All Chapters of The Entrapped Marriage: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
241 Chapters
111. Jason
Just like he suspected, something definitely was fishy about them, and from the looks of it, Jason knew it wasn't a good relationship that Kitty has with Carlos. Why did he drag her shirt? Why did she bite him? What was it that Kitty can't tell him about? He buried himself in those thoughts as his eyes kept traveling between their gaze.    Warm breath left his lips, they mumbled but words refused to speak, it was as though he had no teeth, what possibly can he say? he thought. Slowly he shut his eyes, and rubbed his temples, frustrated by them.    "Excuse me" Carlos said about to leave kitty and Jason, he hoped in his heart Jason didn't hear a thing, it wouldn't be good for him for Madamme Rosa to know that kitty was his daughter, she might think he got her married to Jason and believe that Jason's accusations of him wanting to take his inheritance was true, he wouldn't let that happen.   As he was about to tak
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112. Kitty
She was caught off guard, who was the Alfredo's, why did Carlos used that as an excuse? Why are the family scared of the Alfredo's?    In as much as wanted to grasp it in, she still couldn't. There were missing pieces, it didn't match, it didn't make sense, how come the family had enemies and this was the first time she was hearing about it. She felt as though she was kept in the dark, they drew closer he should have told her. But yet he didn't, and she just found out about it in the most absurd way ever.    She wanted to frown but it would give her away, that was an excuse Carlos made, to save her from telling Jason that Carlos was her father, a truth she was utterly embarrassed by. Father and daughter married to the same family, quite a disgusting thing, a shameful matter.   She erupt from her thoughts when she felt his grip on her wrist, she didn't try to struggle but just followed him, and he lend her strai
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113. Jason
The sadness in her eyes pierced deep into his heart, he became lost looking at them, there seemed deeper than the deepest part in the ocean. And the tears that rolled down her cheeks made him regret every choice he had made all his life.   He couldn't bring himself to say the truth, he never knew how much of a monster he were until now, it he could do anything, just so she would continue seeing him like a good person, the way she have been since they met, he liked it.    Everyone around him was terrified of him, everyone knew how dangerous he were, the moment he met her and she looked at him like a decent person, he loved the feeling, he loved the man she portrayed him to be, but like withered rose's in the gathered that feeling he so much love and desired had crushed.    For the first time, she looked afraid, bitter at the sight of him and he, he hated it. He could give anything to give up his past his identit
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114. Kitty
There was no moment in her existence, she ever thought she would find herself drowning in regrets. Her everly perfect life, one that even her hardships had failed to taint, was now tainted by a criminal she had let into her life.   She felt guilty, and equally responsible for that which she accused him about, if only he would disagree, if only he was innocent, but she doubted, every glance at him, she could see the guilt in him, eating him up like a pest would.   It pierced her heart to know that even she that preached righteousness, was faced in such a situation she couldn't get herself out of.   Like the waterfall flow into the sea forming a bond that there weren't any room for separation she had fallen for him, and bonded with him, and for how long? she mocked herself in her heart.   "No, she fell from the stairway." He said to her, but she scoffed at him, not believing a word that went out of his
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115. Jason
Without hesitating, he struggled with his bags, stealing glances at Kitty but she didn't say a word.   "Let me help you" His grandmother said and helped him with the bags as they walked out of the room. Madamme Rosa was indeed pleased with what she had witnessed, she had thought it was going to be difficult to split them apart, but now, she didn't had to do anything. Now more than ever she bet that Jason would oblige to her decision and what she had to tell him about.   Drawling, he walked to another room, dropping the luggages on the floor, he walked straight to the bed and sat down, lazily removing his shoes and his dirty shirt.   "Jason, I don't trust kitty" Madamme Rosa exclaimed as she walked to him and sat beside him on the bed, she placed her hand on his shoulder and stared into his eyes   "I swear, I have a bad feeling around her, she look awfully familiar, I don't know where I've see
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116. Kitty
As the morning light shone through the window, it flickered in her eyes, she kept flinching I'm accordance, and soon blocked the rays with her hand, slowly opening her eyes as she wondered 'how come the window was left opened'   She helped herself up with her hand, and sat on her butt on the bed, looking by her side to an empty space, the memory of last night clouded her mind.    She scoffed and raised a brow, then she lazily got off the bed and head towards the bathroom. It wasn't the kind of first night she had planned, when she thought of Vegas the first time he said it, she thought it would be even better than what they shared in Cambonian, but not at all, it was as though she left paradise and now she is in some kind of cage, that had piercing nails, dipping into her skin and hurting her all over and she couldn't even get a break even though she desired it.   She let the water washed her skin, as she gently scr
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117. Kitty
  She thought to dial Jason's number but her hands were shaking and her brain-telling her it was a bad idea.    She placed her phone on the table, drinking the snail soup, it tastes nice and somehow subdued the pain in her heart, before she could even think of relaxing, she heard the crackling sound of the door opening, she instantly fixed her eyes on the door, she narrowed it further, seeing the way the person paused as if he was trying to sneak in.   Her lips were slightly opened as she breathed quietly but heaving through her mouth, she was panicking, thinking that it might be the unknown ID, but she gulp her saliva, still breathing heavily, focused on the door, as she tried to sweep fear off her heart, she picked the glass of water on the table and drank from it.    With her gaze still on the door, she saw the fancy shoes underneath the door, it looked like size forty five, exactly same size he
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118. Kitty
Kitty fell on the chair, her hand placed on her chest, she was frightened, and started grasping for air, how could he say that of his daughter, how could he wasn't his child to divorce, shouldn't he be happy with her relationship, but instead he was being selfish like he always have been.   She sat on the couch and continued eating, every chunk of bread was harder to chew, she couldn't stop thinking about Mira and her aunt "Should I do exactly as he says. 'No, talk to Jason first' I will talk to him first" A voice said in her head and she nodded I'm response.   After she was done it was about thirty minutes past the three hours she told Sarah to come back for the dirty dishes.   "Are you done ma" Sarah said immediately she walked in, smiling pretentiously at Kitty.   ",Yes I am, you didn't keep to time?" Kitty asked wondering if she had come earlier but overhead Carlos.  
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119. Jason
It wasn't even dawn, but Jason couldn't bare to waste any minute, he got up as soon as his eyes were opened, and had his bath. and didn't even waited for breakfast. He head out straight to the casino making sure that he avoided Kitty.   Somehow he had always knew that coming to Vegas would harm his relationship with Kitty, and he wasn't wrong about that, they just got in and it has all been drama. His fight with Kitty were even the least, he couldn't help but kept thinking about his grandma accepting the Alfredo's dinner, and Lucia's talk about engagement, he knew his grandma definitely would accept the proposal.   He couldn't get married to Lucia, it wasn't just because of his marriage to Kitty, he was scared, he knew that the Alfredo's wouldn't just stop a lifetime feud over a marriage, it felt fishy to him, he knew very well that this certainly must be another way Mr Alfredo want to nail him down.   He sighed as he le
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120. Jason
"Is that the right thing to do? Sir I know you love her a lot, will you be able to do that?" Pedro asked Jason with pleading eyes, but he focused on his drinks.   "What other measures would I take, Patricia got what she deserved, Kitty will too, she ain't more special than Patricia." He placed his glass on his desk.   "Of course kitty is more special than Patricia, you never loved Patricia, you just wanted to use her, and she was using you too. Kitty is different because you love her, our feelings is what makes the people in our lives special." Pedro walked up to him and looked at him dearly "For your sake, I hope she isn't what we are thinking of her."   "I hope so too Pedro, I hope do too." He licked his lips and picked up a file on the table. "Carlos, what should I do to you now, hmmmm" He grunted.  "Get the human resource manager here." He commanded   "Okay sir." Pedr
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