All Chapters of Princess of Death: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
75 Chapters
Chapter 41
Rhae took a deep breath, checking her fingers for any lingering blue flames, before strolling out of her chambers towards the greenhouse. Prince Valor was sitting down feasting on pastries. If he isn't careful he could become as big as his father. Rhae strolled purposefully towards the table before taking a seat across from the Prince. She gave him a pointed stare, waiting for him to stop staring at her with a pastry hanging half out of his mouth. Valor slowly took the pastry out of his mouth and placed it on his plate, chewing the bite he took before he pulled it away. "Hello Nira, what can I do for you?" Valor smiled, resting his chin on his hands. "First of all, I'm not your mother, nor do I want to be. You will address me as Queen Nira. Secondly, you will not ask questions about my relationship with your father, though you are welcome to ask questions about anything else. Third, I need to know about the monsters, everything you saw outside of the walls." Rhae was giving a smil
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Chapter 42
Rhae woke up in a foreign room. She sat up and looked around, she was lying in a bed. Rhae looked to her left and saw Icran lying down, facing the other way.  Damn! Rhae pulled back the covers and moved to get out of the bed. Icran grabbed her wrist and pulled her back, "Rhaenyx, wait please." Rhae turned too quickly, her head pounded and a green light flashed across her vision. She grabbed her head before falling back onto the pillow.  "You have a concussion, you need to rest." Icran pulled the covers over her before leaning against his own pillow, running his hands through his long, blonde hair. "Listen, it's been a couple days. You were crushed under the rubble and I brought you here. You have a few broken ribs. We ran out of Akihyra, because the King had his guards uproot the tree and take it to palace." "Rhae sat up again, you mean it's not on the hill anymore?" Rhae grabbed her head again, running her fingers
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Chapter 43
Aynyra sat to the left of her father, with her brother on his right. They sat together at the meeting table, the court members turned to the King, waiting for him to speak. Her father had called an emergency meeting, which had never happened in her life. She also had never been to a meeting before, she supposed her father had an important reason for inviting her. "Our Queen has gone missing. Our prisoner has escaped. We must organise a search party for the Queen and put our a warrant for Dynamere Renaeleous. I will be leading the search party with my son. The lords present today will enact a council temporarily to take over my duties whilst I search for my wife," The King had no room for argument on his face. "Father, I would like to join the search party," all the Lords in the room turned to her, including her father and brother. The King frowned, "Absolutely not. You are to stay here and train to be the spiritual leader for when your brother takes over, as planned." Aynyra stood,
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Chapter 44
Aynyra was riding down the streets when she heard a scream. She turned her horse and shot off, only riding down a few streets before coming upon some guards. As she turned the corner she saw her father, dead on the floor, an arrow through his heart. She stared for a moment before lifting her helmet, "Where's my brother?" The guards turned to her in shock before pointing down the street. "Take my father back to the castle, now!" She pulled her helmet back down and charged down the street. Her horse was faster than any of the others in stable, soon she could hear the sound of horshoes on the cobblestones. She followed the sound and found the end of a party, two guards and her brother. Quickly, she caught up to them and saw Dynamere dash down an alley the horses couldn't fit through. Her brother's horse reared at the alleyway. Aynyra jumped off her horse before it could stop and sprinted down the alleyway after Dynamere. That murderer would pay. Dynamere tried to lose her through the
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Chapter 45
Prince Valor was now King Valor. Aynyra attended his coronation, standing beside him as he received his crown and sceptre. He had no Queen, but he had Aynyra. Aynyra stepped forwards and was blessed, receiving the band of the spiritual leader. A ceremonial sash was tied around her wrists, binding her forever to her spiritual responsibilities to the Kingdom. The sash was cut in the middle, leaving a strand hanging from each wrist. She sat on her throne beside her brother as the Priest chanted in Lystaria, followed by the court standing and applauding. They were in a new age, an age where they led the decisions of the Kingdom, where the blight of assassins, criminals and famine fell on their shoulders. Valor's first act as King was to remove bans on magic and remove the death penalty on all Fae. He decreed that anybody with magic or of Fae heritage was to be protected within the city walls, under his rule. They were to report to him and use their gifts to aid the Kingdom in its needs.
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Chapter 46
Aerys was carrying a basket of bread around the store, when a figure walking past caught his eye. Lynn shot a glance in before averting her eyes and continued walking. Aerys put down the basket, grabbed his coat and slinked out the door. He followed her through the streets, hiding behind crowds, pretending to shop at a vendor and hiding in alleys. Eventually, Lynn turned into a tavern. Perfect. Aerys purchased a new coin pouch from the vendor he was talking to, then walked into the tavern. He took a look around, spotting Lynn on the other side, sitting around a table with a crowd of seemingly mercenaries. Aerys walked up to the bar and ordered a drink, just within hearing distance of Lynn's group. "Lynn, were you there a couple days ago when they put that magic girl on stage in the guild hall?" One of the mercenaries asked while taking a swig of his drink, he had shaggy black hair and a scar across his cheek. Lynn rolled her eyes, "Yeah, I was there. That poor woman, humiliated lik
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Chapter 47
A few days had passed, mostly being spent in her room, until guards escorted her to the daily training with Aynyra and Valor. She hadn't seen Aerys since the guards separated them on arrival. She would have to go find him, to make good on her promise to him. Being under room arrest wasn't working for her, and today she would convince Valor to trust her. Rhaenyx stood across the mat from Aynyra, pulling up the magic from deep inside her, pulling it to her skin. It was easy to summon the magic, as all she had to do was bring up her anger, which she had a lot of. Aynyra stood across from her, hands raised. They had practised a few times, enough for Rhae to know that Aynyra could send out pulses of force, that were directional. Valor was trying to teach her to control it in pointed blasts that Rhae could dodge, allowing a real challenge. She had also learned that Aynyra could move things with her mind, but she could only do one thing at a time; her magic had limits so far. Rhae pulled
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Chapter 48
Icran was walking to his office when heard horses' hooves clattering on the cobblestones outside. He paused, listening to the horses stop outside and boots clatter on the pathway. At least 5 people were outside. Icran ran up the stairs and peered out the window. There were 6 men, wearing black cloaks. As one turned towards the fire light outside, he saw the red and gold of the royal guards' uniforms, each of them pouring casks of Gharane onto the wooden walls of the guild house. Shit. Icran ran back downstairs to his office, grabbed a bag and began stuffing items into it. He grabbed piles of paper off his desk, his flask of Akihyra from his desk drawer and a few other important things. He grabbed his sword, slinging the belt over his back and sprinted for the backdoor. As he made it out the backdoor, he felt heat on his back, pushing him to sprint to the other side of the street. He crouched down in an alleyway before turning back to look at the guild house... in flames. The entire
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Chapter 49
Rhae awoke to the campfire smouldering out, a small plume of smoke rising from it into the dawn. She yawned, stretching from the uncomfortable ground that hurt her back and looked around the camp. Aynyra hadn't returned yet.Rhae stood, examining the blanket that had been laid out for Aynyra, it was undisturbed. She ran over to Valor and shook him awake, "Aynyra hasn't returned yet, we have to go find her."Valor blinked slowly and rubbed his eyes, "What?" Aerys awoke at the noise and sat up, yawning, "What's going on?""Come on, pack up your shit, we have to go find Aynyra!" Rhae rolled up her blanket and shoved everything into her pack as quickly as she could, then ran over to speed up Valor and Aerys.She used her boot to stamp out whatever was left of the fire and ran off in the direction where Aynyra had disappeared the night before. Valor and Aerys ran after Rhae, trying to keep up with her pace as she raced through the forest, leaping
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Chapter 50
Aerys sat around the camp, unable to light a fire in fear of sending a smoke signal to another monster. Soon enough, the group woke up one by one, staring up at the starry night sky. As the group woke, they appreciated the silence, only hearing the crickets in the forest and bugs buzzing around. They stared up at the stars twinkling and glimmering around them. It felt good to lie and relax instead of fighting for their lives at every waking moment.Rhae began to hum, her throat throbbing at the motion. She hummed an old Lystarian tune, a child's lullaby. The small hum of the notes turned into a whisper, gently singing the song under her breath. She listened as another voice joined in beside her, Valor singing along to the tune. Eventually, she picked up her volume as Aynyra and Aerys joined in, the four singing up to the stars, asking for blessings on this night through their song. Rhae sang to her family, her ancestors and to her passed friends. Those s
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