All Chapters of Pursuing My Ex-Wife Isn't Easy: Chapter 2931 - Chapter 2940
3094 Chapters
Chapter 2931
Joshua's statement made the entire room go silent as everyone gaped at the pair of men onstage.Everyone in Banyan City knew that Rianna, the most powerful businesswoman in the city at one point, died due to complications during childbirth, and at that time, Adrian even hosted a memorial for her.At her funeral, Adrian cried his heart out, claiming that Rianna was the most selfless woman he had ever met and that she had chosen to give up her life just to continue the Lynch bloodline.This was why even after so many years, everyone in Banyan City was under the impression that Adrian and Rianna were a match made in heaven, and that if Rianna had not died, they would have spent the rest of their lives together, happily ever after. At this moment, however…Joshua's bold statement destroyed everyone's impression. "Mr. Lynch, you can't frame your father with false accusations just to get out of paying our money back!" All of a sudden, someone yelled from among the crowd.The entire ro
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Chapter 2932
A copy of Rianna's medical report while she was pregnant read that her pregnancy had been uneventful and that she could undergo normal vaginal delivery as planned.However, it was Adrian who insisted on letting her go through a Cesarean delivery.Besides that, the doctors also documented the fact that they had warned Adrian of the complications that could arise from a Cesarean delivery due to Rianna's condition, and that the surgery came with a high risk of death, but Adrian did not waver.On the day of Rianna's surgery, she almost died on the table as the doctors predicted, but fortunately, her sister Eanne arrived at the scene just in time and managed to save her life.Rianna was still alive up until this time, but the final medical report documented that she had died of surgical complications.With that, a series of photos from Rianna's funeral appeared onscreen, including pictures of Adrian crying as though he was a child who had lost his favorite toy.However, on the same da
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Chapter 2933
The entire room fell silent when they heard this woman's voice.Everyone turned to gaze in the direction of the voice.At this moment, Celia walked into the room, dressed entirely in white."Who's that?""I think that's Adrian's ex-wife, Celia something…""Is that Celia Giles, the name of the woman written on the hotel records from just now?""Yes, I think that's her! she's the one who slept with Adrian the day of Rianna's memorial!"Celia finally reached the stage among the audience's whispers and alighted the steps until she was standing directly in front of Joshua."Adrian, you claimed that Joshua does not have sufficient evidence to prove himself, didn't you? Well, do you think I'm enough proof?"The entire room erupted into a flurry of activity at this.Adrian turned to glance at the woman standing in front of Joshua, his face pale, and said in a trembling voice, "Celia, you and I have been together for over twenty years, and we've been through thick and thin together. H
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Chapter 2934
Celia froze, unable to understand why Jacqueline had turned on her all of a sudden, and immediately shot Jacqueline another cold glare back. "What did I do, then? Tell me, you brat—what did I do to deserve Adrian sending his men to beat me up like a criminal?"Jacqueline could not help curling her lips into a smirk when she heard this. She took out her phone, pulled up a recording, and pressed play."You brat, I've already told you this—Adrian and I have been together for more than two decades, and if you don't give me enough money, I'll continue to harass the two of you for the rest of your lives! Bitch, I gave birth to Adrian's son for him, and even though Michael is in jail now, you probably don't know that he's in there because he took the blame for his father!"Do you honestly think Michael could've pulled off Granny Lynch's murder all of his own? Well, let me tell you this—if you don't give me two million dollars now, I won't let this go. Not only will I continue harassing Adr
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Chapter 2935
"What is she trying to say?" Joshua glanced coldly at Adrian as a sneer crossed his face. "Mr. Lynch, do you honestly think that Jacqueline, a beautiful woman in her twenties, would be willing to marry a man more than twice her age? Do you think you won her over with your irresistible charm somehow?"He fixated his frosty gaze on Adrian's face and said in a tone as cold as ice, "Do you think Jacqueline would have even given you a second glance if it weren't for the fact that you're Adrian Lynch, father of Joshua Lynch?"Joshua's tone was so sarcastic that some of the audience could not help snickering at this. The truth was, everyone knew that a woman in her twenties would never willingly marry a man twice her age, not unless she had ulterior motives, and especially not since Adrian was such a useless man.When he was younger, he relied on Grandpa and Granny Lynch, then after he married Rianna, she became the head of the family, while he eventually became dependent on Joshua, their
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Chapter 2936
"Did you honestly think that as long as Eanne and Carl died, the truth would never surface?" Joshua sneered as though he could sense Adrian's exact thoughts, then tapped on his phone again.Another piece of news about Rianna appeared onscreen.This time, the evidence was even more concrete—this was a record from Rianna's taxi ride at the airport, where she had hailed a taxi to Lynch Mansion.Then, the visitation records of a mental asylum were displayed, which showed that Rianna had been admitted, and Adrian visited her multiple times after her admission.This was followed shortly by Rianna's death certificate, which showed that her cause of death was suicide.Everyone fell silent upon seeing this as they finally pieced together the truth of Rianna's death.It turned out that she had not died while giving birth to Joshua two decades ago, but instead, had taken her own life in a mental asylum in Banyan City when Joshua was five."I obtained these records from Carl Howard, my uncl
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Chapter 2937
Adrian's face turned as pale as the wall behind him. He furrowed his eyebrows and spat through gritted teeth, "Hey, I'm still Michael's father!"He knew he could never change Celia's mind by talking about their marriage, and the only way he could sway her was to use their son, Michael, against her.He knew just how much Celia loved Michael, and Michael would finally prove himself useful if the mention of him could convince Celia to switch sides and betray Joshua.At the thought of this, Adrian sighed and sniffed. "Celia, Michael will get out in a few more years, so surely you wouldn't want him to…see his father like this when he gets released?"Celia froze when she heard this.Adrian was right. Michael always prided himself on being a Lynch and having Adrian as his father for many years, and even at this moment, she had yet to tell him the truth about her and Adrian's separation.Therefore, if he were to discover how haggard his father had become once he got released from jail, h
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Chapter 2938
There was a faint glimmer in Celia's eyes.She lifted her head to stare at Luna rather dazedly, but her gaze seemed to speak a thousand words.Luna knew that Celia was waiting for a confirmation, so she let out an exhale and turned to glance at Joshua.Joshua smiled and shot her a look of affirmation.Luna finally smiled, turned back to meet Celia's gaze, and said softly, "Aunty Celia, if you step forward and expose Mr. Adrian for who he truly is, Joshua will treat you well in the future. Besides, you're the mother of Joshua's brother, and if you expose the truth, Joshua will take care of both you and Michael. He'll never allow you two to fend for yourselves in this cruel world."This tugged at Celia's heartstrings.The truth was, she never cared about Adrian at all—all she cared about was Michael!She almost fell right into Adrian's trap!Michael was her son, and she could see through every last thought in his head. The only reason Michael adored his father was that Adrian had
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Chapter 2939
What Celia said had shaken everyone at the wedding and created an uproar. Everyone started to discuss and whispered to each other.Although Celia had aged with time and she did not maintain her face very well, it was easy to tell she was quite a beautiful woman in her prime.Many people thought she was just a woman Adrian met. Who would have thought…Celia actually worked in the household as their nanny when Rianna was pregnant. In other words, Adrian fell for Rianna's nanny when Rianna was pregnant and, at that time, started to think about killing Rianna.That was why Celia resigned and left Rianna, lying that she needed to go back to her hometown to get married and have kids. The naive Rianna thought Celia was telling the truth. She even gave some money to Celia in hope that Celia would have a great life ahead of her.As people discussed further, they felt even more sorry for Rianna. Their conclusion was how kind Rianna was and what a jerk Adrian had been.Adrian's face looked te
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Chapter 2940
This time, Celia did not hesitate and gathered all of the evidence she had into this recording, including the thing Adrian said to her and how they plotted to frame Rianna…to the extent that Adrian encouraged Michael to hurt Granny Lynch a year ago. In it was also how Adrian used Joshua's name to borrow money from people half a year ago.Celia recorded nearly everything Adrian said to her in the house.Adrian's face paled as he heard the recording. He bit his lip and clenched his hands into fists, and the nerves on his face protruded. "Celia Giles! How dare you do this to me? Did you record every single damn word I said to you?"Celia sneered, "Record? Do you think I'm that free to do it?"She gazed at him and shot him a cold smirk. "Have you forgotten there are surveillance cameras in the house? I was afraid you'd steal the money and spend it, so I changed the hard disk to a new one every month for the past years. I'd simply run through the old footage once and leave it at the war
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