All Chapters of The Deal: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
67 Chapters
Chapter Thirty-One
A REALITY JUST AS SWEET Roman led them to the bar after their little endeavor and ordered two shots of tequila, knowing it was exactly what she needed to reset her senses. His ambush threw her off and it showed in her actions, not that he was complaining.  Wordlessly they threw back the shots as soon as the bartender set it down and Sierra turned to face him.  “Hi…” She breathed out.  “Hi.” He smoldered.  “I’m sorry, I just don’t know what to say right now.” Sierra covered her face to cool the heat in her cheeks.  “You don&rsq
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Chapter Thirty-Two
DRUNK ON LOVE Thoughts and memories of Roman ravaged through her mind like never before, in the past, she’d distracted her mind till all thoughts of him left her, but that didn’t seem to be working as she tried to enjoy the rest of her evening knowing he was seated a few feet away.  Is he thinking about me too? “Sierra, earth to Sierra!” Macy called with raised eyebrows, “Where are you?” She asked, referring to the faraway look in SIerra’s eyes, but before she could utter a word, Brent stood up at the end of the table.  “It’s been lovely, but I think I should go. Have a good evening everybody.” With those words and a tight smile, he scooped up his jac
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Chapter Thirty-Three
HARSH REALIZATION   Alexa looked stunning in her A-line silk dress, the dress was simply beautiful with a belt of dark blue crystals wrapped around her waist which matched the beads on her veil. The smile on her face was one that could only be associated with pure happiness and seeing the tears in Jefferson’s eyes, she had no doubt he was just as elated.  He was undoubtedly marrying the love of his life.  The traditional song of ‘Here comes the bride’ was playing through the speakers set up in the garden. It was the perfect day for a fall wedding, early September meant the heat of summer had simmered down and the leaves were starting to turn a warm shade of orange, making for the perfect background before they fell. 
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Chapter Thirty-Four
TAKING A STAND  “Good evening ladies, I hope you won’t mind me stealing Sierra away for a few minutes?” The three ladies at the table seemed taken by his charisma and shook their heads in unison. “Milady?” He asked, his grin now focussed on Sierra.  Sierra didn’t say a word, but took his offered hand and allowed him to lead her to the dance floor where couples danced to ‘Lady in Red’ by Chris de burgh.  Her heart was thumping wildly in her chest and her limbs felt heavy as she allowed him to sway her along with the music, the feeling of being in his arms was both a relief and a source of pain. She longed to stay that way forever, bu
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Chapter Thirty-Five
CLOSURE  “What if I want you to stop me?” She spun around after a moment of contemplation.  “I’d never do that to you.” He was trying to be noble, she scoffed.  “Roman, I don’t know what you’ve been through, I don’t know what you’re running from and I certainly don’t know what it is your mother is trying to protect you from, but what I do know is that the day you stop running away from things in a bid to protect it, you’ll realize that those are the thighs should have been running towards, because it’s actually worth protecting.” Her parting words felt a weight off her shoulders, she said her bit, now the ball was in his court.  
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Chapter Thirty-Six
FAMILY The elevator opened two floors below Sierra’s for a man to enter and the moment his eyes landed on Sierra recognition sparked.  “You’re the woman who so boldly kissed my son on stage.” He stated, causing heat to rise on Sierra’s cheeks.  “When you put it like that, it sounds a lot worse than intended. My name is Sierra Brightly, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Leek.” He accepted the handshake with narrowed eyes.  “Correct me if I am wrong, but you’re the head scientist who created the cure for Diabetes, are you not?” Sierra chuckled lowly and nodded. 
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Chapter Thirty-Seven
UNDERSTANDING The weeks following the conference were filled with Sierra giving interviews and doing handovers of shipments to various hospitals on the outreach list. She didn’t expect that the tour would be as fulfilling as she found it to be, there was something about visiting old age homes and seeing the hope in people’s faces when they saw the drug.  “As we know, Diabetes is amongst the world's worst degenerative diseases because of the large number of the population that it affects and while over the years we have seen a great improvement in treatment which may aid in reducing the long-term effects of the disease, I would like to point out that Anti-Glycosa drug is not a ‘heal all’ it cannot reverse the degeneration alrea
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Chapter Thirty-Eight
DEVASTATION “I have the contract with me if you would like to take a look.” She retrieved the manila folder from her bag and placed it on the desk before him. Elijah didn’t waste a moment in tearing open the seal and began reading the contract, asking questions where the terms seemed unclear and making notes where he felt a clause could be added, and just as he opened his mouth to ask another question, both their phones rang, seeing Ken’s name on her screen, Sierra excused herself to take the call in the hallway.  “Hi, Ken!” Sierra greeted, wondering why he was calling at such an odd time.  “Sierra.” He sounded out of breath and there were loud noises in the background, s
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Chapter Thirty-Nine
RELIEF Hours passed with Elijah and Karisa’s house filling up with friends and family. Alexa and Jeff, who returned from their honeymoon only the day before, were already on their way over for dinner when her father called to tell them what transpired.  The living room was filled to the brim with people sitting on couches and the floor, watching the television for any sign of Roman. An hour ago emergency services were able to control the fire and get enough rubble removed to start helping people out of the building where they’d been trapped for almost three hours.  Constant checks of social media and any connection to the bombing, hoping they would find a clue which led them to Roman’s whereabouts, the curren
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Chapter Forty
THE END OR THE BEGINNING  A week later Sierra arrived at the Leek residence with the final contract in hand, she had called ahead to warn Elijah of her arrival and he made no indication that there would be so many people present, but judging from the number of cars in the driveway, she was sure they had company.  She knocked on the door the same way she had the other day, but instead of Karisa, she was welcomed by Alexa’s annoyed face.  “Hi, is this a bad time? I had a meeting with your father.” Alexa’s eyes widened and she shook her head, running a hand through her hair.  “No it's fine, I’ll just
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