All Chapters of The Entrapped Marriage: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
241 Chapters
131. Jason
In as much as he wanted to divorce her, he knew deep down he didn't want it, but he couldn't bring himself to trust her anymore, all the words she said felt like plain lies,    When he recalled that they've only been married for two months, he knew he would have to cope with her for the next four months, and he was scared "What if I actually start falling for her again, what if I get swayed and get more hurt" Those words repeated in his heart, and he couldn't just ignore, he wasn't able to stop the thought, they kept replaying like a music on repeat.    Most importantly, he needed his inheritance, his father's trust fund for him, and the one he had been processing from his grandma. He took a deep long breath, listening to everything kitty was saying, he wanted her to shut it already but she kept insisting they should work things out, he didn't wanted that.   And when he told her he rather be with Lucia,
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132. Kitty
She was shocked when he blocked the slap, she didn't expect him to do that. Just for that moment she felt he actually does care about her and all his words was nothing but mere words, she walked and stood behind him, wrapping her hands around his waist, she placed her head on his back, it was heaven, just the way like before. He actually stood up for her Infront of his own grandmother, kitty felt her heart about to burst out in excitement, only that action of his wiped the whole horrible words he had said to her earlier off her head, her heart jumping for joy, her stomach flutter.  And when he yelled for her to leave his room, kitty's couldn't wish for anything more, and all along, he didn't try to remove her hand around his body, all along, he had no problem with her leaning on him. After he chased his grandmother away, she suddenly felt his strong grip on her hands, opening her hands apart, to release her grip on
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133. Jason
"I will be right there with you soon, wait up for me." Harry said to Jason and hung up before he could respond.   Immediately after the call, Jason kept thinking if it was really okay to marry Lucia,  "No" He muttered out loud, she have always had her eyes for his Casino, he never ever wanted to make the mistake of loosing his Casino. He walked to the kitchen and got a drink, head back to his room.   When he glances around, he got upset seeing all the pictures of himself and Kitty he hung on the wall. After a glass he walked to the first frame and smashed it on the ground, he repeated the same for all the frames hung on the wall. When he got to his mother and father's frame, he held it and burst into tears, he sat on his butt on the floor, sobbing.   He wished his parents were alive, to help him out, the thoughts of them brought back an intense anger, that made him started burning from within. He instantly a
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134. Kitty
It felt like she was shot by a stray bullet, the pain in her heart was too much for her, tears was rolling down her cheeks, as she silently sobbed. When she heard the doorknob cracks, her voracious gaze fixed on the doorknob, she watched it as it turns sideways, and then opened. Her gaze slowly trailed from the floor, to Jason's feet, and all the way upwards to his face. She stood there glaring at him, disappointed it only took few minutes for him to cut ties with her. At the sight of him she felt to hit him on his face, but held herself back. As his gaze rested on her, a burning desire to pluck his eyes from his head brew inside of her. "I will accept the divorce, just give me the papers to sign whenever it's ready." Kitty said to him and walked away before he could say anything else. Suddenly she felt his grip holding her arm, she had never felt that irritated by anyone ever, she turned to him and looked at him dismall
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135. Kitty
It's been two months and since then kitty have had no conversion with Jason. At every sight of him in the morning, he avoids eye contacts with her. In as much as she was upset with him, her heart still skips a bit. At mere sight, her eyes gathered tears, and when he walks pass her, his scent lingers, making her sniff around remembering all of his touch. Everything he touch, and even the sound of his voice, she craves for it.Sometimes she got up really early just to catch a glimpse of him before he leaves the house, and sometimes she stays up all night waiting for him to come back home, but most nights, he spent it out. No doubt with Lucia, she always thoughts, and in those nights she would cry herself to sleep. She got so used to the routine that she was in a mess, not until- *Beep beep* Her phone rang so loud that she ran out of the bathroom with her toothbrush in her mouth, and her hair wrapped in a towel, she
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136. Jason
He picked up his coat on the bed, and swerved out of his room, like he had been doing for the past two months, getting dressed as quick as he could just so he could leave without seeing Kitty. But this time, as soon as he stepped out of his room, she did as well, and just one glance forward, their eyes clashed. He paused, staring at her, she looked better than a week ago, that was when he saw her last.  Tears gathered in his eyes, prickling it but he didn't finch so they wouldn't come rolling down his cheeks. It wasn't the kind of marriage he hoped for, when he placed a ring on her finger, he was certain she was the one for him, but now, they were typically leaving like strangers in their own home. No matter how much his heart still skips for her, he never planned on going back. He was certain that the divorce is the best for them.  He kept staring at her, and her piercing gaze made his heart crumb
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137. Jason
Lucia could swear those words hit Jason right in his stomach. He tried to gasped for air. He looked extremely agitated, his bottom lips being savaged by his teeth, and his fist clenched as if he was ready to punch someone.  A little stab of guilt pierced him, as he recalled the last words he ever said to Kitty. His last words to her was much heavy-handed and ruthless, and for the past two months he had being reminding her at every sight about their divorce. Still he hoped in his heart, that she never drifted, he never ones imagine her being with someone else other than himself. He was burning inside out, beads of sweats formed all over. As soon as he felt his feet, he took two steps forward but was held back by a force, when he looked behind, it was Lucia, pulling him back. "There is no reason to do this, and especially not here. Let them be." She advised him, but to Jason she was doing it for her own benefits. He h
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138. Kitty
"I really don't know what to say to you. But seriously, I'm grateful, you've been helpful for the past few months we've known each other, but I see you as just a friend." Kitty said to Harry as she slowly removed her hands from his. She felt a bit awful thinking some how it must have been her fault to have gave him the wrong impression about their relationship.  She kept thinking of the mistake she must have probably made but nothing came to her mind.  "Kitty don't just refuse me yet, just take your time and think about it." Harry said trying to convince her. "There is nothing to think about, I'm not attracted to you in any way, you are Jason's friend, your loyalty should lie with your friend, this doesn't speaks well, like it or not, I'm still Jason's wife." She reminded him. Seeing the way tears rolled down Harry's cheeks, she felt even more awful about herself."I'm really sorry,
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139. Jason
He was filled with rage, rage that felt as if it would burst open within his heart and consume him. In as much as he tried to control it, he couldn't, just a glance at Kitty his upper lips curved in fury. Every step he took towards, he felt like dragging her upstairs and chaining her to his bed against her will, maybe then-she- no doubt wouldn't be able to go out with her lover.   As he kept applauding her, tears was rolling down his cheeks, his heart was crushing and each sound of his palm against each other twitched his ears.  If he could, he would kiss her, caress her, apologize to her, but his pride wouldn't let him, and the undying rage he was still feeling for her not telling him about Carlos being her father.   In as much he was a man of extreme foresight, he didn't see that coming, and not this either. How could a woman who claimed to love him with all her heart suddenly was going out with another. It was a big blow to J
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140. Kitty
Surprised! Surely she was. Her brows was furrowed staring at him as he kept hitting his palm against each other, every collision louder than the earlier.  Her perplexity was so evident on her face. The voice in her head, asking her 'What is going on? what did I do again?' but there weren't any answer.   Though her heart was boiling up, she still recall the sight of him with Lucia in the car. It wasn't the first time she have seen them together, but she have come to make peace with it. Though it hurts, it still hurts her. But what could she do, he was a man that hated betrayal, never made peace with a backstabber, and that segment, he had placed her, defined her by just that one mistake she made.   "Bravo" He said in a deep threatening tone, Kitty still stood there perplexed by his display. Since he decided on a divorce, he never paid any attention to her life, never cared if she ate or not, neither did he even check on her but n
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