Lahat ng Kabanata ng The Secretive Billionaire : Kabanata 31 - Kabanata 40
80 Kabanata
Benton could feel the change around them. He had been open with her and she was seeing things a little more clearly. Things like all things were starting to be clearer for her. As well. She moved a little bit to be closer to him as they were lying on the couch under the comforter still. Though the couch was the size of a small twin bed it was enough for both of them to be there together without having to be pressed up against each other. Though it seemed more comfortable that way. She surprised him as she leaned down a bit as she moved herself forward and then she found his mouth. As soon as her soft sweet lips pressed against his he didn’t think that he would ever find something that tasted so good. His hand went from her back to her head and laced his fingers through her hair being gentle knowing that she still had bruises there. The kiss grew as she got closer to him, and he could feel her body pressed into his more. Their mouths danced together and then he tried
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  The morning light was creeping through the curtains though they were drawn tight. Benton blinked his eyes open and realized again he was not on his bed. He was still on the couch though there was no one next to him when he moved. He bolted to a sitting position looking around and scanning the room. Last night could not have been a dream of any sort. He knew it had happened. He could still feel her body pressed up against his. Even though it was long past the time she had fallen asleep. There was a slight movement at the curtains, and he stretched his body as he stood and made his way over to where she was. He had to assume it was her at the windows as no one else was there. He made his way over almost silently and then as he got closer he could hear the almost silent sobs that were coming from the area. He wanted to rush there and to find out what had happened to her to make her upset. They had ended the night for the second time on a good note he had thought.
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      Chapter 33   It was late afternoon on what seemed to be an extremely lazy day for the two of them. Most of it she was trying to make sense of whatever she was remembering. Everything was coming back in complete waves. He could tell when one memory triggered another because it was written on her face. Every memory cause pain. Everything was coming back to her, but it was taking a lot longer than before. Everything was hurting her as well. She would go through times where she had to sit there with her eyes closed and then more times she was just sitting there with a blank stare on her face. None of it was making any sense to him as she would mumble things. Every once in a while she would look up and see him staring at her trying to read how she felt. He did not want her to strain herself either. He was finding he was having a few issues with the balance of everything when dealing with her. The memories w
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  A few days later of sitting in the dark and room Benton walked in from being downstairs in the lab doing whatever he was working on for the day. Luckily she had just gotten out of the shower for the first time in a few days for that he was grateful. Her hair was still wet and she had put it in braids. Her hair was just a little bit longer than her Shoulders he was glad that she was finally starting to take care of herself again on her own. She looks like she felt better for the first time in a few days. The doctors had been basically keeping her asleep most of the time except to eat and drink a few things. The medicine that she had been placed on was enough to knock her out very quickly. Benton had watched over her for the first day then he had gone to the lab the next day with her phone programmed that if she had it and sent him a message he would be back within minutes. There wasn't anything that he could do except wait for her. he was getting used to the idea of ha
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  “Can you tell us anymore about who was the one who hit you with the fishhook?” The detective said as he changed his tone very quickly after she was so open and blatantly honest even though it was extremely hard for her. It was written on her face how hard it was for her to talk about all of this. For her to even admit how hard losing her memory and getting her memory back and how painful it was that they can possibly understand every word. That was something that the detectives had not expected that she would be so open about. The fact that she had immediately started the entire conversation explaining that though she did recover most of her memory she was still in the process of placing everything and learning the meanings of everything again and who is extremely important in her life. They often didn't find with a lot of people that they actually questioned. “My ex was the one who hit me with the fishhook both times. We had gotten into a huge fight because h
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  When they went back to the private apartment they found a lunch waiting for them from Benton’s private chef. As she sat down at the table to eat because he was going to force her too if she didn't do so willingly. He wanted to share with her with what he had found the day before while she was sleeping. He had been doing a lot of research into some of the ideas that they had had the night that they had spent on the couch together. “So, over the past couple of days well you've been sleeping I've been doing a few research projects and some of the things that we discussed that night.” Benton began as she took a mouthful of the light salad that was in front of her. He wasn't going to push what she ate as long as she ate something. “I wanted to tell you what I found. First off, the whole idea of that go fund me website that you had told me about seems to have a lot of promise. I really do think that you should be the one in charge of finding people in need and I wil
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  Benton felt better knowing that he had given her something to do to take her mind off of everything that was going on around her. Including distracting her from her own memories. It was in important for her to be able to place everything he knew that but it was even more important for her to still continue to live. He wanted to make sure that he gave her something that was worthwhile that she could feel like she was making some kind of difference in the world and this was the easiest way to do it. The money was nothing to him. Even at the worst of times it was not going to be anything to him, and he understood the difference that was there between them. To her and people like her it was going to be a huge amount of money. More than she could ever have in her entire life normally without the help of somebody like him stepping in. To him it was nothing but chump change. He understood that. To him it was almost humorous to see her reaction when he had the bank ac
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  Over the next couple of days well she focused on everything having to do with the website and finding people to possibly donate money for and making a list for who's computer IT specialists who can find just about any type of information on a person so she could verify if their claims were true or not. Benton seemed even more focused on his project. However, he also noticed that even though he had made the claim to his mother and sisters that they had not shown up. That was completely unlike them, so he was expecting them to show up at any given moment. He was prepared to deal with that as well knowing that if they did it was going to put a target right on Kelly's head. Though she had her own apartment right next to his she had never been in it longer than five minutes. He had taken to sleeping on the couch and that had taking a toll on his back as well. He missed his bed, but he would let her use it until she was comfortable with being next to him again. Though they
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  Every day he didn't hear from his family he knew that they were planning something. As time went on and the days passed, he was finding it was more difficult to concentrate on anything because he knew something else was gonna happen. At this point he was just ready for his mother and sisters to show up. So when they did he wasn't all that surprised. He managed to get to the front of the apartment that he had and the main room that was in the middle of that before they had completely descended on his private area. Kelly was taking a nap, or he thought that she was laying on the bed at least. She appeared to be asleep. He didn't want them to disturb her. She was still having problems with sleeping. For her to find any rest was important. The last thing that he wanted was his family to disturb her rest. Right now, is the most important thing for her and at this time she wasn't having a nightmare so it was going to be restful and it would help her. He was not goin
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  He was grateful to find out that the door wasn’t locked when he went to turn the mob it had just been closed. She had seemingly disappeared was quite obvious that she didn't want to see or deal with him at the moment. It wasn't till he saw a huge pile of clothes already on the bed. He knew that this was going to be the fight of his life time. She wanted to leave. She had absolutely no idea that he had been talking about her and he didn't know how long he’d been talking and she over heard. When he could see Kelly again he saw that she looked like she was completely defeated. She wouldn't make eye contact with him at all and she wouldn't even look in his direction. She was at the point of searching for something to throw the clothes and so she could leave. There was a lot of other things that she had put on the bed as well. Benton knew that he had to act quickly and he needed to act right now. He walked over to where she was and placed his hand on her sh
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