All Chapters of Pursuing My Ex-Wife Isn't Easy: Chapter 2961 - Chapter 2970
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Chapter 2961
Jim frowned and looked at Bonnie flatly. "Do you think Luna would be happy if we did that?"Bonnie paused after what Jim said. After that, she shook her head quietly. "She'd be angry at us."John was Anne's husband and Sammie's father. He was a person Anne cared deeply for in this world.Sammie would not just lose her mother if they sent John to jail for killing Jacqueline, but she would also lose the time growing up with her father just because they wanted to save Luna.Luna would never agree to that."That's why we can't let John surrender himself to the police." Jim gazed into the distance. "Still, we need to find him."Bonnie was confused. "If we're not going to ask him to surrender, why should we look for him?"Sooner or later, the police were going to be suspicious of John, and they would just lead the police to him if they were able to track him down."It'll give Luna peace of mind to know where he is." Jim sighed. "Remember what Luna said just now. She regretted that sh
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Chapter 2962
"Fine! You're not going to look for him, are you?" Jim furrowed his brows vehemently, seeing Joshua's indifferent attitude. "I can track him down myself. I'll use my family's power and those from Craig Group to track him down!"Even if he's at the other end of the world, I'm going to track him. I want him to tell Luna himself that Luna bought him time and took the blame for him!"Right after that, he walked out angrily.Bam! The door to the study slammed shut.Joshua remained seated on the chair as he looked in the direction where Jim left. His hand reached for his aching glabella."Daddy." Suddenly, the door opened again. This time, the person who entered was Neil. He looked like something was bothering him.He walked in, closed the door, and climbed on the chair across from Joshua to sit. "Did Uncle John really kill that bad woman?"Joshua was stunned. Neil must have been standing outside for long enough to overhear the conversation between him and Jim. He frowned and walked o
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Chapter 2963
All in all, Jim and Bonnie did not track down John.…A month later, Luna's case for intentionally causing harm was scheduled for hearing in the court in Banyan City. Joshua and the Landry family had used all possible means to help with the case, and every guest who attended the wedding had given their affidavit to prove that Jacqueline was the one who instigated Luna to result in her reckless and impulsive action.Despite that, it did not help much because the action was done in public. Eventually, she was unable to escape the legal sanction for intentionally causing harm to another person. As a result, Luna was sentenced to a four-month jail.Since she was already in jail for one month previously, the remaining sentence she needed to serve was three months.Time passed swiftly. In the blink of an eye, Luna finished serving her time in jail.On the day she was released, Charles, Rosalyn, Jim, Bonnie, Theo, and Rachel were patiently waiting at the entrance. Luna had her hair cut.
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Chapter 2964
Luna was not in the mood to go back home with everyone.She bit her lip and tried to let go of Rosalyn's hand. "Mom, please tell me. What happened to him?"Her tears were rolling down her cheeks when she begged to know what happened to Joshua.Over the past three months, she thought of the many memories she had with Joshua. She also saw much news regarding Lynch Group. When she was serving her sentence, the only thing on her mind was the guilt and sadness she had for Anne.Later, she slowly understood how much Joshua had sacrificed for her when she was in jail with her inmates and from the news.To have those guests who attended the wedding plead for her and tell the truth about what happened that night, Joshua paid back every debt that Adrian owed to the debtors and, in the process, nearly used up half of his savings. All this so that Luna could spend less time in jail.If she knew ahead of what Joshua was going to do, she would have stopped him. She knew very well how much it m
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Chapter 2965
"Who?" Luna was stunned when Rosalyn said that, her mind unable to process her mother's words. "Who is waiting for me?""Who else can it be? The person you've been worrying about, of course." Jim laughed out loud uncontrollably as he extended his hand out to knock at Luna's forehead. "Joshua is waiting for you inside. Go now."Luna was dumbstruck. It took her a while to finally process the whole thing. The second realization dawned on her, she dashed out of the car like a strong gust.After she got down from the car, she could finally tell what the building was. It was a church. Before this, she had been worried about Joshua's safety and could not pay attention to her surroundings. All she could tell was that they were not at their house.Finally, she understood why no one in the car said anything, acting like they were keeping a secret from her when she looked at the church in front of her.'T—This is the surprise Joshua prepared for me!' she thought.She burst into tears of joy
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Chapter 2966
A tall, slender man holding a gigantic bouquet of fresh red roses made his way toward Luna from a distance.This scene both surprised and delighted Luna greatly. The tears that had dissipated after finding out Joshua was okay began to well up in her eyes once more.This time, they were tears of pure joy.Joshua was dressed in a black suit with gold trimming, which made him look even more elegant than usual. The bouquet of scarlet roses was a stark contrast against the darkness of his suit, making his handsome face stand out even from a distance.Luna could not help recalling the scene of her marriage to Joshua all those years ago as she stared at the very man before her.At that time, Joshua married her just to spite Adrian, and because of that, they had not invited many guests nor had they put much effort into the preparation. Even the wedding dress had been picked out in a hurry, and none of them even wrote vows for the occasion.Even at that time, Luna could not help feeling d
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Chapter 2967
"Well, don't stop asking for more."Just as they spun around for the fifth time, Jim finally could not hold it together anymore and snapped, "Hey, if you don't get ready soon, you'll miss the perfect timing!"Joshua snapped back to reality. He quickly put Luna down and pressed a kiss onto her forehead. "Alright. Time to get ready."Luna furrowed her brows at this, but before she could say anything, she was swept away backstage by Rachel and Bonnie.The makeup artist and assistant had been waiting for her, having already prepared the wedding dress beforehand.When Luna showed up, they quickly plopped her down in a chair and went to work. A few people helped her get changed into her dress, whereas a few others were in charge of styling her hair, and the rest were touching up her makeup.Luna finally had a taste of what it was like to be a celebrity with a team of stylists at her beck and call.She let out a bitter chuckle and said, "Well, if I had known this was the treatment I'd
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Chapter 2968
[That's not entirely true.] Rachel's message was followed by a naughty emoji. [I'm not that childish, you know.]What happened between Theo and Roanne had long since been left in the past, and she no longer held a grudge over it.[It's just that I no longer have any longing for love and marriage.][It's no wonder people call you a weirdo.] Caleb's mischievous reply came quickly. [Hey, I have something interesting to tell you.][What is it?][I saw Gwen.] A photo was sent alongside Caleb's message. [I was visiting a friend in a small town down south, and I ran into her in an alleyway. I recognized her, but she didn't seem to remember me. We passed by each other in the streets, but I didn't stop her either. All I did was take this picture of her.]Rachel froze when she saw this, then clicked on the photo.It was indeed Gwen. She was wearing a beige floral dress, her hair spilling across her back as she made her way down a cobblestone street, holding a blue umbrella. She was just a
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Chapter 2969
Luna and Bonnie were glued to their chairs for a little over an hour while their makeup artists and hairstylists worked their magic.When the clock struck ten, the two brides were escorted to the end of the stage by Rachel and Shannon.Charles and Rosalyn flanked the end of the stage, with Rosalyn clinging onto her walking stick."Luna." Charles reached out and stared at Luna. "I'll give you away to Joshua."Luna nodded and grabbed hold of his arm.Rosalyn, on the other hand, offered her arm to Bonnie. "Even though you don't have any family, you're Luna's best friend, and I have always treated you as my own daughter, so let me take the place of your parents and give you away to Jim."Bonnie froze, then nodded as tears welled up in her eyes. "Okay."She used to wonder who would give her away at her wedding, considering none of her parents would be there.Would she have to walk all the way down the red carpet herself?It was not until this final moment that she realized the Land
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Chapter 2970
Rachel raised her brows and handed him the bouquet. "Alright. you can have it." Theo paused, and the expression on his face became a little more twisted. "Aren't you going to ask me who I'm getting married to?" "You can get married to anyone you want." Rachel curled her lips into a smile. "As long as it's not me." With that, she pushed him away and turned to leave. She had just taken two steps when Theo grabbed hold of her arm. He furrowed his brows and fixated his intense stare on her. "Rachel, are you…are you really okay with the idea of me marrying someone else?" Rachel raised her brows in amusement and turned to meet his gaze. "Well, I wasn't okay when you insisted on marrying Roanne, but what did that get me in the end? What difference does it make whether I'm okay with it or not?" Theo fell silent upon hearing this. Then, he took a small step back, his eyes still fixated on her. "I know what I did wrong now, and I've been trying my best to make amends to you in hopes
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