All Chapters of The Secretive Billionaire : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
80 Chapters
    The interrogations went on for about four hours as one by one, the crew was taken into the rooms, and they were asked a series of questions. The answers were all the same, and they had to wonder if they were being coached to say such things or they were really left in the dark and didn't realize that they were an accessory to trying to commit murder. Kelly looked at all of them, and though she didn't really know if she could be an expert on reading people, she had to believe it was the second option. These people didn't honestly know, for the most part, if what was going to happen. They have been used just as much as everybody else in the entire process period, from the insurance companies to anyone who had supplied information on Kelly's life to the people that were supposed to be the closest to her. They all knew when to strike. However, these people were completely caught off guard by the whole situation. They were just trying to survive, and knowing
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  When Josh was brought up, he just stared at her with his wide blue eyes. This was the moment that she had been waiting for. She could care less about what her ex had to say, but this was what she had been looking forward to. Even though I wasn’t looking forward to anything. She wanted to know why Josh was involved in any of this. “I can't believe that you're alive,” he stated as he looked at her with complete disbelief. The shock was there written on his face. He had thought the plan had worked. “How do you know I’m alive? I could be just a ghost standing there ready to make you look like a complete ass,” she responded as she looked at him. Her head was beginning to hurt just by looking at him, knowing that he had betrayed her so badly and tried to end her life by pushing her over the boat. She had remembered that he was the one who took her shoulders and gave her a shove over the side. “I don’t care why you did it, but I want to know why? Why did you
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  After the lunch, the two got back on the helicopter, and he took her hand in his giving it a gentle squeeze as they took off. And also, throughout the entire time, he was playing with her fingers. There was something cathartic about the whole action for both of them. They were headed to the police station that was holding her family, including her siblings and her parents. There were also various cousins and also aunts and uncles. This was going to be an absolutely huge case because it was the largest conspiracy that most people in the area would ever hear of. Because of his involvement as well, he knew that it would soon make national news. He knew this was taking a toll on her, and he didn't want it to drag her under the water. He was going to try and figure out something that would be more distracting for her, but he also knew that he had let her deal with this on her own. All he could do was stand by her and make sure that she was taken care of when she fi
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    After about four more people being brought up, it was finally her parent's turn. Both of them were going to try and come upstairs at the exact same time and talk to different DAs now that the other one had arrived. Kelly waited in the same spot that she had basically been in one everybody had been brought up. Each person had looked at her like they were seeing something out of a horror film. Nobody knew that she was alive except for her parents and when she saw her father for the first time since the accident she had to fight with herself not to run to him. He had been a part of this right from the start, and even though he had been probably one of the people in her life that she had depended on the most, knowing the fact that he was a part of this tore her to pieces. When he was placed in the interrogation room, he didn't even acknowledge that she was there. That was a slap in the face to her. She felt it physically. The opposite reaction happe
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  A few hours later, Kelly was lying in bed, completely dead to the world. She had taken some medicine to be able to fall asleep, and she was finally able to relax a little bit once they got back to the compound. That's where she felt the most safe. Before she fell asleep, she looked at Benton, and he knew that the medicine was starting to kick in because her eyes were starting to dilate, and they were getting heavy as well, “I don't want to go to the trial. I don’t want to have anything to do with this anymore.” “Whatever you want to do is perfectly fine with me. If you want to go then, we'll go together. If you don't want to go, then you and I will find something to do.” Benton said as he rubbed her hair as he sat on the bed, looking down at her. He was going to talk to the people in the lab for a little while and let her have some quiet. When he got back to the apartments, though, he didn't spot her on the bed. Once again, she was hiding behin
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    Days went by while they waited to hear about everything that was going on at the police station. Kelly picked up the computer and started writing. She just started writing whatever she felt, and then she started at the beginning of her story. In the meantime, Benton had spent more time in the lab giving her space, knowing that she needed it right now. In his mind, the same if you love it, let it go kept coming to mind. He wasn't letting her go, but he was letting her figure everything out in her own mind without interjecting his own personal opinions into everything. That's when she was sleeping. She had a moment where she kept talking about the different shapes of a core cell. She had been talking about it so badly that it woke him up. When he listened to her, he knew something was still bothering her in her mind, but she couldn’t place it. The nightmares and bad dreams and played a huge factor in everything that she was doing now. She had seem
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  Benton opened the doors, and the techs were still in shocked that they had managed to get the quantum diffuser to work correctly and to hold any momentum in keeping the machine going. Everybody was still in awe as they continued to look at the machine. He looked down at her and smiled. “We need to do another test run so she can see,” Benton said as he looked at the techs, who all nodded, and then they went to their designated safety areas to go ahead and start the process of turning down the machine. Because of the way that they were working with the quantum mechanics and the quantum energy in the area, they did have quite a few safety protocols put into place just in case something went wrong. He gave her a pair of safety goggles and moved her across the way to the furthest place from the machine under safety glass and everything else that he could possibly think of to make sure that she was OK, but she needed to see this. The countdown to starting th
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  After he discussed everything with the techs and they were going to clean up the prototype of the new piece that the machine worked at all, they were going to finish up for the day knowing they had a lot to celebrate. Benton decided that he was going to bring her somewhere special as well. There was one room that she had never gone to. At least, he didn't think that she had never gone to. He had never taken her there. He stopped her as soon as they got back to the apartment to stand in front of the door while he walked inside for a moment and then came back out with nothing in his hands which surprised her. She had no idea what he was planning, but she was feeding off of his excitement as well. “There's a place I want to take you,” he said as he began to lead her through the maze of hallways throughout the mountain. There was one room that he had built because of a fascination that he had with the stars. It was a childhood thing that he never outgrew.
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  He brought the trolley food in and began to put things on to the table for them to take what they wanted for dinner. He ordered everything special for the day, but he was trying to make sure that it still fitted for the evening. That was when she noticed the bottle of champagne that was in the ice off to the side of the table. She sent him a glance that spoke enough to ask her question. “Not only is tonight extremely special that we managed to get the quantum diffuser to work. It's still a long road ahead of us that we can specialize it and make it work in different ways now that it turns on and holds its charge. The fact that it didn't shut down within a matter of seconds is a huge accomplishment on our end, and we couldn't have done it without you. So tonight is a celebration for that. but tonight is also special for us.” Benton said as he looked at her and then sat down across the way as he popped the bottle of champagne and then poured a glass. “Ho
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  Kelly was still completely blank when he finally made eye contact with him. That was when she realized that she really needed to say something, and she needed to say something really quickly. He was almost panicked, and it showed in his eyes, and she had never seen that before. that was the moment that everything became ultimately clear for her. She looked at him, and she put out her hand and touched his face. He was scared. She could feel it in his muscles. More than that, the look of pure love. He was really frightened that she was going to not say anything or say no. She's probably the only person on the planet who could even remotely think about saying no to him. Knowing that he was a good-looking man was one thing, period. Knowing that he was a billionaire, what is another thing. He had probably never had a female tell him, knowing his life, and on a daily basis, she found some reason to tell him no for something. The look that he had was nothing
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