All Chapters of Leesa's Advent: Chapter 671 - Chapter 680
751 Chapters
Chapter 637
As she stealthily made her way to the Prayer Tent, Emma prayed that she hadn’t completely lost her mind. But her decision to go it alone at this point was fueled by her need to save her daughter by any means necessary. She could not turn away from her mission nor let anyone know or they’d have stopped her for sure, especially Michael. Oh, if she made it through this, he was going to kill her! She’d gladly deal with that later. She was about to turn master and disciple against each other to save her daughter. And may they wipe each other off the face of the earth and leave us alone, she thought.She snuck in the back of the Prayer Tent, not wanting to be seen by Nathanael. She slunk down in a seat and waited for the service to end, occupying herself with looking around. They had indeed done an excellent job of ridding the place of people. Where the first prayer service had standing room only, this one was a quarter filled at best.Namirha appeared quit
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Chapter 638
“Of course, we have a deal,” Emma responded without a moment’s hesitation. There was never any doubt she’d put Hannah’s life before hers. She hoped Michael would be able to forgive her at some point during his immortal life. She knew better than to expect it while she was alive. “So, now what? Do you know where Agremon could have taken her?” She wasn’t about to give up the fact that she’d already known their last position or had powers of her own. It could very well be the only thing to come in handy when the two evils faced off.“If he’s got her, then he’s taken her to the mountaintop altar. I had it erected as soon as I found this area. We’ll go there now.” Emma started to walk out of the tent. “Uh no, Ms. Livingston. We’ll go my way. It’s quicker.” He grabbed her by the arms. “Hang on tight. It’ll only take a moment.”Emma thought her body ha
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Chapter 639
From what Emma could see from her vantage point, Agremon had tied Hannah’s hands behind her back. When she shifted a bit to get a better look, she found that he’d also attached a collar around her neck and a leash attached to that. He pulled her like a dog towards the stone slab altar. She couldn’t stop her impulses to run to her daughter, but Namirha’s strong hold settled her back in her spot, silently conveying he had it all under control.“Well, well, well, what have we here? You’re starting the party without me?” Namirha quickly waved his hand to secure Agremon to the very spot where he stood. For all his efforts, he couldn’t pick up his feet, and his arms were sealed to his sides. “Don’t you know how rude that is? In fact this party’s not supposed to happen until Thursday, isn’t that right, Hannah? Your birthday is on Thursday. You must have gotten your dates wrong, Agremon. Tell me you got the dates
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Chapter 640
Emma dropped to the ground like a lead balloon, right on her behind, and stared in awe at the men. How different they all looked in their leather pants, muscles glistening from sweat, and their wings unfurled. Indestructible and unyielding, an impenetrable wall of immortal flesh now stood solidly before her. Agremon slowed to a stop. Emma gathered her wits, got up, and began searching for Michael. It didn’t take long, and his murderous expression gave her pause. He moved to her and stood protectively by her side.“We know Namirha has Hannah. You will tell me about that later,” Michael demanded pointedly.Emma nodded silently.“Michael! Brethren!” Agremon shouted. “Long time no see. Come for a rumble, have you?”“Come to serve Brethren justice swiftly and permanently, Agremon!” Kemuel answered, walking towards him.“Ha! I look forward to you trying!” Agremon quickly flashed himself of
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Chapter 641
So, Namirha had taken Hannah back to his dwelling. Agremon could feel the powerful shield he’d erected to keep him away from her. But he had the knife. Each had a piece of the prize, which without the other, rendered them both useless. He snarled as he ripped into another hapless human.But wait, he thought, he was in the perfect position to bargain. Each had what the other one wanted. Namirha would never give up Hannah, and he would never give up the knife. Perhaps they could, dare he think it, share, and both gain Hannah’s powers? Preposterous! But, he could let Namirha at least think so. He was willing to wager that he was too weak and struggling at this point, and would yield. And then, when the time came, Agremon would strike and absorb all of the girl’s powers.He grabbed another human and sent him to an untimely death. He could sense his Master’s arrival behind him. He felt a tugging on the sheathed knife, but he had shielded it so it wouldn’t budge. Agremon pivoted around to f
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Chapter 642
She chose a large trunk, that hadn’t suffered too badly, to begin her staircase, and placed a side table on top. Then she put a couple of chairs on top of that. With those pieces stacked, she figured she could climb through the hole and hoist herself up and out. She took a deep breath, said a little prayer, and started her ascent. When she reached to put her hands through the hole, she was met with the unexpected: an invisible wall. She patted her palms against this wall to find that it completely covered the opening.She let out a frustrated yell, but quickly stifled it for fear of another cave-in. Namirha must have shielded the entire room so Agremon couldn’t get in. But now, she couldn’t get out!“Crap, crap, crap!” Hannah muttered. Then she did something completely bizarre considering her tenuous situation, she giggled. If her mother knew she’d said that word, she’d wash her mouth out with soap. And then her giggle became a
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Chapter 643
Namirha decided it was best not to return to his lair. He was confident his shields held the girl within while keeping others out. Besides, knowing that she was there was too enticing. He didn’t care about the deal he’d made with Emma. He’d gotten her daughter away from Agremon to benefit himself. He did care, however, that he should get all of her powers, and that wouldn’t be possible for three days. Three impossible days. So he decided to head to The Source’s vacant headquarters and wait it out, while keeping a close eye on his less-than-trustworthy henchman’s movements. He would surely pay for his betrayal. Namirha relished the many possibilities he could unleash for the rest of Agremon’s eternity. Those very evil possibilities improved his disposition exponentially.Just as it looked to Kemuel as though the angels had gotten the upper hand, another wave of demons appeared to start the onslaught anew. Thousands of angels reasserted
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Chapter 644
Light was blazing through the hole in the ceiling. She knew it was afternoon, but what she didn’t know was of what day. The council member had said Namirha was coming for her. Did that mean she had slept for nearly four days straight? Was Namirha going to show up any minute? Was today her birthday?Had it been a normal birthday, she would have called herself a big girl now. But she didn’t feel like a big girl. She still wanted her dolls, her stuffed toys, and her Mama.She thought of her mother, and then thought better of it. Certainly, no good would come of that. Whatever her mother had done had been for Hannah’s protection. She had a dreadful feeling that she’d done something that could never be taken back, and Hannah would be living with that decision for the rest of her life. Not just any life, she thought absently, an eternity! She would be immortal! It was unfathomable to the child.Suddenly, Hannah felt a sizzle of energy nearby, a
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Chapter 645
Emma felt her daughter’s thread come crashing through her latest attempt at saving one of the angels. Thank the heavens she’s alive. But not out of danger. She looked over her shoulder to her rock and protector, who had been unwavering in his support during the past three days.“It’s her birthday, Michael,” she lamented. “She’s six years old today. My baby’s six years old.” She shut her eyes for a moment and gathered herself together. So far, Namirha had kept to their deal. Hannah was alive and at the altar. She had to go to her, to see her one last time.“I know. We have to go. She’s waiting for us,” Michael urged softly. He grabbed her and then flew them to the top of the mesa. Her stomach fluttered as her feet left the ground, and she closed her eyes tightly, holding onto him with a death grip. But her trust was strong, and her need to see her daughter, stronger. She fully expected to arrive at the altar in perfect health. And then she could say goodbye. Rather than go into this fi
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Chapter 646
Namirha immediately took hold of Emma’s hands around the knife and made ready to plunge it into Hannah’s little body. He seemed poised for a complete sacrifice. She looked on in horror, as with her hands still on the sword, she would effectively be killing her own daughter. Adrenaline surged. Her maternal instincts to protect her child kicked into high gear.“No! It’s not time yet! Don’t do this! It won’t work!” Emma struggled to keep the knife away from her daughter. “We had a deal, damn it!”In her head, Hannah spoke. Let go of the handle and grab the blade with your hand. I will, too. Trust me! Emma did as she was told. She grabbed the blade as Hannah did. Its well-honed edge cut deeply into her palm. Hannah yelled, “Duck!”As Emma ducked her head, Hannah kicked Namirha in the face. He let go of the knife and staggered backward. Hannah yanked on her mother, and still holding the blade, they rol
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