All Chapters of The Entrapped Marriage: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
241 Chapters
181. Jason
 He sat on the couch and watched her till he fell asleep. When he woke up the next morning, he couldn't stand the sight of her. He had his bath and dressed up, as he was about to leave he remembered how stubborn Kitty were, and knew she might leave the house. He decided to write a note for her and kept it on the lambstand beside the bed. He rushed out and closed the door quietly.  "Good morning Sir." Luca's voice scare him from behind as he was lost in his thoughts. "Good morning Luca." Jason started walking towards the stairs. Luca knew from his demeanor that he must be upset. He walked slowly beside Jason and collected his suitcase from him.  "Any news on Carlos?" Jason asked as he opened the door to outside of the mansion. "Not yet sir." Luca responded."We've checked everywhere but can't find him sir." "There is somewhere you haven't checked." Jason open
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182. Kitty
She stood there looking deep into his eyes, wishing he would say the truth. But somehow he looked at her so differently. She could sense a disgust in the way he was staring at her, it made her felt as though he had something against her. She wondered but still she tried to place her head on the fact that he had been sleeping with Lucia. "How could he" She kept gritting her teeth. She wanted to spat on him but she held the urge.  "Yes, I saw Carlos lying in the garden hurt, but I didn't help him." He said to her. She savaged her lower lip with her teeth. It didn't surprised her, knowing how he killed a man in her house, what more could except from a from."At least he told the truth." She sucked in her saliva and wondered if he would answer her genuinely if she asked about Lucia.  "Are you seeing Lucia?" She asked him bluntly, but he kept mute. "Are you seeing Lucia?" She asked again in a low tone but he wanted t
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183. Jason
'The guts she has' he thought. She was looking at him like some kind of a monster, when he knew clearly that all she had ever done to him was double crossed him. Even now, he still was wondering where she went to. When she asked him about Carlos, he figured she must have found out, he didn't see the need to lie to her, but he was scared that she might drift away from him like before. Especially now that he had found out that Lucia was the one responsible for rescuing Carlos and not kitty.  He told her he left Carlos there for dead, he was a little bit scared to look her in her eyes, but the moment he found the courage to, he noticed she didn't looked surprised. His feet walked two steps forward towards her, but when he heard the question she asked him, he froze. "Are you seeing Lucia?" Her question felt like a blade pierced his heart. How the hell did she find out? He thought of how he would ignore answering her que
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184. Kitty
Kitty tried to shot at Madamme Rosa, but before she could pull the trigger she got shot. She paused for a while, as she felt numbed instantly. Her eyes trailed her body and she saw the blood gushing out of her shoulder. The gun she was holding dropped from her hand and her gaze was fixed at Madamme Rosa. Tears rolled down her eyes as she kept wondering if she was going to survive being shot.  Her eyes followed Madamme Rosa as she ran out of the room. Kitty fell on her knees, scared as she kept watching the blood gushed out of her shoulder. She instantly felt weak, and her eyes became blurry. Her upper body fell on the ground and her eyes began to close. Suddenly she heard Carlos scream, and she felt maybe she would be saved. Blood was gushing out of her mouth and her eyes turned red. When she tried to move her hand on the ground, she noticed that she was loosing a lot of blood. Her life flashed in her eyes and she wished to have another
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185. Jason
He was shocked the way she suddenly became quiet and her eyes were opened. He held her hands and when she tried to sit up he helped her. Suddenly, he felt her hands pushing his off her body and Jason, knew that she didn't want his hands around her body. He asked her if she was okay but then she looked away and seemed lost in her thoughts. He kept gulping in his saliva, trying to get her attention but to no avail. He still was wondering, what she was thinking bringing a gun to the hospital. He then walked away from her and sat on the couch opposite where.her gaze was fixed at, but it was obvious she was staring into space. "She killed him" Kitty muttered and Jason was confused at her words. Who killed who? He kept wondering and then he asked her. "Who killed who?" He waited for her response but then she delayed a bit. Just as he was about to ask her again she answered him "Your grandmother, I will kill her." Kitty raised
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186. Kitty
She told him the doctor's name when he asked. She hoped Jason would tell her he was going to help her, but yet he didn't. It made her angry.'Why did he even asked for his name when he knows he wouldn't do anything for me." She blurted out immediately Jason walked out.  She started so bing so loud. She thought that Jason didn't want to help her out cause he didn't loved her anymore. Then she recalled the video she watched from Carlos about Jason and Lucia. She became even more infuriated and thought about giving Jason what he wanted, the divorce. Kitty, picked up her phone from beside her and dialed Mira's number. ."Kitty, finally" Mira was happy she called her."I've been trying to reach you all these days, but your number is hardly reachable. Are you still coming back to Cambonian?" Mira asked in excitement. "Yes I'm coming." Kitty responded.  "Great, I'm happy
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187. Jason
The look in Matilda's eyes made him felt like Matilda had an ulterior motive coming to the hospital to see Kitty."She have been sent by my grandmother." Jason faked a smile and when his eyes trailed the room he noticed the fruits and food Matilda brought and it made him realized that no doubt his grandmother must have sent Matilda. "Mr Dante" Matilda stood on her feet greeting Jason. "Hello" Jason responded with a fake smile. He noticed Matilda was shivering and the goosebumps all over her body. He furrowed his brows immediately and wanted to question her bit Matilda excused herself and walked out immediately.  "That was weird." Kitty said raising her brows at Jason. When Kitty told him that Matilda seemed scared of him it made him wondered if he had ever done any harm to Matilda. But he couldn't think of any, they barely have any conversation, he couldn't recall any. Matilda was more older than him, and had
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188. Jason
He walked back to Kitty ICU, and took the basket of fruits and the food. "Here" He placed them on Luca's hand and they walked out of the room. As he head out, Jason couldn't stop but wondered how his relationship would have been with his parents if they were alive. He had never kissed them that much until today. He hates to admit it but he felt he needed more live in his life, and even in those times where he felt he was going to hit rock bottom, he wanted to be cuddled and pampered, but such affection was not given to him by his grandma. He always felt like he lacked something, and jealous the memory Kitty had of her mother. Jason walked slowly to the car park, he heard Luca calling his name but he didn't respond as he wanted to be left alone.  "Capo" Luca called him again. "What is it?" Jason asked. He opened the car and collected the keys from Luca. He wanted to drive himself.  
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189. Kitty
After Jason left, she stood on her feet. One if her hand was bandaged and had a supporter. Her other hand, there was a drip connected to it. She dragged the drip as she walked closer to the fruits abd food Matilda had brought for her. She sighed as she looked at it, she recalled that the evening Carlos was stabbed in the house, she saw Madamme Rosa and Matilda in the kitchen and Matilda was whispering in Madamme Rosa ears. "What were they talking about? Are they the ones that stabbed. Carlos?" Kitty muttered as she kept staring at the fruits.  Her stomach gurgles and she placed a hand on it, she was so hungry but Jason was right, she shouldn't eat the food Matilda brought. Kitty knew that staying in the room would make I want to eat the food even more. She then decided to go meet with Carlos on his ward that way she will pass time till Jason comes. She dragged the drip stand alongside her as she walked to Carlo
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190. Jason
 Luca drove the car, Jason couldn't stop thinking about the kind of marriage his parents marriage his parents must have had. "I thought they were a happy couple." He muttered loud enough for Luca to hear him. "You should know better by now, marriages aren't always a bed of roses, it very different from what people see outside from what we all imagine." Luca said to him."Take you and your wife for example, even though you guys love each other a lot, you fight a lot, you guys are about to divorce, and one day when madam gives birth, your kid is going to say, dad, I want to have the same kind of relationship you and mummy have, that's when you'd realized that, yours too, is much better than a lot of other people's marriages."  Jason though about what Luca said and it was true, he knew very well he would never divorce Kitty, he didn't even wanted to think about it anymore. Suddenly his phone ra
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