All Chapters of My Dear Prince of Darkness: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
76 Chapters
Chapter Fifty: Wendigo Attack
In the burlap bag, I felt the ropes coming free. Strengthening my attempts, I fought until I felt them loosen enough for me to get out. Sitting up and looking around, I took in my surroundings. It seemed that whoever kidnapped me threw me into the back of a carriage, and we were currently heading to some unknown location.Under me, the carriage rattled with each rock and bump and occasionally swayed on the uneven road it was taking."Think Valerie." I murmured, looking around at the crates that surrounded me in an attempt to come up with an escape plan.Slinking forward, I pulled aside a flap and stared at the dirt road quickly racing past. Immediately, I began to wonder just how badly I would be hurt if I were to simply fling myself onto it. Deciding that whatever damage I took was better than being taken to who knew where, I settled on this being my only route.Sucking in a breath, I climbed to the edge and waited until the carriage managed to make its way across a grassy field. Clos
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Chapter Fifty One: Halluleia Tyraniyaar
My protests continued until Tristan burst through the woods, making the darkness of Allsbrook disappear. Looking up, I took in the much-too-bright sun and the clear blue sky. It was a stark contrast to the sky that I had become accustomed to in the Kingdom of Allsbrook.Allowing my eyes to adjust, I examined the large white castle with bright blue flags sitting high atop massive spires that seemed to reach to the heavens themselves. Where in the hell were we?This place was so different from the kingdom of Allsbrook, and though I was seeing it with my own eyes, I couldn't help but feel that I was dreaming."Beautiful, isn't it?" Tristan asked, drawing my attention to him."It is something." I murmured, unable to quite understand why it felt oddly familiar to me. "But I really should get back where I came from."Despite the pull I was feeling for this place, I couldn't shake the urge to want to get back to Elias. Even though he rejected me and we were at odds, where he was was where I b
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Chapter Fifty Two: Do I Know You
After the healer finished stitching up my leg, Tristan took me to a guest room to stay for the night. I couldn't stop feeling uncomfortable as I looked around the massive castle that we moved through. It was so similar but so different from the one that Elias stayed in. And just seeing the similarities made me instantly miss him.Frowning, I began to internally kick myself for missing a bastard who made it clear that I meant nothing to him. However, no amount of reminding myself of this made the emptiness in me feel better."You can stay here for the evening." Tristan instructed, opening a door at the very end of a very long hall. "This is the guest quarters, and no one should bother you.""Is this really okay?" I asked, eyeing the large room ahead as my anxiety continued to grow.Inside the room was a king-size bed with an intricate wooden frame that seemed fit for royalty. At the foot of that was a fluffy white bear skin rug that had to be imported from somewhere cold. The walls held
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Chapter Fifty Three: Pixies
I remained silent as Vladimier examined me as if trying to find something. When he finally seemed to find it, he gave a small smile."Tristan, do you mind leaving us?" He asked instead of answering my question. "I'd like to speak with our guest alone.""Of course, sir." Tristan said, quickly bowing.Not saying another word, he hurried out of the room, leaving us alone.For a moment, he continues to not speak, instead choosing to take me in as if I were the most interesting thing in the world."Well?" I pushed.If he were to say that we didn't know each other, there was a good possibility that I would call him a liar. The way I felt in that memory didn't lie, and it was very similar to how I felt about the other man that appeared."Would you mind taking a walk with me?" He asked, taking me by surprise."Where to?""Castle grounds." He responded easily.Deciding that there really wasn't any reason to decline, since this was the man's domain, I nodded and stood. Wincing, I tried to ignore
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Chapter Fifty Four: Returned Memories
"Do you truly not remember anything?" Vladmier asked quietly, staring deeply into my eyes. "Nothing at all?""No..." I murmured as my heart began to beat faster. "When I woke up in this world, I didn't remember anything about my past, not even my name. All this time, I've yet to remember anything solid, only things here and there.""And with those things, we were included?" He pushed, seeming hopeful.Was he included? Before arriving in his kingdom, I had only remembered one man, and even then, I didn't recognize him or fully know what he meant to me. After arriving here, I only had that brief flash of Vladimier in the field. Did that mean that I did know him and that we had a history? If that was the case, what was it with the other man?Feeling a surge of pain run through my head, I hissed, giving up entirely on trying to make heads or tails of anything. By this point, maybe it was better that I didn't push too hard."Don't try to force yourself." Vladimier said, lifting a hand and p
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Chapter Fifty Five: Conflicting Emotions
As Vladimier's lips found mine once more, Elias' face appeared in my mind, causing my heart to flip uncontrollably."What's wrong?" Vladimier asked, pulling away and giving me a look of hurt.Gasping, I tried to make sense of my reaction to seeing Elias' face and how I could possibly feel anything with my true love in front of me."I'm sorry." I murmured, unable to think of a proper excuse that wouldn't hurt him. "It's just that..."Trailing off, I tried to think of what I could even say. I just saw another man that I loved when I forgot about you. Or that there were now two people in my heart, even if one of those people crushed me."It's okay," he said, bringing me back to the present. "You've been through a lot, and you need time to fully adjust.""Yeah." I whispered even though I felt like a complete bitch for how I felt."Come," Vladimier said, holding out a hand. "I'm sure you're probably exhausted and could use some rest. Let me take you back to your room.""My room?" I asked, m
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Chapter Fifty Six: Surprise At The Ball
The next evening, I found myself standing in front of a full-length mirror, staring at myself. For most of the afternoon, I was poked and prodded by a personal stylist that Vladimier had hired specifically to make me presentable for a banquet that he insisted that I attend.As the whole ordeal was taking place, I couldn't help but remember when the same thing happened when I was with Elias. Which, in the end, sent my thoughts to that arrogant prince, and I couldn't stop myself from wondering how he was doing. Even though I told myself that I needed to forget him, I just couldn't stop the wave of emotion that crashed through me at the mere thought of him. It was like I was an addict, and he was my drug. Now that I had a taste, I craved him."Quit being ridiculous." I hissed at my reflection as I tried desperately to push away my feelings. "You're with the man you truly love. Forget that arrogant prince.""What arrogant prince?" Adrielle, Vladimier's personal assistant, asked, reappearin
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Chapter Fifty Seven: Uninvited Guest
"Valerie, will you marry me?" Vladimier murmured, giving me a tender gaze. "All these years, I've only had one regret.""Regret?" I whispered, still unable to believe what was going on."Yes." He responded as a hint of sadness crossed his face. "Since the day that I lost you, I've always regretted never properly marrying you. I thought that having a vow ceremony was enough, but now I see it wasn't.""Vlad..." Closing my mouth, I found myself in distress over what to say. I loved him, and I was sure of that, but something in me screamed to say no. "Can I have some time to think about it?"I knew this wasn't the answer he was expecting. The flash of pain that was quickly covered up was proof of that. However, I just couldn't shake the confusion and doubt I was feeling."Of course, take all the time you need." He said, standing up. "I know this must be a lot, especially after you've just had your memories returned. I should have thought of your feelings before doing something so spontaneo
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Chapter Fifty Eight: Come With Me
"Are you not happy to see me?" Elias asked, frowning ever so slightly."I just..." I didn't even know how to explain the torrent of emotions that were rushing through me right now. "I just don't understand."Honestly, that was the best I could even think of. How the hell did he even manage to sneak in here without getting caught? Why would he come? Before his bitch of a fiance kidnapped me, he rejected me entirely. Was he here to possibly claim his blood source back?"How can you not understand?" Elias demanded, his frown deepening. "Do I need to spell it out for you?""What are you..."I didn't get the chance to finish my question as he moved forward, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me into the shadow of the much too large palm frond that he had been hiding behind before.Once he was sure that we were out of sight of any possible prying eyes, he placed his finger on my chin and pushed, causing my head to lift. Eyes growing wide, I watched as his head came closer to mine u
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Chapter Fifty Nine: Griffin
For the rest of the evening, I was restless and unable to sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw Elias' hurt expression. Despite telling myself that this was for the best and that eventually we would both get over it, I couldn't stop the pain I felt over how things played out, and that kept me awake until the servants began to move, indicating that it was morning. I had to admit that this perpetual day was taking a toll on me. After all, I was used to the perpetual night back in Allsbrook.Getting up, I hurried to the washroom to freshen up and change. Once I felt that I was acceptable enough, I snuck out into the hall, where maids and butlers rushed around collecting dirty linen and laundry to wash for the day."Good morning, miss." Melanie, a young woman with mousy brown hair and big golden eyes, greeted me as I tried to escape. "Where are you off to in such a hurry this morning?""Oh..." I stammered, realizing that I was busted. "I was just going to go down to the garden for a st
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