All Chapters of The Entrapped Marriage: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
241 Chapters
151. Jason
When she removed her hands from his he felt devastated. He never knew just how much she was hurting inside, he thought she must be feeling irritated by him. His eyes gathered tears but it was difficult to notice.  His beautiful green eyes hold so much pain within, that even when he cried, no one would noticed. He faked a smile but couldn't hold it for long. He stopped talking, and retuned his hand.  He stole glances at her as she continued eating her fruits. Every glance he wondered what was going on in her mind, when their gaze met, she would look away.  She didn't finished up, but he became so uncomfortable. When she insisted they leave he didn't make a fuse about it, they left straight to the car without talking or staring at each order. The ride home was a quiet ride that kept eating him up. He would steal glances at her but she never liked at him.  He felt like a terrible per
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152. Jason
Her heart shattered, she couldn't believe her own grandson could do something like that to her. She wanted to hit him, but she was so weak. Her heart crushed at the sound of his laughter. Tears was falling from her eyes like a cat, but he didn't mind, his laughter only grew louder.   She regretted for the first time ever, the way he raised him up, the way she showed him to only survive you have to be dominant. Never did she imagine, she would be a victim of what she have created in him.   "You killed my parents, I want to know why?" He asked holding her arms so tight. She shut her eyes refusing to speak.   "Why did you kill your son?" He yelled again.   "Hey your hands off me you ungrateful bastard." She yelled at him    He refused to let her go, but she bite his hand, making him loosen his grip on her.    "You are a monster, you have no regard for
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153. Kitty
When she heard what Jason said, she slightly opened the door so she could hear what they were talking about. She was so shocked, her knees were quivering. When she heard Jason saying he registered his grandma dead she mistakenly bite her tongue.  "What kind of families is this?" she muttered to herself as she continued to listen to every conversation that followed. She kept gulping her saliva as she felt scared. A voice in her head kept telling her to get her things and flee from the house but she didn't yield.  She pitied Jason, and couldn't imagine how he bared staying in the same house with his mother's killer. She now understood why he would always challenged her. She couldn't imagine what she would have done to Madamme Rosa if it was her. .When she heard Jason yelled at Madamme Rosa to leave his room, she quickly shut the door but didn't didn't move an itch.  Immediately Madamme Rosa walk
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154. Jason
When he woke up she was still fast asleep. After washing up and getting dressed, he walked to his grandmother room to check in her, but she wasn't inside. He asked the maids but they didn't know where she went. When he inquired from the guards, they told her they saw her go out the night before but she didn't come back in, he knew she would be up to no good. He walked back to his room and when he tried tying his tie around his neck kitty woke up. He leaned and kissed her, she helped him out with the tie. When he was about leaving he warned her to stay put. He was scared his grandma would come to the house when he was away. He placed Miguel in charge of her wellbeing as he left for work. Just after few hours at work, Luca received a call from home. He told Jason Sarah was calling him.  "Pick it up, it must be urgent." Jason said to him "Hello Luca, madam Kitty just left the h
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155. Kitty
She hated that he shouted at her, his presence irritated her so much that she felt like hitting him. She screamed for Pedro and Luca to go out. immediately they went out she walked closer to Jason and slapped him. The rage she was feeling inside was so much that she couldn't contain it. She saw the look in his eyes, he looked confused, but she didn't care. She wondered how could he have killed someone, instantly she recalled what Madamme Rosa told her a night before"Do you know why, despite how bloodthirsty the Alfredo's are, we the Dante's have not managed to loose a family member? It's because we are just as blood thirsty if not even more" She kept hitting him, she couldn't stop, the rage she was feeling inside was so much. When he held her and tried to calm her down, his hands in her body irritated her. She looked at his hands, she couldn't help but kept imagining how he must have killed Hardy. When she asked
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156. Jason
Immediately she left his office, he ran after her, he tried to catch up with her but before he got outside his office she was gone. He contemplated if he should go back in or drive home. Suddenly Pedro, rolled the glass of the car right in front of him, and he got in as Pedro drove them straight home. When he got home, he rushed in and opened the door, only to find her with her packed bags, leaving. He kept begging her but she refused. When she pushed him aside, she fell on the couch, he remained there and watched her leave.  Pedro rushed to where he was and helped him out, he felt disappointed, he always knew that she had no tolerance for a lot of things especially character.  "Should we stop her?" Pedro asked him "No, if leaving is what she wants let her leave." He responded to him as he watched her entered the car and left for the airport.Tears rolled down his cheeks. Since the c
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157. Kitty
His words made her scared. She wanted to ignore him but she couldn't, after seeing how angry Madamme Rosa always were at her anytime she and Jason had a fight, it made Kitty realized that it was possible for Madamme Rosa to follow her even to her own town just to get rid of her.    But it didn't frightened her, as much as the thought of Harry plotting with Lucia to kill Jason. She kept wondering why would Harry ever want to do that, for Lucia it was obvious she would do that for her family to claim Jason's casino, but Harry-kitty frowned and looked at Carlos.   "Are you sure you ain't joking with me?" She glared at him, but he scoffed.   "Why don't you confirm yourself if you think I'm lying. I care about you, that's why I'm telling this." Carlos drew closer to her.   "I doubt you are telling me this just because you care about me. What do you want?" She asked him   "I just
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158. Kitty
"Where have you been" Jason yelled at her.   Kitty was shocked, she didn't understood why he was yelling at her.  "Why are you yelling at me? What did I do wrong?" She yelled back at him, still standing by the door which was widely opened.   "Where have you been?" He yelled again, but she scoffed at him and furrowed her brows.    She shut the door and walked straight to where he was standing. "Don't you ever raise your voice at me again you have no right, understand?" She narrowed her eyes even further at him.   "Do you know how I've been worried sick? I called numerous times but your phone wasn't reachable. Where have you been?" He asked again with his brows almost kissing each other.   "That's not what is important, and I've been the one trying to reach you, but you weren't picking up my calls and I didn't get a call back." She placed her purse on his
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159. Jason
He thought about Kitty all night, but still didn't tried to reach her. He couldn't. He felt that just one call he would find himself in the airport trying to beg her to stay.  He knew just how much she was madly upset with him, abd this time, he doubted if they could ever rekindle their relationship.    Thinking about it made his heart break, but then he couldn't stop himself from thinking about her. He couldn't remember how his life was like before they met. It was as if, they have been together for years. Even though it has just been four months.   He fixed his eyes on the ceiling, as memories of her clouded his mind. He could see her smiling directly at him, a memory he just wouldn't forget.   "Gosh I miss you already." He muttered and jerked from the bed.    ...   "Any more files?" He asked Luca as he walked into his office.   "Not
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160. Kitty
She noticed how Jason's countenance ponderously changed, he looked shocked and didn't argue with her.  Seeing how quiet he suddenly became, Kitty knew he mustn't have suspected a thing.   "I'm sorry about that. As soon as I heard it, I had to come here straightaway to let you know. I know you will figure this out." She said to him but still didn't move an inch closer.   "Thanks." Jason responded.   "I rescheduled my flight for next month. Until you resolve this and send them to jail I think, it's best if I remain here, and help you in whatever way I can." She said to him "But, I won't be staying at home. I can't live with you anymore." Kitty said to him.   She picked up her bag on his desk and hurled it around her shoulder.  "I'm going back to the hotel." She said to him but waited as he looked like he had something to say.   "Where, I mean which
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