All Chapters of Leesa's Advent: Chapter 641 - Chapter 650
751 Chapters
Chapter 607
Michael slammed his hands against the steering wheel as he drove back up the driveway to the street. As if I should have expected Emma to have reacted any differently?He understood her anger, her denial. She should have known who she was when she was six years old, not by accident at thirty. Too much time had gone by. Enough time for a child’s innocence to have died and an adult’s cynicism to set in. But if he looked at this objectively, how could he hold back? Their lives were in danger, as was the fate of the mortal world. There was no time to be gentle and take it slow.So Satan has re-surfaced, and Agremon is with him. Agremon’s presence intrigued Michael more than Satan hanging a shingle. There was a score to be settled with the fallen angel. Brethren weren’t usually in the revenge business, but this development called for an exception. It’d been a long time since the forces of Good and Evil collided. It had been a war to rock both mortal and immortal worlds—Michael’s specifical
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Chapter 608
With a mere wave of his hand, Agremon abruptly altered their surroundings to one of a cemetery. A dense fog hung around them like a shroud, and a cold darkness replaced the warmth of the soothing sunshine. Emma shuddered uncontrollably. He compelled her to stand before what appeared to be a centuries old mausoleum. With another wave, he changed their attire. He was decked out in a funereal suit, and she wore a strapless, sheer, black chiffon evening gown. As awareness finally broke through her stupor, she looked around. For a moment, she almost wanted to laugh.“If you think turning this into one of those old time vampire movies can scare me, you’re way wrong. I grew up watching those silly movies and loved them.” A spark of confidence ignited inside her. I might live through this nightmare yet.“Don’t you think I knew that little detail about you? I research my subjects very carefully, precious. Oh no, you’re not starring in a campy
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Chapter 609
Emma willed her legs to move as she felt around for a wall. She hadn’t been able to see much of anything when she had first entered the crypt, and now that she was sealed in, she was surrounded by a stygian darkness. She bumped into something solid and stone-like, and immediately crouched down on the floor in a fetal position. Her body shook, her lips trembled and her mind conjured creepy-crawlies, fantastic monsters, and demons of all shapes and sizes. And they came, one and all in full force, to crawl over her skin, to nip and paw at her, and to literally pull her to pieces.“I’m going to wake up, I’m going to wake up,” she simpered over and over like a mantra while she rocked herself.A loud rumble sent shockwaves through her body. And, as if from another dimension, she heard her name, insistent and urgent. A giant monster emerged from the rubble and stood before her warped mind. She scuttled feverishly even further into the crypt.
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Chapter 610
“All we are saying is give peace a chance. All we are saying is give peace a chance….” Emma’s arm sailed through the air and gave her alarm clock a good whack. Not a very peaceful reaction, but she’d work on that another day. At least she had remembered to change it from that infernal beeping to the radio alarm yesterday morning. Morning? Already? But, it was the last day of school, wasn’t it? Yes!She stretched lazily like a cat, but felt like she’d overdone a workout. Every muscle in her body ached. A couple of aspirin would relieve that. Oh, right, she ran out of aspirin yesterday. Yesterday. Images slowly crept back into her mind. A grotesque face, walking on a balmy beach, a crypt, black chiffon, Hannah sleeping. Hannah!She turned over in her bed to see an angelic face on the pillow next to hers, and let out a sigh of relief. She was already starting to stir. Her eyes fluttered a few times and then opened sparkling upon
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Chapter 611
Emma peeled off her clothes and tossed them furiously in the hamper, all the while chastising herself for her immature display. Michael must surely think she’s the most neurotic, whacked out woman on the planet. “A few hours in a man’s arms and you think you’re something special to him?” She pointed heatedly at her reflection. “You are so not ready for any kind of relationship with this man or any man for that matter. Stick to your fantasies, girlfriend. That’s all you seem good for these days.”Convinced she’d find lingering marks from Agremon’s torment, she stepped back and examined her body, naked except for the Talisman. In her nightmare, she remembered wearing a skimpy bathing suit and a barely there chiffon gown. And in her nightmare, creepy crawlies had scampered intrusively all of her body, pinching and scratching as they blazed their wicked trail. But now, there was nothing remarkable to see. It really had b
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Chapter 612
“So I asked Mama if once school is out we could get a pool and put it in the backyard. She said maybe. That’s better than no, right, Mr. D’Angelo?”“I think it’s definitely better than no, Hannah. Hey, that’s a mighty cool looking necklace you got there. Can I have a look?” She agreed enthusiastically, and leaned over the kitchen table for him to get a better look. He inconspicuously checked it out for any breaches in its shielding. They were still holding strong, as they should. He wondered if Emma had mentioned anything at all about it. “Where’d you get this?”“I don’t know, really. You see, I woke up, and it was on me already. Isn’t that funny? And I’m never taking it off, either. Know why? Because I slept through the night last night! No bad dreams!” She immediately put her hand to her mouth. Her eyes flew wide open. “Oops! I wasn’t supposed to say anything.
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Chapter 613
“Yes, actually, it did. We need to get back to your place, now,” he urged. “The rest of the Brethren are coming.”Emma pressed, “Michael, you’re making me nervous. Who exactly were you talking to and what did he say?”“You don’t have to fear the Brethren. I was talking to Gabriel, another Protector. He confirmed what I thought about you two. The rest is gonna have to wait till we’re back at your house. I don’t want the Brethren to arrive before us. Come on, I’ll walk you back to your truck.”Summarily dismissed, Emma brooded all the way home. Warning flags were flying around her head as misgivings washed over her. To trust or not to trust; that was the question. This man had completely turned her world upside down.He was her protection and her heart’s enemy all at once.Moment by moment, she decided, was the only way to stay above water. Plus, she had so many quest
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Chapter 614
As the swordplay progressed, Emma’s stomach clenched into a tight knot while dreadful thoughts of mutilation, severed limbs, and a gruesome early death of her daughter swirled in her mind. It was all too much for her to take in. She charged at her daughter, grabbed the sword from her, and threw it aside. Then she picked Hannah up and whisked her away to her bedroom. Once there, she dropped to the bed and held onto her baby girl with every fiber of her being. She rocked and soothed and petted her precious daughter.“Mama, what’s the matter? Are you okay? ‘Cause I’m fine.” Hannah pulled back after a moment. “I was having fun. Those guys told me they’re my brothers and they’re going to help me learn my powers and get Agremon and Mr. Namirha out of here once and for all. They said I am the Great Warrior Child. I feel so much better now that they’re here, Mama, don’t you?”“Oh, honey,” Emma
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Chapter 615
“Ms. Livingston, we are honored to be in your presence and in the presence of the Great Warrior Child. I am Raphael, Lead Savior, and this is Cassiel and Zadkiel, Saviors as well.” They each nodded in turn, and she marveled at how they were so similar in stature and mannerism, yet each had their own individual style. From suit pants to jeans, dress shirts to T-shirts. Combined, they hurt her eyes with their handsomeness.What’s the deal with the formal treatment?“Well, hello, and please call me Emma,” she insisted. “We don’t stand on ceremony around here.” Raphael grabbed her hand in a firm handshake and frowned, releasing her hands as though he had touched something unpleasant. He turned to Michael and directed his comment to him.“Listen, Ms. Livingston, Emma, is in seriously bad shape, as is this house. I’ve gotta take care of these things first before we’re able to move forward with our plans
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Chapter 616
“Gabriel, wait!” Gabriel turned around and walked back to Michael. “Hey, what’s up?” “This is messed up, man!” He paced back and forth like a caged tiger. Bending down, he picked up a dead branch from a Mesquite tree and started whacking away at some unruly shrubbery. “There’s no way I could be the Great Protector, Gabriel. I couldn’t even protect my own family, damn it! My own wife, my unborn child, I couldn’t protect them. And now I’m supposed to be the Great Protector? It doesn’t add up. It’s got to be someone else. It’s one thing to protect the mother and child right now, and something completely different to protect the world. I need to talk to the boss man right away. He’s got to know this isn’t right.” “What good’s talking to E.L. going to do, Michael? He’s our boss. You know we don’t have a say in the tasks that are assigned to us. We can only make good choices along the way. He’s got a plan, a reason for doing this to you and not to someone else. Tru
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