All Chapters of Stigma: Chapter 61 - Chapter 67
67 Chapters
Lavina's Plan
"Too bad, looks like we have to postpone it," said Lavina. Pretending to be disappointed because the hospital laboratory couldn’t operate. In fact, this incident was just a bait. It was planned by Lavina and Raveen to just follow the flow of his wife's game.Raveen embraced Lavina, "We have to go home," Raveen also pretended to be disappointed."You are right. We have to go home. I'm tired anyway, our baby needs to rest." Jane chimed in. She didn't look disappointed. Her previously panicked face turned bright. As if the problem that befell her could be solved easily.However, this actually made Lavina's guess even more correct. The woman had lied about the child she was carrying. Just thinking about how to get this woman caught up with her next move.“Let's g
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News of Jane being pregnant with Raveen's child was spreading. Even the gossip made Landergee's stock price drop. Some parties started to panic a little and asked Raveen to take further action.The enemy in the blanket did exist. What Lavina said earlier was true, some people seemed to be in the opposition. When an emergency meeting was held by all the shareholders, Raveen was forced to take responsibility. Jane must be married to Raveen soon or Landergee's image would get worse.“You asked me to marry him? Why not just force me to do a DNA test on the baby? Is he my son?” Raveen threw a rhetorical question into the forum.“How can it not be your son, Mr Raveen? Several times I saw you with that woman. You even said yourself that she would be your wife after you divorced Miss Lavina.” One of
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Lavina and Raveen exited Dawson's company building. There were already many reporters waiting. They purposely went out of the main door. Pretend to be surprised by the reporters presence."How do you react to your scandal?""Is it true that the baby Jane is carrying is yours?""Miss Lavina? How is the condition of your pregnancy? Are you okay?""How do you feel about the scandal that befell your husband?"And many questions asked by the reporters. However, both Raveen and Lavina just kept silent. It wasn’t time for them to speak up. In fact, their silence was deliberately done so as to create more public assumptions. It would be great if the public trusted Jane more, because in the end, when Lavina and Raveen reveal the
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Wedding Tragedy
Lavina's plan seemed to be going very well. Preparation for the grand wedding had been completed. Just needed to add small things. The rest, the building that had been decorated in such a way was ready for use. Honestly, Lavina was a little jealous because this wedding party was held more grandly than Lavina's wedding. Of course because Jane got a lot of funding from many parties.“Are you living in Disney Land or something?” asked Lavina who looked amazed.Next to her, Jane just smiled lightly. Openly mocking Lavina. She was showing her superiority knowing that her wedding party was grander than anyone else's."Of course. I'm the queen of the Raveen universe. That's how it should be."Lavina raised her eyebrows. She held her big belly. Not because she was an
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We're Save
Since getting pregnant, Lavina has changed. Especially the thoughts. There might be some worries about how she should take care of the baby, but she would absolutely try. As Lavina's pregnancy got older, she felt very attached to the baby. There was a different kind of love that Lavina couldn't describe. If viewed scientifically, it was natural because during pregnancy, the hormone oxytocin, which was said to be the love hormone, increased. That was what caused the mother's love for her baby to be stronger. Maybe in the beginning it was still not so obvious. Just love the kid. Hadn't really loved yet. Just realized that she was going to be a mother and had to take care of her baby. But the tragic incident made Lavina realize how terrified she was. The same fear she had in the past. Especially seeing the blood seeping on the white dress she was wearing. It hurt. But the pain wasn't worth the fear. She was afraid of losing her baby. She didn't want to lose the baby she
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Save Me
Lavina spontaneously held her big belly when she saw the news on television. Jane reportedly committed suicide, jumping from the top of the media building owned by her parents. Suddenly Lavina had a bad feeling. Was that Raveen's doing?   She didn't want to be prejudiced against her husband, but she felt really uncomfortable, as if to suggest that Raveen was behind Jane's death. Especially after their―Raveen and Janes’s―broken marriage, Lavina's life was calmer. Nothing happened other than the excessive reporting of Jane's ugliness that had destroyed Raveen and Lavina's household.   Indeed before it was part of Lavina's plan, but this time the news was too much. It was even like exploring all the bad things about Jane and her parents. Rumor had it that they were involved in corruption cases. Their prestige fell and their company was
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“Can you just smile, Altar? It's not good to show your sulky face to your friends." Lavina stroked Altar's puffy cheeks.Altar Landergee turned five this morning. Their majestic mansion was decorated with tons of balloons and all the birthday knick-knacks. It should be a happy moment for Altar. Everything that was prepared, Lavina made sure was the best and what her son liked the most."Ailee isn't coming!"Finally Lavina knew the reason. Even though the gifts were piled high, it couldn't heal Altar's sadness because his playgroup friend, Ailee didn't come. The little girl had indeed become Altar's favorite friend."Probably she’s coming soon." Lavina tried to cheer up. After all, she had made sure to distribute Altar's
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