrong?
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Chapter 2928
"This wedding is going to be meaningless if I let them deal with Adrian directly."Joshua curled his lips into a smile after reading Luna's mind. He extended his hand out to rub her head. "Let's go. It's been over a year since we last met my father."Luna looked at him confusingly as she could not tell what Joshua had in his plan. Nonetheless, it was not the right time for her to ask about it.She frowned and walked with Joshua toward the stage.…"I told you he's going to be here." Jacqueline looked at Luna and Joshua coldly from the middle of the stage. Hatred flashed in her eyes. "They had to come."If Luna cared about her friend's life, she definitely would show up."Jacqueline, you're amazing!" Adrian got excited when he saw Joshua and Luna attending the wedding. "They're here just like you said! You're amazing!"Jacqueline smiled. "I'm not that amazing, but I know their weaknesses."Luna and Joshua were hypocrites, the type of people who valued friendship and loyalty as
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Chapter 2929
Father."Joshua and Luna were standing in front of the stage.He curled his lips and smiled ambiguously. "It's been a while.""Yes, it has been." Adrian quickly rushed down from the stage and shook Joshua's hand excitedly when he saw Joshua and Luna standing in front of the stage. "You two are really here! Aunt Jacqueline said you were going to be here, but I find it hard to believe…but she's right! You still care about me!"Joshua looked at Adrian. When Adrian said 'Aunt Jacqueline', he frowned.According to their age, Jacqueline and Joshua should be around the same age.'He's marrying someone around my age and expects me to address her as my aunt…' He squinted.Although he was not happy, he still politely looked at Jacqueline. "Ms. Grace."Jacqueline curled up her lips and smiled. "Mr. Lynch, we finally meet."She had worked so hard over the year for this day. Ever since she knew Joshua and Luna were the ones who killed Fiona, she toiled rigorously to meet the nasty couple.
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Chapter 2930
What Joshua said created a ripple effect like when a stone got thrown into a peaceful lake. An uproar appeared among the crowd.Some were worried Joshua was really serious about not helping with Adrian's debt and they needed to go after Adrian. Some were guessing that something happened between Joshua and Adrian. Some even thought Joshua deliberately put on a show and lied about cutting ties with Adrian because he did not want to help with Adrian's debt.All kinds of assumptions and guesses appeared.Luna stood beside Joshua and grabbed his hand tightly. She knew to the others, Joshua looked powerful and mighty but he actually had a soft heart too.He yearned for family bonding. He yearned for Adrian to love and care for him as every normal father would.All these years, he had been trying to bear with Adrian no matter how Adrian hurt him over and over again. Otherwise, it just did not make sense that the only one in jail was Michael after Granny Lynch passed away when Adrian was
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