All Chapters of Leesa's Advent: Chapter 651 - Chapter 660
751 Chapters
Chapter 617
The three of them walked into the family room to find it loaded with the rest of the Brethren. The healing took place in her bedroom. As promised, her Protector was by her side for support. It really was as Raphael said it would be. When he placed his hand directly on her forehead, she immediately felt lightheaded and grabbed onto Michael. Then, Raphael waved his palm about an inch over her heart. Healing energy surged through her and eased her spirit.The whole process only took about five minutes. And the difference in Emma’s focus, her attitude, and the way she absorbed the world around her was immediate. Everything appeared so sharp and crystal clear. Colors were more vibrant, sounds that she hadn’t heard before were audible. Smells were more intense. All was as expected, Raphael had assured her. All of her senses had been enhanced as her powers awakened. Agremon’s hold on her mind had created a barrier that now no longer existed.“Dinner&rs
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Chapter 618
Dinner had been finished a long time ago. Michael added a sacred incantation to the talismans Emma and her daughter wore to dampen the brilliant aura the Trinity created, and Hannah was now up to her eyeballs in swordplay with her warriors. They had decided to start with sword fighting since she had shown such a proclivity towards it when they’d first met. Her mother could tell she was having the time of her life with these men. Such animation! More than she’d seen from her in the past six months.The Brethren didn’t treat her like a child, but rather, like one of their own. It was the strangest thing to see from an outsider’s perspective, but to these men, these warriors, only Hannah’s body was six years old. Her soul on the other hand, held the wisdom and the power of an ancient warrior. As she trained, little Hannah seemed to be pushed aside, allowing the Ancient Warrior soul out.Her mother looked on in wonder as she observed the subtl
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Chapter 619
At first, her arms hung limply at her sides. But as his seduction deepened, she found her footing again, and her hands slid up his arms, then caressed Michael’s back and shoulders. She couldn’t seem to get enough of him as she fought with his tucked-in shirt. But, at last she won the battle. Touching his smooth skin, his taut muscles clenched with every brush of her fingers. He lifted her off the floor, never once breaking their kiss, and she was surprised to find herself planted on the countertop.“Oh God, Emma, do you know what you’ve been doing to me?” he growled. “Driving me crazy, woman. That’s what.” His lips left a feverish trail from her jaw line down her neck. “I need more of you, Emma. So much more.” Emma cupped his face and gazed at him, his expression blurred by her own desire. She turned her back on her misgivings. “My bedroom, Michael, take me there, now.” She could barely speak
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Chapter 620
Before the sun rose, he reluctantly left Emma’s bed so he could slip into the guestroom, lest Hannah wake too soon and catch him in her mother’s bedroom. He didn’t think this was the time to have to explain their relationship.“Hey there, where’re you going?” A drowsy voice murmured from behind him as he reached the door.Michael walked back to the bed and knelt next to her lying in naked perfection. He couldn’t help but weave his fingers delicately through her sleek, black hair and place a whisper of a kiss on her lips. “Emma, honey, the sun will be up soon. I didn’t think you’d want your daughter to wake up and possibly find us in bed together. I’ll go into the guestroom so she won’t have a clue. It’s okay.”“I hadn’t actually thought about it. I’ve been a bit distracted, you know.” She had a gleam in her eyes. “Michael, we’re fine. She loves
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Chapter 621
“But how can you do that? He’s immortal like you, right? I thought immortal meant living forever.”“Yes, he’s immortal, too, and we can live virtually forever; however, there is a way to kill us, for good. Since I am a Protector, I was given the key to that knowledge.” He paused. Something occurred to him. He sat up. “You know, I always wondered why E.L. didn’t give the key to Gabriel and Urie, too. I’d thought maybe he didn’t feel they were ready yet. But now that I’m supposed to be this ‘Great Protector’, it makes sense somehow that they don’t know. I am the ultimate Protector, and I alone hold the key to life or death for the Brethren. Lord Almighty, he really socked it to me, didn’t he!” He shook his head in disbelief, and worried the whiskers on his cheeks with his hands.Emma sat up as well, faced him squarely, and took his hands in hers.“It is quite an a
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Chapter 622
She gave him a hearty hug and kiss as well. Then she wriggled out of his hands and started gathering up the pictures. “These pictures are scary, Mama, so if you don’t want to look, that’s okay. I’ll put them away until later.”Emma tried her best to stifle her laughter. “That’s okay, honey. I think I can handle it. Why don’t you tell us about them over breakfast?”“Okay. But it’s a scary story, too. I just wanted you to know.”As they made their way to the kitchen, the Brethren were coming in from their overnight watch. They were loud, they were brash, they were hungry, and their very presence filled up every ounce of space available. One might be claustrophobic at such a time, but not Emma. She was safe, secure, and comfortable. As the men washed up and changed clothes, she and Michael got breakfast ready. Hannah fiddled with her pictures. It looked to Emma as though she was putting them in
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Chapter 623
The heat of the Arizona summer came on early and strong. By mid-morning, the warriors were drenched from training with swords and mixed martial arts, and had come inside to tackle the training of Hannah’s mind. Raphael and the other Saviors worked with Emma at the intermediate level of their healing arts, and then she practiced the meditation required to help her call upon her powers at will.Michael, Gabriel, and Urie required a more intense meditative session. They needed to be in perfect condition, and meditation enabled them to check, repair, and enhance their powers. Eventually all the Brethren would need to go through the same process. Manifesting and staying in human form had one drawback, the necessity to monitor and keep their corporeal bodies working in synch with their immortal powers. When facing battle, meditating was crucial to keeping both in harmony. Luckily though, while in human form, their bodies were impervious to injury. That is, any injury that could be inflicted
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Chapter 624
Agremon approached the boundaries of Emma’s property very carefully. He would stay on the outskirts until opportunity presented itself, then go inside and snatch the girl right from under the bastard angel’s nose. Talisman, be damned! He itched to win this battle over Michael, just like he had done so many years ago. Rubbing salt in that wound would give him orgasmic pleasure. Hunkering down in the protection of the trees beyond the property line, he waited. He was a patient demon. He’d been patient for six months. He could be patient for a few hours more.Emma, determined to keep as much normalcy for her daughter as possible, ushered everyone out back to witness the sun’s spectacular descent. Given the monumental task set before them all in the next few days, no one spoke, but all looked at the ever-changing colors of the twilight sky.“Remember, the sun also rises,” Hannah whispered vehemently. “And we shall rise to this latest challenge and be victorious. Am I right, my Warriors?”
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Chapter 625
Resolve clear in Michael’s head, he turned his attention to the unsettling feeling that wouldn’t go away. Since making love with Emma didn’t seem to dampen it, he knew better than to disregard it any longer and figured it had something to do with Agremon. He hadn’t shown his face for a long while, and that bothered him. What was he up to? There had been no sign of him around the property, no threaded signature to give him away. Michael was confident that the Brethren guarding the property would be able to smoke him out with the smallest of indicators of his existence.He got up from bed, and she immediately reached out in her sleep. Instantly deprived of what had become so essential, her, he grimaced, tucked his wings away, and got dressed. He had a job to do that he mustn’t forget; protect the Great Savior Mother and the Great Warrior Child.So, he skulked around the house, scanning for anything unusual. Maybe cruising about would help hi
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Chapter 626
Hannah stood stone still. She was finally face to face with Mr. Namirha. “Come to me, child. Don’t be afraid. I am to be your father come your birthday. Oh, and what a birthday it will be, my dear! We’ll have ourselves such a party to end all parties.” He clasped his hands together and smiled. “Would you like that? I’m sure you would. Come, give your father a hug.” He entreated with all the adulation and warmth a parent would bestow on his only child. He reached his arms out to her and waited.The child that was Hannah froze with fear, and the soul that was the Ancient Warrior took over, gently pushing the terrified child back into a safe little corner of her mind.The Ancient Warrior soul knew exactly what to do and began to weave a story to save the little girl’s life. She spoke in a thin, wavering voice.“I’ve always missed having a father. My mother has kept me away from him against both of our wish
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