All Chapters of Sane's Insane: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
53 Chapters
Chapter Twenty
It hadn't been the first time that Sane heard that there were students in the campus who wanted to disprove the legend, and to see for themselves that there was no ghost there. When Sane first heard about people's plans before, he immediately thought that it was dumb. If there were really a ghost in there, then she would be smart enough not to actually reveal herself as ghosts weren't people. They could easily conceal themselves without trying, well, that was what Sane was thinking. Thus, it would prove them unreliable. However, it was a different scenario before. He never really cared much about the legend, nor did he care much about people not following the rules because he still wasn't part of the student council before, nor did he even think that the student council would even do anything about it. It was already a different scen
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Chapter Twenty-One
There were still a lot of students that were going in and out of the university because of their night classes, but Sane was confident that Seleen blended well with the students as she was still wearing the university uniform as well, although the pair of shoes that she was wearing didn't fit her well. Moreover, it also looked as if there was really something going on because of the way they held each other.   They were like a new couple who was going out for a date for the first time, and even when Sane even attempted to keep his head down, he knew that it was already useless as people had already seen them. Some even stopped walking just to stare at them walking outside of the university. He knew that they might've been wondering who the student council president was with, and why they were walking in that
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Chapter Twenty-Two
Sane's gut feelings were right. The next morning, he hadn't even stepped foot on the campus yet, but he had already noticed how a number of his schoolmates, especially those who cared much about his personal life, talked about seeing him with a girl last night. He even heard someone say  that she was clinging onto him as if she wanted to get into his pants so badly. He knew that they were already picturing out Seleen to be that kind of person, and that thought sat bitterly at the roof of his mouth. That made Sane feel the heat on his chest because of sudden anger. He knew that there would always be people who speak ill about him and about Seleen, but he couldn't understand how some people couldn't have the common decency to at least talk about those things when he wasn't around. 
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Chapter Twenty-Three
Since the janitors and other staff already knew about the situation after Sane told them, stricter policies were called to keep people, especially people like Pami, away from the rooftop. He was glad that they were doing that because he wouldn’t need to think about the safety of Seleen more often.  However, even when that was the case, he was already allowed to go there, although not officially. He still needed to go there with caution, and without people knowing that he would be going there because if someone with authority was to see him going there, he was still going to get an anecdotal report, and would be sanctioned. But that was already good for Sane. He knew how to be careful in the first place. People still talked about him having a girlfriend, but it was no longer as excessive as the last time, and Sane could see
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Chapter Twenty-Four
“Then who deserves me, Sane?”  After hours of continuous thinking about that one single question, Sane finally found the answer, and when he did, he wanted to slap himself for not being able to answer the question immediately. The answer was very obvious, and maybe he thought about the question too deeply, making it hard for him to answer it.  The one who deserved Seleen was no one but herself. It wasn’t anyone else, but her. That was probably the reason why fate allowed her to survive in that accident because all of her life, she had been living for other people, for her father, and never for herself. Maybe it was a second chance in life that destiny had given her because for Sane, she deserved to start a new life. She deserved to move on from her cruel past. She deserved to live life to the full
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Chapter Twenty-Five
“Did you know that I also want to see Saturn up close?” she asked as they laid on the comforter, looking at the night sky where the stars were twinkling like little fireflies. That was the usual thing that they did, especially when Seleen had a lot of stories and thoughts to tell. Sane liked listening to her talk. Her voice would sometimes even make him sleepy as it was very soothing, and he was certain that there were times that he really did fall asleep, but she was fine with it, and let him be. He couldn’t even count how many times it could’ve happened, and just thinking about it was already making him ashamed of himself. That was why he chose not to think about it. Sane looked at Seleen who was still looking at the sky. She was tracing the stars using her fingers, and he couldn’t help but follow her
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Chapter Twenty-Six
For so long in his life, Sane thought that he understood girls. Well, they were still confusing at times, especially when he had girl friends. He had witnessed how they could easily change their decisions in certain circumstances, and how complicated they became sometimes. However, before he met Seleen, he thought he knew them better than other men, but it looked like being surrounded by girls wasn’t enough for him to completely understand them.  He couldn’t understand what Seleen meant by what she said or whether there was really any hidden meaning behind it. The more he thought about it, the more his mind felt like exploding. It had been exactly three days since she said that, and since then, he hadn’t talked to Seleen properly again. Whenever he tried to go there, she would tell him that she wasn’t in the mood for visitors, and Sane, never wanting to for himsel
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Chapter Twenty-Seven
Sane remembered Haniel saying that she wasn’t good around new people, and that was the reason why she didn’t have a lot of friends. When she said that, he was confused because as far as he could see, she had a lot of friends. She even had friends who were out of Sane’s circle of friends. That was why since she said that, he never knew whether she was joking at that time or whether she was really serious. Now, looking at Seleen and Haniel talking as if they had known each other for so long was making Sane think about what she said again. Sure, Seleen wasn’t a total stranger for Haniel since they had already talked before, but they weren’t that close either so it was making him terribly confused. Haniel was good around people. Maybe she did feel awkward, but she kept it to herself. That was why she was also a good leader. She was good when it came to handling peopl
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Chapter Twenty-Eight
Sane needed to wake up earlier than he usually did because they needed to check the final touches of the event from the venue down to the details of the program. It was to make sure that everything would go on fine as it was crucial to do so. It wasn’t the student council’s responsibility alone as the foundation week was also a week-long event that even the faculty and staff were preparing for. He was just needed there because he was the president, and he needed to act upon his duties. It was no longer a strange thing for him to wake up that early as he would often do so because those were the times when he would review for his exams as it was the most effective thing to do for him. The sun still hadn’t risen when he left the house, and the morning breeze felt like the winter’s first kiss against his skin. He
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Chapter Twenty-Nine
Sane had no idea who the person could be because things tended to be utterly unpredictable in his life, and most often than not, he would find himself in scenarios he never thought he’d be able to face and experience. Life was playful that way. The first person that he thought of was Illiana, especially when he remembered that she said that she still liked him even after what happened, but Sane didn’t want to assume that it was really her because he wasn’t the type who liked concluding things, especially when it involved other people’s feelings.  He didn’t really know whether he wanted it to be Illiana or not, considering that they already knew each other, and maybe the situation wouldn’t be that awkward in comparison to other people. 
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