All Chapters of My Dear Prince of Darkness: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
76 Chapters
Chapter Thirty: She is my Slave
Two guards rushed forward, grabbing me by either of my arms and lifting me while the king watched on."Are you the reason for this disagreement between my sons?" He asked, narrowing his gaze on me. "What do you think you are doing by coming into my kingdom and stirring discord?""King Nigel, this woman is a nuisance and a threat. You need to do away with her immediately." Veronica announced, acting weakly. "She is trying to seduce your son.""Seduce my son?" King Nigel repeated eyeing Veronica. "Do you think that the Prince's are so easily swayed?""N-no, of course not." Veronica stammered, her eyes widening. "I am just saying that this woman needs to be done away with.""Veronica!" Roland hissed, his voice dripping with disbelief. "Are you insane?"For a moment, Veronica doesn't speak as she takes him in with a look of disbelief and disgust."Don't tell me that you've fallen for this tramp too!"Eyes widening, Roland immediately looked to Elias as if worried that he would snap again d
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Chapter Thirty One: Lycan attack
"Duck!" Derrick called as Roland swung a fist at me. "You don't want to get hit!"Huffing, I quickly dodged Roland's attack as sweat poured down into my eyes. We had been training for a little over a week now, and I was beginning to get used to his movements—not enough to fully avoid, but progress was progress, right?"You just got lucky." Roland chuckled, readjusting his footing. "But you won't be so lucky this time."Lunging forward, his hand shot out towards my chest, moving out of the way. I managed to avoid the attack, but I wasn't quick enough to stop him from kicking my feet out from underneath me.Gasping, I tried to suck in air as my back slammed into the ground. Black spots danced in front of my eyes as Roland stood staring down at me, smirking."You alright?" He asked, holding out a hand.Coughing, I nodded. "I'm good; I can keep going.""I think it is about time we called it a day." He countered, heaving me off the ground.We had spent a good part of the day running simple
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Chapter Thirty Two: Muscle Memory
"GET OFF ME!" I screamed as my hands found the Lycan's chest and shoved.Surprise flashed across the creature's face as the force of my shove sent it flying backwards into a wall. Taking advantage of its momentary distraction, I hurried to my feet and braced myself before it moved forward, ready to attack again.As the creature lunged towards me, my body went into autopilot, easily catching the creature by its arms and twisting with a force that easily snapped its wrists. Snarling, it backed away before moving forward again, only for me to easily manage to dodge the attack before wrapping an arm around its neck and squeezing.Growling, the lycan tried to break free of my hold, but I was much stronger than it, and without the use of its hands, the creature was at a disadvantage. Heaving, I tightened my hold, crushing its windpipe, causing it to fight back harder. With a final heave, I felt the creature's neck bones snap before all movement ceased and the lycan became limp. Letting go, I
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Chapter Thirty Three: Another Attack
"YOU CAUSED THIS, DIDN'T YOU?" Maria snarled as her hand began to fall through the air, ready to strike. "YOU TRICKED MY BBROTHER,AND NOW YOU'RE HELPING THE ENEMY INFILTRATE THE CASTLE!"Eyes widening, I watched her hand come towards my face as if in slow motion. Lifting my own, I easily grabbed her wrist and tugged, pulling Maria forward while spinning her so that her arm twisted behind her back."I'm getting pretty sick of you coming in guns blazing." I snapped angrily. "How about you learn to give people a chance to speak?""YOU BITCH!" She screamed, trying to break free. "SEE! THIS PROVES MY POINT! LOOK AT YOU! YOU WERE JUST PRETENDING TO BE PATHETIC TO TRICK MY BROTHER!""Think what you like." I sighed, already tired of her overreaction."Maria, you need to learn to reign in that temper." Roland, who stood aside, sighed. "Instead of falsely accusing, you should help Father and Elias figure out who is actually behind this attack.""Everyone takes this woman's side over mine!" Maria
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Chapter Thirty Four: Take Action
"Valerie," Roland whispered, coming up behind me. "When I say run, I need you to run and not stop until you're in the safety of the castle.""What?" I hissed, keeping my eyes fixed on the string of lycans that were making their way towards us. "What about you and Derrick?""We are trained warriors." He reminded me. "You, however, are not, and you would only be a hindrance sticking around here."I opened my mouth to retort, but I knew deep down that Roland was right. If I were to be stubborn and stick around, I would truly be a hindrance. Derrick and Roland wouldn't be able to focus all their attention on fighting the lycan if they had to pay attention to protecting me as well."Why don't the both of you run with me?" I asked instead; I just couldn't stomach the idea of leaving them both here to fight off the beasts.Roland chuckled. "What kind of solider would I be if I fled in the face of danger?""He's right, Valerie." Derrick added. "As soldiers, we have sworn our lives to King Nige
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Chapter Thirty Five: Know Your Place
I don't know how long I laid on Elias' floor before he finally returned with a healer. Bending down, he gently lifted me off the ground and placed me back on his bed before moving aside so the healer could move in and begin examining my wounds."Luckily, they aren't deep enough to need sutures." The man spoke as he pulled pieces of tattered fabric away from the wounds, causing me to wince. "But they'll take some time to heal.""Be more gentle." Elias hissed, not missing my discomfort. "I brought you here to treat her, not hurt her.""Yes prince." The man said quickly, his voice shaking.Growing quiet, the healer busied himself cleaning and dressing the wounds on my back. I couldn't help but realize that the whole time he did it, his hands were shaking. It was clear that this healer was new, and he feared Elias greatly.Finished with his work, the man gave a bow before rushing out of the room, leaving just me and Elias."Thanks." I whispered, keeping my gaze fixed on my hands, which sat
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Chapter Thirty Six: Reconsiliation
"HEY!"Twirling, I found Elias rushing out of the room after me, his face fixed in a look of confusion."What do you want?" I asked, trying to hide my shock. "Did you need something else with me?""Thinking on it..." Elias began looking slightly uncomfortable. "It may be better if you stayed in my quarters for the time being.""What?" This time, I was unable to mask my shock as his words sank in. "Me, stay with you?"Elias nodded. "There have been two lycan attacks now on the palace. Don't forget, you are a danger magnet.""Yes, yes, I attract danger." I muttered, forgetting for a second what was being said. "Wait...."I needed to focus here. Just moments ago, he was being cold towards me, but now he suddenly wanted me to stay with him. What exactly was going on here?"This isn't up for debate." Elias huffed as the prior look of discomfort disappeared and his usual mask of indifference took its place. "Go collect your things and be back within an hour.""Sure." It wasn't like I could a
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Chapter Thirty Seven: Is there Feelings?
Soft moans escaped my lips as Elias' tongue swirled around my erect nipples while his hands trailed along my side down to my hip and back up, teasing me until I couldn't stand it anymore and was ready to attack.I don't know how long he had already spent teasing me and driving me wild. Usually he would just go straight for the kill, but something about this time was different than the others. It was hard to explain, but it felt more like I was being cherished compared to being just used."Elias..." His name left my lips with a slight sigh. "Please, I don't want just teasing."The things this man was doing to my body were insane, but I didn't hate them; however, I wanted more than this—so much more.As his name escaped me, his free hand trailed down my stomach to my soaked slit so it could slide between my folds. Using his fingers, he began to tease and taunt me. Moaning, I arched my back, silently begging for him to continue.Chuckling, Elias obliged, pushing in one, then two fingers a
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Chapter Thirty Eight: Realize Feelings
The feeling of something hard pressing against my legs roused me from my exhausted sleep. Outside, the sounds of military drills being run could be heard, indicating that it was morning. In the current world of darkness that I resided in, these sounds alone were the only thing that helped me determine it was morning.Sighing, I shifted, trying to turn to face Elias, who was still sound asleep behind me. How I had managed to sleep the entire night with this gorgeous man beside me was beyond me. Then again, it was probably because of the exercise we did before bed or the lycan attack beforehand. Either way, I slept soundly.Letting a small smile play on my lips, I allowed myself to examine Elias' sleeping form. When the man was sound asleep, he looked innocent. With the usual frown gone, he looked ten years younger, and without his normal arrogant look, he was actually approachable.As I continued to take him in, a strand of hair fell loose from the others and covered one of his closed e
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Chapter Thirty Nine: One on One Lessons
"Show me what Derrick and Roland have taught you." Elias said, positioning himself. "Once I see what your weaknesses are, we can work on them." Even though Elias had said that he would be giving me one-on-one lessons, I still wasn't quite able to wrap my head around it. Whereas I hadn't been uncomfortable training with Roland and Derrick, I was very nervous training with Elias due to our intimate acts. What if I accidentally slipped into horny Valerie while he was being serious?" "What exactly are you wanting me to do?" I asked, slowly taking Elias in. "Should I attack or should I wait for you to atta...." I didn't have the opportunity to finish my question as he lunged forward, punching at my face. Too caught off guard by the sudden movement, I only had enough time to stop that punch, but not the second that followed. "You could have said something." I huffed, doubling over from the impact. "In an actual fight, no one is going to give you a warning." He pointed out, taking a step
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