All Chapters of The Fall Of Alpha Zane: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
144 Chapters
Chapter 21
Shirley and Zane walked back to the house quietly. They were comfortable in the silence, they were content which each other's presence that there was no need for words. The next morning Zane crept into Shirley's room, he took a moment to study her features. Her hair looked a little disheveled, seems like she had been running her fingers through her hair the entire night. After studying her for a moment, he opened the window blinds so that sunlight would enter. Shirley snapped her eyes open as she felt something bright enough to blind her at the moment on her face, she turns only to see it was the ray of light filtering in from the window. "Good morning, your royal Majesty" she turned to find Zane staring right at her, his hand tucked into the pocket of his neatly ironed trousers. He looks so flawless and irresistible in the navy blue shirt, black shorts and adidas sneakers he was wearing. If possible
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Chapter 22
With that, he picked up her phone and dialed her brother's number. He picked up immediately "Hello Shirl", Zane's hoarse voice called from the other end of the line. "It is not Shirley, it is Zane speaking" Zane replied calmly. "Where is my sister? what have you done to her this time around? and why are you with her phone?" Ace fumed with anger. Zane took his time to breathe in and out to calm himself down because no one ever spoke to him that way before replying. "Nothing, I did absolutely nothing to her"  Though he was irritated and angry at the way Ace was speaking to him, he calmed himself down when he remembered he was doing this for the sake of his mate. "How about you give the phone back to her so that I can speak to her to be sure she is safe?" Zane could sense the disbelief in Ace's voice. "
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Chapter 23
More than seventeen malls have been raided but Amelia still was not satisfied with the dress she saw. She had this "idea" in mind for what she wanted but she was yet to find it. "Let check that mall out, I am sure we would find what we are looking for there," she said walking toward another mall. I rolled my eyes at her, she has been saying the exact same thing for the past one hour and my legs were killing me already. "Amelia, we are late already, do you think Zane will still want to go on this date with me," she asked incredulously. "Make him wait and sweat darling, even if you take forever babe, he will still take you out" Amelia assured her. "Okay, but this will be the last mall we are checking out, if you do not like the dress we will just grab one and have it done with okay? My legs are killing me already" Shirley smiled as Amelia pouted like a little girl who was denied ca
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chapter 24
Once they settled inside the car, he mumbled the location to the driver and he took off immediately without a word. Halfway through the journey, Zane suddenly stopped the driver and got down. "What are you doing Zane? Is this where we are stopping?" Shirley questioned, her eyes portraying confusion. "Relax, he will take you to where we are to have our date, I just need to get something, I will meet you there in no time," Zane assured her before closing the door. He went over to the driver's side and knocked on the glass, the driver rolls down the window. "Make sure you take her there safely, do you understand?" Zane said. "Yes alpha," he answered. Zane watched as the car sped off before running into the forest to tidy up some things which he had prepared for their date. Shirley was so nervous and all through the ride; she was scared of ri
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Chapter 25
"How did you know?"   "I have my resources."   She kept staring at him with admiration for a while before a thought came to her.   "Are you sure Ace did not tell you that?" she arched her brows at him.   "Take a bite. See if it is to your liking" Zane said purposely ignoring her question.   She picked up her and fork and took a piece of it into her mouth.   Hmmmmm.....She moaned loudly as the flavor of the risotto burst in her mouth.   She knew she should not be trying to rile him up but she did anyway, she wanted to see how long he can hold back.   A bottle of champagne was in an ice bucket at the very end of the table. He pulled it out and popped the cork, pouring them both a glass.   "Cheers," she clinked her glass with his.   "I am sure you did not just plan for us to sit
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Chapter 26
"Where are we going?" she turned to stare at him and she noticed he was no longer smiling. His expression was cold and icy, which made her fear escalate, she tried to get down from his hands but his grip on her was so tight that she could hardly breathe, she was sure it would leave a mark. "Put me down this instance Zane!" she screamed at him. She looked up when she noticed a bright light ahead. she became even more scared as they got nearer and she discovered a grave that was more than six feet deep. She started hyperventilating as different thoughts of what he could do to her started crossing her mind. She started kicking and biting every place she could reach so that she could get out of his hands when she saw he was going closer to the grave. Zane stopped in front of the grave and without a second thought; he dropped her into the grave and started covering it in haste.
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Chapter 27
It said that even if you take a donkey to a river, you can't force it to drink. In as much as the gods and goddesses are in charge of our fate, the final decision still belongs to us. We decide how our fate will play out by the actions we take. The moon goddess kept on laughing at the scene in front of her; she definitely has not met any wolf as stubborn as Shirley. She refused to let her mate touch or mark her permanently even though the moon goddess kept making the next heatwave more severe than the last, she was still as unyielding as ever. "Is there any specific reason why you are so attached or should I say overly concerned about her? I have never seen you watch over other wolves the way you watch over this particular one, you even went out of your way to make sure she yields to her mate's demand which is so unlike you", a masculine hoarse voice interrupted her laughing spree. "I can't help but
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Chapter 28
***Flashback continued*** "Earth to Shirl" I cannot believe you zoned out on me" Amelia shrieks, snapping her hand in front of Shirley.Are you sure he didn't do more than just going down on you with his mouth?It seems like there's something you are not telling me. "I am so sorry," she said silently, her inner turmoil not letting her say more than that. "What were you thinking so hard about Shirl? What exactly made you zone out?"Amelia furrowed her brows at Shirley. "What brought you here this early, I hope everything is okay?" Shirley quickly diverts the attention back to Amelia. "Well, Zane asked me to bring these"Amelia stretched the bag in her hand forward. "What is it?" she asked. "He said you would need it.It's the supply you would need for a whole week" Amelia answered. "Why do I need supplies and for what exact
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Chapter 29
"Shirl, come on, what's keeping you? we are going to be late" Amelia called for the umpteenth time. "Maybe if you tell me exactly where we are going, then I would dress up faster" Shirl countered. "It is a secret honey, you will know once we get there and I promise you won't regret it, you are going to love every moment of it," Jenna said. "I think I have had enough of this.” "You will know once we get there." “How am I supposed to know how to dress? I don't like being over or underdressed,” Shirley replied. "First it was Zane who took me to your mother's graveyard and I was wearing a fucking short, it made me appear so unthoughtful, and then he took m..." "Wait...what?" Amelia interrupted. "Zane took you to our mom's grave?" "Well, I believe that is what I just said, yes, any issue with that?" Shirley muttered in bewild
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Chapter 30
"Zane please, I beg of you," she whispered in sadness. "How is it that easy for you to give up so easily? I guess I don't mean anything to you for it to be that easy. "Aren't I supposed to be saying that?" Zane asked incredulously "Why do you hate me so much, Shirl? Why? I thought you at least understood where I coming from. I understand that you have not forgiven me for what I did but going to that extent to show me that you hate me so much is... "I do not hate you, Zane, I do not... please, believe me, I couldn't even if I wanted to" Shirley muttered, she was close to tears seeing him in this broken state. "Then why? Why are you doing this to me? What exactly is your reason for treating me this way?" he questioned angrily. "You set up some ridiculous rules that forbid me from touching you, yet you allowed the first person you set your eyes on to touch you in ways I have not don
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