All Chapters of The Fall Of Alpha Zane: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
144 Chapters
Mark Her!
"She is finally regained consciousness!!" Fredrick was out of breath as he had run all the way here when he heard the news, nearly falling as he approached the door. Amelia took it out on him when he punished James out of fury and reverse aggression, and she stopped talking to him in the same way that his wolf had stopped talking to him too. "You did it, you killed her!" was the only thing he hears every minute. Amelia had said that she couldn't stand being in the same room with someone who was "ruthless and irresponsible," and that was why he had taken it upon himself to always be there when Amelia wasn't. His only hope is that she will forgive him for being so thoughtless one day. As soon as he noticed she was awake, Zane dashed out the door. He turned into his big black wolf in an instant, worried less about who could see him, and hurried to the physician's house. He had no clue Alpha Luke and Rob
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Chapter Twelve
As soon as his jaws expanded and it became impossible to control his wolf any longer, he sunk his teeth into the most sensitive section of her neck, doing something irreversible... Marking her. As soon as the deed was done, he was overcome with different emotions, ranging from depression to self-pity, helplessness, and, finally, wrath; he knew he had successfully marked her since every emotion he was experiencing was hers. Several images of suffering rushed through his mind, and he grasped the seriousness of his actions. By allowing her to see all of this while she was sleeping, he shattered her not only physically and emotionally, but also cognitively. Long-term forgiveness is out of the question because no one, not even the moon goddess herself, can ever pardon such a crime. He was about to rip his fangs out of her neck when he heard someone scream. He initially thought he was hearing it from her mind, and it took him a long time to realiz
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How Dare You!
 Shirley was taken aback; she couldn't believe what she was hearing; she had thought she was the only one who had gone through such agony at such a young age. Shifting at that age was a horrible ordeal that no child should have to endure. She'd heard the stories, but she thought they were made up to make his cruelty appear more real and authentic.  She'd had no idea he'd been through so much, and they had something in common... being in pain at such a young age.  "He went through a lot like you did, and his condition was practically comparable to yours," explained the moon goddess. "I made you go through the same ordeal because I wanted you to be ready for anything. It is stated that what does not break you makes you stronger, and I wanted you both to be strong, but it looks that you both interpreted it incorrectly, and it broke you both." She let out a longing sigh. 
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Shirley ran out of the bedroom screaming her lungs out, she didn't bother to glance in the way of the now lifeless Zane, she was furious and right now, she needed to vent out her anger be it on a person, or an object if not she is going to explode, different emotions were overwhelming her, she was in need of a release. She needed to destroy something ASAP, she doesn't care who or what would be the object of that damage but she was sure as hell going to destroy things. She was like a woman in heat. The wailings and screams of Shirley made Zane regain consciousness a few minutes later, he quickly went in search of her not minding the excruciating pain in his head. He ignored the drops of blood on his forehead, all he wanted at the moment was to find her and calm her, all the screaming was bad for her health.He found her in the living room...Everything was turned upside down, she had managed to tear his cushions into pieces all his glasses from his
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We Have A Problem!
Her heart felt like it would stop any moment from now, if the pain doesn't stop soon, she would surely go insane. She clutched her hands together balling them in a fist. "Arrrrrgggghhhhh!" she screamed in pure agony, the pain was just too much. "Are you okay Luna?" James asked, not knowing what to do to help. She used her hand to clutch her chest, her breathing became hoarse and ragged. "My chest!" was the only thing she could say before she released an ear-splitting scream. James became scared as he stared at her pale and tired figure,
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Blood On The Floor
  Her heart felt like it would stop any moment from now, if the pain doesn't stop soon, she would surely go insane. She clutched her hands together balling them in a fist. "Arrrrrgggghhhhh!" she screamed in pure agony, the pain was just too much.
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He Drifted
"Zane might be ruthless but he is so fragile, mere words or actions can break him, his ruthlessness is just a facade so that people won't get to see the broken boy inside," the moon goddess's voice rang in her ears. "I know this because you are all my children, so I know each one of you and I know you will not forgive him easily for what he did but remember this child..." she paused a little. "...If you take too long to forgive him, you would have yourself to blame" "Besides, you only saw his ruthless side for a day, all the while that you have been with me has made him more fragile, you will understand what I mean when you get back"  *** Shirley was shocked to notice she was the only one Zane was calling for even when he was slowly losing consciousness. She was immobile until Amelia nudged her forward. She snapped her head to his face and noticed how pale he lo
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Chapter 18
"Nooo," she screamed.   One of the moon goddess's words replayed in her head.   "I do not say you should accept him immediately, but if you draw out time just to forgive him, he would fall back into depression, he would blame himself and start to give up on life gradually and you know exactly what that means" the moon goddess had said   "There is no point or joy in watching your mate fall into depression, but if you must pay him back for everything he did to you, then make him beg for your love, but make sure he knows he has been forgiven already," she had said   Shirley knew she was right; there was nothing she would gain from purposely allowing Zane to wallow in guilt when she knew that he was acting the only way he how to, though it was brutal it wasn't entirely his fault,his father shaped him t
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I Am Proud Of You
", I..I.." he stammered   Zane slowly got off the bed and move towards James, he stretches his hand to him in form of a handshake   "Let us go back to the way we are when we were still little, please" he still held his hand out   Something similar to happiness flashed through James' eyes he ignored the outstretched hand and in a swift second, he pulled Zane into a bone-crushing hug   "I am also sorry I neglected you when you were at your worse and needed my friendship the most, I was just scared of who we're becoming," James said with pain in his voice.   He was finally getting back his childhood friend after what seems like forever. He always wished and hoped for a day like this daily and he was glad it came to pass. It couldn't have been possible if not for the Luna.   He broke the hug and turn to Shirley   "Thank you Luna" he
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Shirley kept pacing in front of Zane's office, she could not muster up enough courage to go in and ask him the one question that is bothering her. She doesn't even know how to fashion the question. "Just go in already, he is not going to bite" Amelia shook her head at Shirl, she could not hide the smile on her face "He will not answer me, I am sure of it, especially after the stunt I pulled recently" Shirl bit her nail in frustration, tears were starting to invade her eyes as she stared at the ground. "How can you be sure when you have not asked him first" Amelia reminded "I just know it; did you see how Ace acted towards him the last time he was there? Plus, what Rosie said to him, do you think he would ever agree to go there again?" Shirley sighed sadly. "That was when he was still an asshole, but now that he has changed, he will definitely agree," Amelia said with confidence b
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