All Chapters of The Billionaire Contract : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
144 Chapters
A Love That Stopped Loving
…Mekayla POV…I have not spoken to Xavien since yesterday. I wish that he did not feel the need to go after Raymond himself. It is like he has turned into a man that I do not know; I understand that he needs to protect me; I just wish that he would rather get the cops involved.When I wake up this morning, he is still fast asleep, so I make my way down to the kitchen, where I decide to phone my mom, my real mom."Morning, mom.""Morning, sweety. Did you sleep well?""Yes, better than I have in a while."But she knows me all too well and knows that I am hiding something behind my trembling voice."What is wrong, Mekayla?""Raymond has stuck up his ugly head again. Well, at least that is what Xavien thinks.""My god Mekayla, why don't you phone the cops?""Xavien wants to it himself. I am scared of what he is going to do to Raymond.""Well, whatever it is, he will deserve it. But still, you guys need to phone the cop
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Regret Lies In A Message
…Xavien POV…Mekayla sent me a message last night, but I never returned one. Well, she sent me half a sentence; I honestly thought that she was playing for me, so I did not bother to answer.I am mad, and my heart is broken…again.How do you return to your life after something like this? What do I do with my life now? What do I do with myself now? I am a broken, messed up man.So I reach in my pocket for my phone, hoping that Mekayla has changed her mind. There is nothing. I need to get away from this. I decided to give Steve a call."Hey, Steve.""Hey, Xavien.""Do you want to meet at the pub for a few?""Of course, see you in half an hour."If anyone can make sense of anything, then it is Steve. So half an hour later we meet at a pub down the road from me."So, Xavien, what happened?""She left me, Steve.""Is she gone back home?""No, I am not sure. I have phoned her brother and sister, but they
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Hot In The Kitchen
…Mekayla POV…I have run away to the cabin, yes, maybe it was not the right place to run to. Coming back home where the danger is.So as I lay here, on the couch, I am awakened by someone's arms wrapping around me, lifting me up and taking me to bed.It is Xavien; I know the smell of his musky cologne, his warm touch, and his gentle voice."I've got you. You are safe.""Thank you for coming back. I am really sorry.""Forget about it; it never happened. Please rest."I peacefully fall asleep as he holds me close to him in his arms. I can hear his heartbeat pounding in his chest; he was desperately racing to get to me. And as I listen to him let out a deep breath, I know that he is relieved to have found me and even more relieved that I am still alive.The next morning I find Xavien in the kitchen making breakfast. I just sit and stare at him with a huge grin on my face; he is beautiful. He looks so innocent; under that facade is a
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The Monster Inside
…Mekayla POV…From behind us comes the voice of a familiar man, but before Xavien can even spin around to face him, I watch as he is being struck down by a heavy blow to his head. In an instant, he drops to the floor, completely motionless."Raymond!"Hi, Mekayla. It is really nice to see you again; it is really nice.""What are you doing here?"You are not allowed to be here. What do you want?""That is a stupid question, Mekayla.""Well, you can't have me."Raymond reaches out to grab me by the arm, but I immediately pull away. I can see clear anger starting to build in his eyes as he starts to demand again."I can have whatever I want.""Just leave, Raymond.""Not without you, Mekayla.""Xavien will come to look for me.""I am counting on that. Now, you are coming with me whether you like it or not.""I am not.""I am not asking you, Mekayla; I am telling you."Next thing Raymond has a c
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Nasty Little Surprises
…Xavien POV…I am in Raymond's house frantically looking for Mekayla; he does not have a basement, and she is in none of the rooms. With every door I open and close, my heart sinks even more, but I am not about to give up; I have to find her; she must be here in this godforsaken town.That is when I hear a scuffle in the kitchen; with my gun drawn, I slowly make it around the corner."What the fuck are you doing here?""Hello Xavien""Yes, Becky. Now, what the fuck are you doing here?""Just visiting an old friend.""Do not lie to me.""You know me well enough to know I am not lying.""Bullshit, you have always been a bad liar."I watch as she only stands there with an awful satisfied smirk on her face, "I was passing through, and I thought I would pop in to say hello.""You still a bad liar. It's convenient that you appear in town just as Mekayla disappears.""Don't tell me you already lost Mekayla?""Do
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Seeking Mekayla
…Xavien POV…We on our way to my brother, ya; this is one I am going to have to explain later. As we drive away, I look back to see if that asshole leaves town on his way to Mekayla perhaps, but no such luck. For someone that has no common sense at the moment, he is surely keeping her hidden quite well. I will not rest today or tomorrow, or even the next days after that, until I find my fiance.He will slip up, I am going to find her, and when I do, he is going to pay for it; I am not sure how or what, but he will regret the day he ever laid a hand on her."Are you okay there, Xavien?""I am going off my, Billy.""We will find her.""I am just scared that we might be too late.""He wants her; he won't hurt her.""It's what else he would do to her that worries me the most.""Don't think like that, man."There are a million thoughts running through my head, and none of them are good; they terrify the s
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…Mekayla POV…I am startled awake by a loud thud at the door, followed by the yanking of the chains. I hear the chain being dropped to the floor, not being locked again as always before; I can hear the district sound of something being dragged along the floor.I am struck with fear; what has he come back for so early again tonight.As he turns the corner, I am horrified by the sight of what he has been dragging behind him."Xavien! No! What have you done to him?""Relax, he is still alive.""What did you do to him?""I had to knock his snooping ass out. What a lovely reunion this is going to be.""I told you he would find me.""Yes, he did but without back up. Both of you are stuck here now.""Someone will find us.""It is highly unlikely to happen.""Just let us go."I hear him rumble with a burst of godawful laughter from deep within his chest, "I can't do that. This has just b
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Fated Death
…Mekayla POV…God no!What do I do?That is a stupid question.Get your shit off the floor, Mekayla, and save your fiancé."Hey fuck head," I call after Raymond. "I suggest you drop that gun.""God, if this were not so such a fucked up mess, I would say that is hot.""You a sick fuck.""What happened to monster?""Just drop the damn gun.""Baby, by the time you get that safety off, I would have blown his brains all over the pole."Fuck. I knew I forgot something."Even before you squeeze that trigger, Raymond, your ass will be on the floor.""Your fiance knows better than to fuck with a man that has a gun in his face. Pity I have to ruin such a pretty face."Fuck. I need to get this safety off and that gun out of Xavien's face. What do I do? Think Mekayla think.A distraction.What?"Why don't you just drop that gun, and we can go inside the house."God, I can't
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Ghost Of A Man
…Mekayla POV…Every day I see Xavien aimlessly wandering around the pool, he is trying, but he is not really there. Today has been one of the particularly hard days. I did not see him the entire day. As the sunsets, he slowly makes his way back in and sits down at the table."Can I dish you something up to eat?""No, I am not hungry. I think I am going to head to bed."I know it is only six in the afternoon, but I gently kiss him on the forehead, and he disappears again off to the room.I decide to phone his brother, Brendan.""Hey, Mekayla. How is he?""He spent most of the day by himself around the property. He has gone to bed now.""Ask him to phone me. He probably won't, but I want him to know I am here for him.""What has happened with Raymond?""They won't be pressing any charges. It was self-defense.""Will he have to give a report or anything? I don't think he will survive
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Haunted By A Memory
…Xavien POV…I was always going to do anything for Mekayla.One thing I never thought that I would do, though, and which no man would ever do, is taking a life.It was easier said than done. Perhaps not true completely; at the time, it was easy to pull that trigger. But what happened afterward has not been easy at all.This seems like it happened yesterday; in fact, it did, well, four weeks ago now, but I can still feel it. Yes, being a real cowboy, you are going to shoot the odd coyote now and again. But that is a coyote.Now it should feel the same, but I can remember as if I am doing it right now.That feeling as you gently pull the trigger, a slight squeeze, the mere flick of a finger. That is the start that sets it in motion. Once you lay that index finger against that tiny pin, you have made a decision that you cannot take back.Next comes that feeling as you feel the bullet, now even if that is possible, but you f
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