All Chapters of Princess of Death: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
75 Chapters
Chapter 31
Weeks flew by, Icran made no further moves to connect the link between Rhae and himself. Rhae and Aynyra never spoke or looked at each other, even at the King's breakfasts, the wedding planning, or at the royal dinners in the evening. Aynyra thought it was Rhae trying to shut her out. Even though it hurt her, she knew it was the right thing to do. However, Rhae barely even noticed the princess, so overcome with her grief. Though Kaia and herself had hardly seen each other of late, their bond was strong. They had been friends since they were young, both raised inside the guild. Although they took different professions, they both enjoyed a drink together after their jobs were done. Rhae felt incredibly guilty. She hadn't even thought about trying to visit her friend. Her life had been overwhelming as of late, filled with many changes. That shouldn't have stopped her from visiting her lifelong friend or even checking to see if she was ok. Rhae felt guilty. She was so overc
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Chapter 32
Aynyra awoke in Rhaenyx's bed. Rhae was snoring softly, her body still and relaxed. Aynyra watched as Rhae's chest slowly moved up and down, with no tension in her face. Aynyra looked to the ceiling, before sighing softly. Somehow, she felt pity in the depths of her subconscious. It's what caused her to stay the night. She had no knowledge of why she was so comfortable with the murderer lying beside her. That murderer was now her mother. When she made that realisation, Aynyra sat up and slipped out of bed, hurrying to the bookcase where she had left the potions book the night before. She hurried out of the room, softly opening the door, without realising that Rhae's chest had stopped rising and falling.~*~*~Rhae slowly opened her eyes, catching a glimpse of Aynyra softly scurrying out of the room holding the book. She sat up, taking a deep breath, before sliding off her bed and touching her feet down on the cold tiles. The icy floors tickled the bottoms of her feet as she walked fro
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Chapter 33
Rhae was still sitting in the chair, she could barely move. Her muscles were tensed, her adrenaline pumping, but her motivation was lacking. Icran's control over her was much stronger than she thought; no matter how hard she fought to keep her walls up, he could break them down instantly. With this new revelation, she knew that she had to break their bond before she could avenge Kaia. That was impossible. Which meant she would have to kill Aynyra and the rest of her family, including her brother, Prince Valor, who was due to return from his voyage outside the walls any day now. Hopefully, he died out there so that Rhae wouldn't be forced to do it herself. If Rhae went after the Akihyra fruit and survived, she would have to kill Aynyra. If she stayed here, then she would die, a useless death without avenging Kaia. It was a lose-lose. If she survived this encounter, she would follow through with her plan, altering the steps slightly. She hadn't meant to stab Icran tonight, she only w
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Chapter 34
There was a rustling in the bush in front of a tall, lean man. He had dark shoulder-length hair, that slightly curled away from his face. He had a full dark beard from ear to ear. His skin was sun-kissed, as much as it could be with the regularly overcast weather in their Kingdom. He wore a green tunic and pants with a brown belt and brown leather armour across his upper chest and shoulders. He had a sword strapped to his side and a bow slung across his back. It creaked as he pulled it over his shoulder and drew back the string with his arrow. He took a deep breath waiting. As soon as he breathed out, a stag sprung out of the bushes into the small clearing, sniffing the wind for his scent. The man released the arrow, sending it flying straight through the neck of the stag. It tumbled to the ground with a yelp. The man lept from his hiding spot and ran for the stag, pulling out his knife, before any predators could grasp the scent of its blood. He pulled his arrow out, and mercifully e
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Chapter 35
"His highness, Prince Valor of house Talaelex, accompanied by his expedition party and Lady Dynamere of house Raenleous."Aynyra paused in her tracks. The party turned to her entrance. Her brother Prince Valor strode towards her, a large goofy smile on his face before he pulled her in for an embrace, "Little Aynyra, oh you've grown so much!" Valor squeezed her tightly."Brother, it's good to see you," she wheezed.Valor let her go when the King cleared his throat, the sound echoing across the hall. "Princess Aynyra, please sit." The King gestured to the smaller throne two seats to his left. On his right, sat her brother when he was around. The other throne was reserved for the Queen, her mother sat there, and now Rhae would. If she woke. Aynyra gracefully strode before the King and bowed low before taking her seat. Prince Valor stood before his party and bowed once again to the King and Aynyra, his noblewoman doing the same."Prince Valor, a
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Chapter 36
Dynamere turned the handle to open Rhaenyx's bedroom door. She peered through the darkness to make out the figure on the bed. She heard whispers from the servants that Rhaenyx was in a coma for unknown reasons. Dynamere knew why, Icran mentioned that she attempted to him. That would not be forgiven, so here she was, to pay back the debt. She would accomplish the mission that Rhaenyx had failed to do for too long now.Dynamere crept through the room, slowly drawing out her dagger, without making a sound. She made it across the tiled floor to the edge of the bed. She paused to examine the figure now that her eyes had been accustomed to the dark. Rhaenyx was breathing softly, in a deep slumber. Her body was still, and her muscles relaxed. Dynamere moved closer and lifted the dagger into the air. Once she was done here, she would kill the snivelling Princess next, then the King, and before word got to the Prince, she would have one last taste of him. Then she would e
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Chapter 37
Rhae awoke to servants funnelling into her room, pulling open the curtains, hauling out a wooden platform into the middle of the room with piles of fabrics, needles and thread. Rhae sat up and rubbed her eyes as the morning light poured into the room. "Good morning your majesty, we have a busy schedule so let's get you up and ready!" She recognised the lady who spoke to her. Maria, she believed her name was. Rhae was hauled out of her bed by Maria and pulled onto the wooden platform they hauled out earlier. She had servants standing behind her brushing and styling her hair, while others held up fabrics to her skin, pinning and forming a shape to fit her. After what felt like forever, the servants who were sewing disappeared into her closet and walked out with a light blue gown that sat just on the edge of her shoulders and made a straight line across her chest. It was hemmed with lace that frilled out along the top, then continued down her bodice until it reached her waist. The skirt
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Chapter 38
Aynyra walked into the feast hall, gazing down at the long wooden tables intricately decorated and covered with lavish plates of food. The tables had red tablecloths with golden leaves running down the trim. Golden candlesticks and golden chalices were laden along the table, a clear theme of red and gold present. The tapestries had been changed to show golden trees with a red background, hanging across the walls of the dining hall. The adjacent ballroom had the curtains pulled back to view the whole ballroom, which was also decorated similarly. The curtains were red with gold detailing and the banners across the room matched.Aynyra made her way down the steps, towards the table that ran horizontally against the other tables that ran vertically down the hall. Seated in the middle of the table facing the rest of the room sat the King, her father and Prince Valor at his side. Rhaenyx was yet to arrive it seemed. As she made her way down the stairs, her brother caught her eye an
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Chapter 39
Rhae sat down beside her King, "Sorry Vaevor, I must rest for a moment before I dance again."The King smiled, "not to worry Nira, I would give anything for your happiness, my Queen." He picked up her hand and kissed it, smiling at her widely."Thank you, Vaevor. I was actually hoping we could discuss some issues at the moment, the winter has undoubtedly made our crops suffer-" Rhae started, but was cut off as Vaevor raised his hand."Nira please, this is a celebration! Let us discuss these issues at our meetings." The King turned and took a drink from his golden chalice.Rhae sucked in a breath before turning to the ball and smiling, "Of course, your grace."Rhae's hands were tied. She had a mission that she could not stop herself from completing. Eventually, Icran would come for her and the royal family would die. The citizens were struggling, and people dying. The winter was always harsh, but with the poor harvest over the past few months, many
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Chapter 40
Aynyra sat in the corner of the library, picking over the shelves, trying to find any hints about the Fae. The books dedicated to the subject had all been burned, but she hoped that she could find any clues or mentions in other books. That's when she saw a book named "The History of the Royal Family", just what she was looking for. She took the book to a nearby table and sat, pulling a candle close by. She skimmed through the introduction and discusses the establishment of the Kingdom and the first royal family. Aynyra continued flipping through a couple of generations to the young Prince in love with the Fae princess from another kingdom. There wasn't much information, as with all the other books she had combed through. The book only discussed him falling in love with a Fae woman before an eligible Queen stepped up after the untimely murder of his Fae bride-to-be. The Queen then ruled the Kingdom during that time while the Prince grieved, refusing to take on his kingly duties. Ther
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