All Chapters of The Entrapped Marriage: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
241 Chapters
171. Jason.
He placed his head on his car wheel, sobbing silently as he recalled the sex he just had with Lucia. He felt terrible. His heart was beating so fast as if it was coming to a clucking stop. The guilt was so heavy on his heart.  "Fuck" He hit his car wheel sounded so loud he sat up on the car seat.    It was past eight in the evening. He wiped the tears from his eyes. As his eyes drifted around the house it occured to him that everywhere was silent. He kept wondering why.    He kept looking around but then a thought crossed his mind "Who did Lucia gave the video to?" He furrowed his breath was as he kept thinking. Suddenly he saw someone ran passed his view. He couldn't get a clear look. He searched for his gun in his car but it wasn't inside.  "Fuck."    He came down from the car, and went to same direction the person went. He kept tracing the person. But so far he didn't s
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172. Kitty
"I just want to ask you, what did you do to Jason?" She asked Kitty. "I don't understand. What do you mean by that?" Kitty frowned at Madamme Rosa. "Don't pretend like you have no idea of what I'm talking about. Ha" Madamme Rosa scoffed "What did you do to Jason?" She asked Kitty again. "I didn't do anything to him. When you see him ask him whatever it is you want to know about." Kitty wanted to walk away but she gripped her.  "I want to know what you did to my grandson that makes him love you so much, I want to know." She pulled Kitty closer and a smile brew from the corners of her lips when she saw how she was struggling to get her hands off her. "I'm not letting you go until you tell me." Madamme Rosa held her hand even tighter."You venomous woman, I will definitely deal with you, and I don't care what Jason does after. Removing your head from your bo
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173. Kitty
He placed her on the bed, her eyes still buried on his face. "Is there something wrong with you?"She asked him, flinching her eyes and gulping her saliva. But he looked at her and smiled "Nothing is wrong Kitty, I'm just taken by surprised. I was shocked by the state I found you. I can't believe grandma." "Yeah me too. She killed your parents!" She savaged her lower lip with her teeth. "Yes she did." Jason breath a sigh of relieve. "Are you not bothered she is here with us? I'm really frightened" She said to him hoping he would do something about it. But after it seemed like he thought about it for a while, he fixed his gaze on her. "I rather have her around me than away from me. When she isn't here, then I don't know what she is up to. You understand?" He asked her with his brows raised. "I understand, but aren't you scared? Doesn't it m
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174. Jason
He tried to control the rage within him. He was so angry that he couldn't even fake a smile to assure her everything would be okay. The fear in her eyes when she reminded him his grandma killed his parents, made him uneasy. "What if she starts blabbing about going to Cambonian." She looked really scared. Not just in her words but also her body. After telling her he needs her to always stay beside him. He noticed she was rubbing her hands on her neck like it was still hurting. He then leaned closer to her and placed a pillow on top another, placing the later right behind her so she could rest her head. When he noticed the pillow on the bed wasn't lying flat on the bed, he dipped his hand in to check what was there. He noticed it was his gun he always kept beside him whenever he were sleeping.  He pushed the gun aside and placed the pillow on top of the other properly. Just then, he smelled the sweet smell of her skin and ins
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175. Jason
"Capo" Luca's voice erupts him from his reverie. He looked at Luca with a sly smile on his face. How could it be that Carlos was dead, and his grandmother killing him, was even better-he thought.   "Let's go." He said to Luca and they both walked to the garden. When they was approaching the place he left Carlo's body, from few steps away, he saw his grandmother.   "Grandma" Jason frowned and rushed there. On getting there, he was shocked to see that Carlos body was no longer there.   "Where is he?" He growled at his grandmother.  "Where is he?" He yelled at her.   "I don't know. I should be asking you Jason, where is Carlos?" She asked him.   "Why are you asking me that, weren't you that stabbed him abd left him here? Where is he?" He yelled again.   "You are right. When I saw the blood on your shirt I knew you must have seen him, now tel
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176. Jason
The more he looked at her the more he wondered in his heart. He furrowed his brows at her, and didn't broke his gaze for even a minute. 'If she only kills with a gun, then who stabbed his parents to death.' Jason could not believe his ears. He had confronted his grandmother before and she in doubt denied his claims. "She must be playing games with me." His voice said in his head but he couldn't just ignore.  "Capo, capo." He could hear Luca's faint voice calling out to him but he didn't respond. He wanted to figure out the puzzle he had come to find himself in. How dare his grandma put him in such a dilemma. "Capo" Luca yelled in his ears almost making him deaf. "I heard you earlier moron." He insulted him. "I'm sorry sir, you didn't seem like you heard me earlier." Luca gulp his saliva and pointed at the screen. "What is it?" Jason asked stealing g
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177. Kitty
Kitty noticed Jason's hand was moving, like he was trying to slip his hands away from her. She pretended to be asleep and let him had his way, and when he walked out she opened her eyes.    She sighed as she sat on the bed, wondering what Jason was up to. After a while of waiting thinking he might have head to the kitchen to get water, she stood on her feet and walked towards the door.    "I wonder what he is up to." She muttered and sighed as she opened the door slowly. She walked on bare foot towards the stairs and head noises, it was Luca and Jason but she didn't quite understood what they were talking about. When she heard them shut the door, she rushed downstairs and quietly opened the door, she saw the guards outside and Madamme Rosa.   "What are they doing?" She wondered abd rushed upstairs, wishing to get a clearer view of the whole situation. She opened the terrace door and stood on the terrace, lookin
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178. Kitty
She noticed someone walked inside the room but she tried not to shake. When the person walked closer to her, she perceived the familiar scent. It was Jason's perfume, she was so used to everything about him.   When he sat beside her and covered her up she still beat herself up about what they were doing outside earlier and why did it took him long to come to the room after seeing her.   When he suddenly removed the bedcover from her Kitty tried not to move.  "What's wrong with him?" She kept thinking. She had left the terrace door opened and the cold breeze from outside almost froze her. She noticed he was mute, abd didn't even say a word. He stood right beside her, like a statue. She tried to not let him know she was awake, she was shivering. Slowly she folded herself and tried not to gnash her teeth. She was breathing heavily silently, gulping saliva by the minute  "What's wrong with him" She thought again but the
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179. Kitty
"Kitty, thanks for coming." Carlos looked excited that Kitty came. He was sure he would definitely be able to reconcile with her.    "What happened to you?" Kitty was surprised as she slammed the door and walked in. There was drip fixed on him, and wires connected to his head. He had bandages on his waistline and one of his leg was hung up and bandage.   "Did you had an accident?" Kitty asked as she couldn't think of anything else that that would make him look like that.   "You think? Someone did this to me Kitty." Carlos erupted into tears. His words made Kitty perplexed. She couldn't believe that such damage could be done by someone.   "What are you saying? Did you borrow money from loan shark?" She asked him in a low tone.   "Of course not." Carlos immediately rejected but kitty wasn't convinced.   "I'm aware you have some gambling issues,it didn't st
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180. Kitty
She stood there confused. She felt as though her heart had come to a clunking stop. Her bag she hurled around her shoulder dropped on the ground, and tears were falling from her eyes like a cascade. Every moment of their first meeting flashing in her eyes. His pleasant smile, his low sweet tone, the way he swung her around in the church and covered her up during the shooting. That charming man she felt drawn to, that man that came to her aid when she needed someone, the one that took away the shame Tom brought in her, was also going to use her. But then, they were strangers, in as much as she thought he helped her, it was also she using him she thought. Since they were strangers, he probably wouldn't just allow himself to marry just anyone. In split minutes, she wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled at Carlos. Even though she was heart broken, she tried as much to compose herself"Nothing to worry about, it's the past right? H
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