All Chapters of The Secretive Billionaire : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
80 Chapters
    Well after the two people went to bed after they watched TV and had a nice dinner together. Benton had started to bring up a few of the issues that he had dealt with that day with his sisters and also coming up with a plan to deal with anything else that was going to arise between because of them along with Kelly because it would affect her as well. They had decided that they were just pushing it off to the side for right now and try and have a good night instead of thinking about either one of their families. The night had surrounded them, and they had sat and watched the sunset, which was one of Kelly's favorite things to do. Then with the stars rising, they begin to make their own constellations together. After watching TV for an hour or so, they both were ready to go to bed, and they snuggled into the large bed next to each other with his arm draped over her side, holding her close to him. They both found sleep without any real trouble.
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    Benton took a few minutes to calm her down. It had taken a little while, but she had managed to find a spot on his chest where she concentrated on the sound of his heartbeat. Then she managed to fall back asleep. Benton was already starting to make plans on locating the boat and the people that were on it. He knew that he had more resources than the police did, but he was still going to contact the police and have Kelly give a statement to them tomorrow after they arrived at the base in the mountain. He sent a message via text really quickly to his security officer, who needed to arrange to have the detectives come out to the compound sometime the next day. They had been patient with Kelly, and he knew that the only reason why they had even given her any leeway was because of the fact that she was there with him. It was plainly obvious to everyone who could see them that he cared greatly for her and that he would do probably nearly anything for her. The
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  Later that night, Kelly looked at him as he was pacing again because he was trying to figure out how to work out the problems with the quantum diffuser and the simple fact that the core was not working. She knew that something was bothering him beside the fact that he couldn't get the piece of machinery to work the way that he had planned it to. That was when she realized that she had no idea what he did during the day when he was in the lab. She knew that he was probably extremely intelligent just by the way that he spoke and the schooling that he probably received. However, they had never had a conversation where his intellect had been a major part of it. Right now, he was so overwhelmed with having her there and also with the piece of machinery not working that it had been an issue for him. This was going to be a test for him when she looked at him. Because in her mind, if he really wanted this work for them together, they had to be a team for everything. S
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  As Benton watched her in his laboratory where he was working on the biggest project of his entire life, and probably the entire generation of quantum mechanics was right there in front of her, it's when it hit Benton that she wasn't just an ornament. He could talk to her about just about anything, and she would probably understand now that she had her memory back. Everything was extremely different for him at that moment because he knew that things were not exactly what he had planned for. He finally had a partner that would be able to help him in every decision that he made. That was a realization that he never actually thought that he would have. It was freeing in many ways. Kelly was going to be somebody that he could talk to about different projects and everything else in his life that mattered. It wasn't something that he ever expected to have in a relationship. It was something that was going to be completely new to the both of them that they could share
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    Benton was gone for most of the next day. He had gone into town to get one he could supply and order everything that he would need for the machinery to possibly work again. It was going to be a stressful trip, so he really didn't want to take Kelly, but he had offered, and she declined. She wanted to get a couple more campaigns under wraps and investigated which she was doing a little bit better with. She had found a few really good causes that she wanted to help out with, and he, of course, supported everything that she wanted to do. It was one of those things where they had finally found the correct balance of everything for her to undertake some of the investigations in that way if she had really thought it was good and then wanted to investigate more, the people would do it in that way they weren't completely overrun with more work to do for her. They enjoyed working with her. She was like a breath of fresh air for the entire facility. She had becom
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    When the police started calling again to make an appointment that they could come out to the compound so they could talk to the both of them again, Benton knew that something happened. He had heard through the Grapevine that the case was starting to pick up a little bit of heat. It had been nearly three months since the accident that caused Kelly to lose her memory and also for her to end up walking across two counties to the top of the mountain that his compound was in, and then she gracefully fell off the cliff and set off every laser grid that he had. Honestly, he was grateful at this point that it had happened at all. Her being able to be there with him was the best thing that ever that had happened to him, and even though he knew that they didn't start off very well because he suspected that she was a spy, it had turned out to be the absolute best thing in his life. He knew that life was going to be different, and he was happy with that. He
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  The police were there earlier in the morning to talk to the couple in the conference room. Benton was not thrilled with the fact they showed up early. He was looking forward to having her a little more relaxed before he let them upset her at all. It had already put a damper on his morning as well. This was not exactly the first thing that he wanted to deal with at the crack of dawn.  However, he knew that this was going to be the time that they were going to be able to at least try and figure out what the police knew. They really had not kept in contact with them too much unless they had a specific question which was usually a yes or no question. Since Kelly had gotten back her memory, they really had not used her as a witness too much, still knowing that the trauma could bring things back too quickly. He was pleased with the fact that they were listening to the doctors that he had there about her condition. They weren't pushing her very far either.
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  Over the next week, Benton was in constant communication with the detectives working on Kelly's case. There had been a huge breakthrough, and they knew the area that the people on the boat had settled in for the time being. They had rented a cabin on the beach a few months before the accident. Some of the other people, like the crew of the boat, had also had a cabin rented for them. Everybody was expecting a huge payday when they were done with this charade. They had been opening their mouths more and more at the local bars and any local restaurant. They were trying to show off that they had money, and at the moment, they had none. They were basically living off of credit. There have been a few phone calls between one of Kelly's siblings and her ex-boyfriend. That was what led them to find the cell tower that was closest to them. At the moment, they were sending officers down plain-clothed to scout out the different areas. They knew the trail was becoming hott
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  Kelly and Benton stood off to the side under the street. The entire street was overloaded with police officers from different counties in different States and different organizations altogether. She had never seen anything like this in real life. It has only been on something like TV. This was nothing like what she had seen on TV. This was her life in the balance. The reason why all these people were here and putting themselves in danger was because no one knew what was in the house was because of her and the accident that happened on the boat. It was one of the most surreal feelings in the world to Kelly. She took a deep breath in, and she would let it out slowly as she could feel the salt in the air. The sweet thang that was still there in the scent was easy to pick up on. She had always loved the water. Though she didn’t want to be near it right now. She didn’t know if she was ever going to be OK with any body of water again though she had not completely lo
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  As they went to the nearest police station where they were going to be held, the people in the cars were all surprised that Kelly was there at all. Some of them had asked questions to the police officers, which had been ignored. Basically, they had been advised of their rights, and each one of them had been told basically to shut up. Nobody had any sympathy for them. Benton and Kelly had made their way to the police station as well. Knowing that they were going to hopefully get to hear what the people had said. They were going to start with the crew members first and then work their way up to Kelly's cousin and her ex-boyfriend. That way, they would have enough ammunition against the other people by the words of the crew members versus just what evidence they had. As of right now, legal counsel was not an option for them. They have been given the right to one, but nobody had asked for one yet. As they knew as they looked at Kelly, there was no money for it. Ev
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