All Chapters of Pursuing My Ex-Wife Isn't Easy: Chapter 2951 - Chapter 2960
3094 Chapters
Chapter 2951
The news of Luna, Joshua Lynch's wife, attempting murder at a wedding spread like wildfire through the entire Banyan City.Everyone was on the edge of their seats, waiting to see just how Joshua, the most powerful man in Banyan City, would help his wife get out of this pinch."I saw the news, Daddy."Joshua received a call from Nigel not long after he returned to the villa that night. Although he was only seven, Nigel was very mature for his age and calmly explained to his father, "I saw everything about Mommy's outburst on the internet, but just to save you the trouble, I lied to Neil and Nellie about this, and I configured the internet here at Grandpa, Grandma's, and Uncle Jim's place so that none of them would be able to receive the news from Banyan City. Don't worry, I've got it under control."Joshua's heart sank when he heard this. He leaned against the wall and let out a sigh. "Like father, like son."It was unbelievable how detail-oriented Nigel was at such a young age."
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Chapter 2952
The next morning, Joshua was just about to take a quick nap on the sofa after working the entire night when his phone rang.It was Jude.Joshua picked up, rubbing his eyebrows in exhaustion. "What's wrong?""Joshua!" Jude exclaimed from the other end of the line. "Where were you last night?"Joshua furrowed his eyebrows and glanced at the empty living room. "At home, of course."Before this, he and Luna had stayed in a rental unit that John helped them book so that their return to Banyan City would remain a secret, but considering that everyone in Banyan City knew that they returned and even witnessed Luna attempting murder, Joshua decided not to continue staying at the rental unit anymore and instead returned home to Blue Bay Villa.Since Blue Bay Villa had been abandoned for quite some time, he dismissed most of the servants working there, with only a couple remaining to keep the villa clean and tidy.It was five in the morning, and the cleaners had yet to arrive, so Joshua wa
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Chapter 2953
"Yes, it's me."It was none other than John, who disappeared the day before with Anne's body and their daughter, Sammie. At this moment, he was standing at Joshua's door with an umbrella in the pouring rain, his eyes bloodshot. "I was the one who killed Jacqueline."John wanted to exact revenge against Jacqueline ever since finding out about Anne's death, but he never once dreamed that Luna, the person whom he blamed for Anne's death, would risk everything, including her status and future, to murder Jacqueline in front of so many people…It should have been him, and only him.Therefore, after seeing the news last night, John decided not to hide any longer and instead went to the hospital to kill Jacqueline once and for all. If it were not for the fact that Willow was already arrested, he would have killed her, too.Joshua sighed as he stared at John's sunken face. "I knew it was you."There were no records of John or Sammie leaving the city, so this meant that they had been in hi
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Chapter 2954
"Okay," replied Joshua after a moment of silence."You shouldn't stay here long. The police will be on me since Jacqueline is dead. They'll be here anytime soon looking for me," he said.He gave John a name card. "This is a name card of a logistic company's owner. He owes me big time. Take this name card to him, and he'll know you're my friend. I'll keep my promise and never ask the owner your whereabouts with Sammie, ever."John paused and nodded while he tightened his fist with the name card in his palm. "Goodbye.""Take care," bade Joshua.John turned around and used the black baseball cap to hide his face while walking away with the umbrella. Just as he got to the street, a police car drove by.It was a dim morning, and it was raining to boot. The police were busy tracking where Joshua had been last night, so none of them noticed the man with the umbrella leaving.The moment John passed by the police car, he smiled ambiguously and contacted the owner of the logistics company
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Chapter 2955
"No one is going to laugh at you." It seemed like Joshua could tell what Luna was thinking about.He curled up his lips and smiled. "I'm here."Luna raised her head and looked at him through the glass. The determination and seriousness in his eyes warmed her chest.She bit her lip. After a moment of silence, she asked, "How's Jacqueline doing?"With a peaceful expression, he looked at Luna's face and said, "She's dead.""She's…dead?" Stunned, Luna looked back at him in disbelief. "How could that be?"When she was brought away by the police, Jacqueline was still smiling at the police as she told them how she, Luna, tried to kill her. Although Jacqueline's abdomen was bleeding, her mind was clear and she was still very much alive.'How is she dead over the night?' she thought."She didn't die because you stabbed her in the stomach. Someone snuck into the hospital and killed her." Joshua frowned.He was not going to tell her John was the murderer."So, there is no plaintiff in y
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Chapter 2956
Perhaps Joshua never expected Luna would suddenly question him about John's whereabouts at this time. He was startled and quietly shook his head."No. He was gone with Anne's body and Sammie after Anne passed away yesterday. I looked everywhere—every train station, airport, harbor, and highway. But…"He sighed. "I still can't find any traces of him leaving. Maybe he's still in the city. We just can't find where he is hiding. Don't worry. I'll try my best to look for him."Since he promised John not to look into where he and Sammie were going, he thought it was unnecessary to let Luna know about the promise. It was better off—that no one ever knew he had met up with John before."Okay." The light in Luna's eyes dimmed down after knowing that. "I'm sure he never wants to see us again or doesn't want to be found… If you can't find him, just let it be."The whole city must have gotten the news that she nearly killed Jacqueline during the wedding. If John was still indifferent after se
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Chapter 2957
Joshua instinctively rubbed his brows in frustration when he heard this. "Well, the truth is, none of you needed to come."Since Jacqueline was dead, there was no longer any plaintiff in Luna's hearing. Not only that, but all the surveillance tapes of that night were seized by the police as evidence, and the fact that everyone at the wedding that day could vouch that Jacqueline provoked Luna to the extent that she lost control…This meant that Luna would not suffer too badly, even if she had to face judicial prosecution in the end.After all, she did this for her best friend, whom she held dear to her heart."Needn't come?" Jim scoffed at this. "If we don't come now, when are we supposed to see her? After she starts serving time in prison?"This is absolutely outrageous, Joshua Lynch! Not only did you fail to protect Luna, but now that she's in jail, you even dare tell us not to come visit her!"Did you intend to continue hiding this from us? We wouldn't even have known about thi
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Chapter 2958
Joshua nodded, gave Rosalyn a courteous smile, then circled past them and headed straight toward the kids."Daddy!" Nellie spread her little arms wide open when she saw him coming and lunged straight into his embrace. "I missed you so much!"Joshua curled his lips into a smile as he knelt to pick her up. "Daddy misses all of you too."Nellie could not help pouting when she heard this. "What do you mean, you miss all of us, and not just me?"She reached out to point at Shelly's stroller with her pudgy little finger. "Are you saying that you don't love me anymore ever since Shelly came along?"Joshua could not help bursting into a chuckle when he saw the jealousy on Nellie's face. "I meant all four of you, sweetheart."He pressed a kiss onto her cheek and added, "All four of you, and also your Mommy, are my babies. I love all of you equally, and that never changed even after Shelly came along. And this means that I won't stop loving Mommy or your brothers because of you, do you und
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Chapter 2959
Neil and Nellie rushed to Joshua when they heard this and lined up to stare at him expectantly, waiting to hear his answer.Even Shelly seemed to understand her brothers and sister's actions and fixated her unblinking eyes on Joshua.Joshua sighed, gazing at the four children. "Your mother is fine, but…"He reached out to gently clasp Nellie's hand. "Unfortunately, Mommy needs to stay apart from us for a while. Will you wait patiently for Mommy to return?"Nellie bit her lip and lifted her head to stare at Joshua with tearful eyes. "I will! Not only that, but I'm sure Nigel, Neil, and Shelly will all wait for her to come back!"As she said this, she trotted to the stroller and gently held her sister's chubby hand. "Even though Mommy isn't around, I'll take good care of little Shelly! When she returns, she'll see just how good of a sister I am!"Joshua curled his lips into a smile as a surge of warmth spread into his heart. He was certain that Neil and Nellie had heard of what hap
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Chapter 2960
Luna closed her eyes, and memories of her with Anne flashed in her mind. The countless nights Anne spent with her, the time they admired the moon together…After Anne's unfortunate death, Anne's smiling face kept on appearing in her mind for days.She knew very well Anne would not want her to blame herself because of how kind she was. She even imagined Anne holding her hand, telling her it was not her fault with kindness and love.Nevertheless, it failed to make her come out from the fact that she was the reason her best friend was dead. Every time she thought of this, the pain consumed her so badly that she thought it was a mistake for her to be alive."Luna." Jim could see the sorrow and hopelessness in his sister's eyes. He furrowed his brows while holding Bonnie's hand to stop her from saying anything related to Anne."Dad and Mom flew here too. Everyone cares about you; we're worried about you. They wanted to come with us, but I stopped them. I was afraid you'd feel even wors
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