All Chapters of The Entrapped Marriage: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
241 Chapters
141. Kitty
She glared at Madamme Rosa, wishing she could remove her eyes, her hatred for her was increasing by the day, and every argument she knew that it was just a matter of time before she actually would exchange words with Madamme Rosa. "This is none of your concern, and there is no lover." Kitty defended herself glaring at Madamme Rosa.  "Oh come on, I know my grandson, he wouldn't say something he hasn't verified. So you are a slut?" She pick a fight with Kitty. Kitty scoffed trying to curb the rage she was feeling deep inside, her eyes drifted towards Jason, and his ferocious gaze, made her fury increased. She felt he wasn't in the position to tell her that, she believed him to be having fun with Lucia, and now, just lunch with Harry, was making him jealous. She tried to walk away but Madamme Rosa held her hand with force and pulled her back "You aren't going to say anything?" Madamme Rosa asked ye
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142. Jason
Nothing was more shocking than the sight of Harry shamelessly walking into his home to visit his wife. If someone had told him this day would come he definitely would have doubted. But there he was, sitting as he watched her collect her jacket from him. His heart crushed a million times, staring at them, and the only thing he could recall, was the the sight of them at the hotel. Then he wondered 'Did they just have lunch or?"  He groaned in his spirit, and aloft from the chair, he took few steps forward, as if he was walking towards them. He felt like dragging her away and taking her to his room, but he held himself back. When his eyes met Kitty's, he died a thousand more times.  He glared at her, and took to his room. He slammed the door and kept stomping the ground hard on his feet. He was savaging his lower lips with his teeth. Suddenly he stopped, and took a deep breath. He sat on his b
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143. Jason
As soon as the morning light shone through the curtains, the sun ray rested on her pretty face. He watched her as she tried to block the ray with her hand, despite she was deep asleep.  He was lying on the sofa since three in the morning, watching her and thinking of how he would ask her to go out with him to meet up with the lawyer without her suspecting a thing. He snapped out of his reverie when he noticed the sun rays was getting even brighter than earlier. He aloft on his feet and spreads out the curtains. She stopped struggling to block the rays. After taking his time to adore her pretty face he walked out of the room and went to his. He washed up and got dressed in a greenish grey suit, the left the house straight to his office.  He left as early as possible, trying to avoid Kitty, he was still very much upset with her. The sight of Harry caressing her hand was a big blow to his chest and he
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144. Kitty
When she heard his footsteps walking around she wished he'd close the curtains to prevent the sun rays from penetrating through the thin glass, and he did. She pretended to be deep asleep, when he walked closer, his footsteps sent shivers through her spine.  She had no idea, she would give in to making love with him, but it happened and she regretted it. The sweet smell of his cologne blest her nostrils, when he sat close to her on the bed. She wondered what he was busy doing but her eyes was shut-she couldn't tell.  When he stood up and left, immediately she heard him slam the door she opened her eyes and looked at the window."Thanks, but no thanks"  She was still crushed, still heart broken, still not willing to yield, the sex was meaningful but she didn't wanted to be entangled with him anymore. This time, she just wanted to leave for Cambonian, and for that she could d
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145. Jason
Her words felt like a blade pierced his heart, he knew he had done wrong, in as much as he wanted to defend himself, he still finds himself guilty. He wished he had believed her, seeing the way she begged him he could confirm now she never did it intentional, how could he not have known. He hated her idea, how he could he give her a plane ticket back home just cause she would help him out? He rejected her plea.  She hit him severally but still, he rejected her plea. He felt every slap he deserved it and the pain in his heart was more than the pain on his cheeks. His cheek turned red, and his eyes gathered tears, he pleaded to her, she was about giving in. When she gently moved her hands around his chest and wrapped his neck with it, he moaned silently, but just then Lucia's phone call came in, ruining the moment. Kitty scoffed "Answer your phone, your bride is calling" She walked out of the room. He held his words b
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146. Kitty
She loved that he refused to let her go, even though deep in her heart she wasn't going to accept his pleas. She wasn't going to forgive him just like that. The slaps felt satisfying, she thought he would hit her right back but he didn't, he still pleaded for her to stay. She fixed her eyes on his and was slowly drowning ones again, those deep green eyes she always shy away from. She haven't exactly figured out how she was going to stay without him, she tried not to think about it. His hands on her arms when he pleaded again for her not to leave him sent shivers through her spine.  How could they have come this far, so far that at every glance they broke each other's heart. Tears washed her cheeks and she sobbed loudly, she took few steps towards him, hoping for a warm hug in his arms. and when his hand gently touched her cheeks, she shuts her eyes feeling every bit of his touch, and it made her crave for more. She wanted to sleep in his arms f
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147. Jason
He was shocked to see her eating so late at night. He stood there and watched her for a while, not until her gaze met his and she incited him to join her. He walked to where she was and questioned her if she finished the food on the table, abd she said yes.He was startled, she had finished the pizza, and even the snail he told Matilda to make for him. He kept thinking something must be wrong with her or maybe she was drowning her sorrow in the food. When she asked about Lucia, he knew better not to tell her anything, he didn't want to upset her. But then she erupted into tears. He tried to calm her down, asking her about what was wrong but she didn't say a word, so he kissed her, wishing it would help. .When he felt her kiss him back he was glad.  He kissed her neck down to her breast, he opened up her buttons and his eyes rested on her pointed breast. He bent down and kisses her breast, gently sucking her nipples.
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148. Kitty
When she woke up in the morning, she felt the food of last night was stuck in her throat. She felt like vomiting, so she ran to the bathroom and vomited. Immediately she walked out she met Sarah in the room. "Are you okay ma?" Sarah asked her and kitty nodded. "Madam here is your breakfast." Sarah said to her but Kitty ignored. "I think I'm having constipation, I can't eat right now." She laid on the bed and was dozing off, but she felt like vomiting again, she ran to the bathroom and vomited. She was so tired that when she walked out of there room, she felt weak, and she was finding it difficult to move her feet. She laid on the bed again, feeling completely empty. She wanted to eat, she walked to the sofa, and sat, as she wanted to eat she felt like vomiting again. She rushed back to the bathroom. The time, she couldn't bent her back again, so instead she knelt and placed her head in the toilet sea
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149. Jason
It wasn't as he expected, he never knew his. wife would have a fifty percentage share of all his inheritance. He had been trying to figure out why his father had made a rule for him to get married first before getting his inheritance, maybe he just wanted to help him secure his property and his wife's life Jason thought. Jason understood his concept now, after knowing how his mother died and immediately his father died as well, he now understood why, sharing the wealth with his wife would secure her life in every way. He listened to kitty's question about the inheritance and giving him back his part, he was glad she didn't wanted any of it. He didn't buy the idea of her giving him her half of the wealth, he lived sharing it with her, and was grateful, he hadn't made a mistake if listening to Harry by marrying Lucia before getting his inheritance.  As they walked out of the lawyers office, his ears didn't get a break
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150. Kitty
Without questioning him she followed him and sat on the chair, every fruit he picked out of the basket and gave to her she ate it all. She loved the strawberries and the whipped cream.  When he talked about how he loves her, kitty felt awful, but then again he told her it would be best if she leaves. She felt like he didn't want her there, she couldn't understood himOne minute he loves her and the next he is sending her away, telling her it was for her own good. She didn't understood the statement, she so damn upset to even question him. She accepted the flight ticket, even though deep in her heart she wished he'd beg her to stay. When he held her hands it sent shivers down her veins, she was craving him like she was craving for ice cream. She wanted him, all she wanted was him.  His touch sent different sensations through her body, her clits were tingling desiring his touch, her nipples protruded. As h
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