All Chapters of Not yours to love , young master !: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
186 Chapters
I love you
‘ ……Aron is right . Ever since I woke up , I have never paid specific attention to him . I was confused as well cause I felt a bit embarrassed and felt butterflies in the stomach the every time I looked at him . I never considered that he would be so worried about me . I didn’t even think of the joy he felt when he learned that he would be a father . I have been such a terrible person to him when he clearly was so worried about me . His handsome face grew a beard , under his shiny eyes , there are two black rounds……showing that he hasn’t been able to sleep at all during this whole month . Aron….. ‘ thought Ayla . “ Aron , I am very sorry . I didn’t think you would be so worried about me . I……didn’t think about your feelings at all . “ said Ayla . “ What makes you think that I wouldn’t be worried about you ? “ said Aron confused . “ I……I didn’t think that you care for me enough to be so worried . I thought that , even if I wasn’t by your side , you would just go on with your life . “
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Doctor meeting
“ You…..How……How do you know about this ? “ asked Ayla shocked . “ Not how I know about this . How could you hide such a thing from me ? I thought that we were good friends . “ said Andy with an annoyed look . Ayla looked at him a bit guilty . Indeed , ever since she started at the hospital only Andy had been polite and has helped her until she got used to the place . “ Y…..Yeah !…Haaaah……I understand that I should have told you but I didn’t want anyone to look at me as Aron Caddel’s wife but as Ayla . I do hope that you understand . “ said Ayla . Andy stared at her then sighed a bit annoyed . After hearing her words he understood that most of her merits and everything else would go to the fact that she is Aron Caddel’s wife . “ Being Aron Caddel’s wife is every girl’s dream but you want to hide this fact because you want to be known for your own efforts . Personally I admire and think you are nuts at the same time . “ said Andy with a laugh . “ Ha ha ha ! I take both choices as
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Nailed it
‘ No matter how annoyed I am at what she did , the surgeries indeed resulted in success and the first grandson of the Tenarous family was born here . It’s an honour for our hospital to have saved their lives and to have successfully delivered the baby . All this is thanks to her but to think a young girl like her did it on her own is just ridiculous ! We doctors will be laughed at if someone who isn’t even thirty years old yet performed such a difficult operation with high level skills. We will be mocked everywhere we go as the smartest ones here . I cannot allow this girl to get the credit but to think that she hid her identity so well . If she was a simple girl , I would have made sure to overlook it and just end it with a good recommendation along with a bonus but to think that she is the actual CEO of the AirX clothing line and the wife of Aron Caddel………She is a goodness living in disguise . What is a girl with such a rich background doing in our hospital . Under other circumstance
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Sweet home
Ayla couldn’t believe his expression right now . He wasn’t shy a all about everything else but now suddenly he is shy because of some nickname . “ …….I will decide whether to call you that or not . “ said Ayla . “ You decide . “ said Aron with a calm tone but clearly a bit hurt . ‘ Oh gosh ! I am not used to seeing such a cute sight of him . I might as well get used to teasing him more . ‘ thought Ayla blushing pleased . “ I am hungry and I need something sweet . “ said Ayla . “ Sure ! Anything for my beautiful wife . “ said Aron with a warm smile stroking her hair . While they were driving to the Caddel mansion , Aron called the chief and immediately ordered to prepare some sweets for Ayla . “ Your family will be at our house tonight . Grandma said she has a surprise for you . “ said Aron with a smile . “ A surprise for me ? I wonder what it is . “ said Ayla with a smile . Ayla’s phone rang and Ayla looked at it . Her happy expression changed the moment she read the message t
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The request
Ayla got up and took some cookies that their cooker had especially prepared two hours ago and filled a cup of coffee then placed them on the table in front of madam Dana . Madam Dana kept looking at Ayla as she took the coffee . She noticed that Ayla didn’t seem as she had any clue about the deal she made with Aron . “ Do you like the coffee ? “ asked Ayla . “ Very nice !…………..So , has Aron told you about the deal he made with me ? “ said madam Dana as she drank her coffee . Ayla looked at madam Dana surprised . She didn’t have any idea what she was talking about . “ Aron hasn’t told me anything . What deal did he make with you ?“ said Ayla confused . ‘ ……I suspected as much . That damn brat has been prolonging it with the excuse of her getting better . It is good I came . That way I can make sure she knows it . ‘ thought madam Dana .“ I want to be honest with you and I hope you will not be angry with me that I didn’t tell you before . I made this decision thinking about your own
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“ I……Honestly , I don’t remember much . My memory is quite vague . “ said Ayla . “ I see ! Can you try and tell me what you last remember ? “ said the doctor . “ ….I remember meeting my friend Noah…….he…head come to the hospital……….Why was he at the hospital ?……….Hmmm , accident ?….Yes , accident . I think it was his brother and his wife who were in an accident and……..I was the one who did the surgery on them . There was a complication to the wife of his brother cause she was also pregnant . I remember that I did two surgeries at the time cause there were no other surgeons available in the field of their injury . The baby………How are they ? Did the operation end well ? Were they saved ?…..I….I don’t remember . “ said Ayla . “ Apart from your temperature problem miss Ayla , you have a strong metabolism . I am glad that it didn’t affect your memory much as that was our concern in your current state but just as we suspected , the moment you took the drug , you do not remember much of t
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“ I……Honestly , I don’t remember much . My memory is quite vague . “ said Ayla . “ I see ! Can you try and tell me what you last remember ? “ said the doctor . “ ….I remember meeting my friend Noah…….he…head come to the hospital……….Why was he at the hospital ?……….Hmmm , accident ?….Yes , accident . I think it was his brother and his wife who were in an accident and……..I was the one who did the surgery on them . There was a complication to the wife of his brother cause she was also pregnant . I remember that I did two surgeries at the time cause there were no other surgeons available in the field of their injury . The baby………How are they ? Did the operation end well ? Were they saved ?…..I….I don’t remember . “ said Ayla . “ Apart from your temperature problem miss Ayla , you have a strong metabolism . I am glad that it didn’t affect your memory much as that was our concern in your current state but just as we suspected , the moment you took the drug , you do not remember much of th
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Horror movie
“ How about we watch a movie ? “ said Ayla . “ A movie ? Sure ! Let go get some popcorns . “ said Aron with a smile . “ Wow ! The prince won’t ask the maids to bring the popcorn to his room but will go to get them himself . “ said Ayla with a smirk . “ Ohhh…….I am a prince but at the same time I am on my way to become a father . I can’t continue to be a brat . “ said Aron with a smile . “ I have a feeling that when this child will be born I will have te deal with two brats . “ said Ayla .Aron laughed then went to the kitchen while Ayla was checking for the movie . Ayla placed her head on Aron’s shoulder and smiled in a relaxed way . Aron smiled at her as well and the two started to watch the movie . When the movie started , Ron noticed that it was a horror movie . “ Dear……did you check the movie before playing it ? “ asked Aron . “ I did . “ said Ayla . “ …..This is a horror movie . “ said Aron . “ I know . “ said Ayla . Aron looked at her and Ayla started to crave for dess
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Another problem
It was five am when Ayla’s phone suddenly started to ring . Ayla and Aron were still sleeping . Ayla couldn’t stand the ring anymore so she got her phone and with her eyes half opened she answered . “ Who is it ? “ asked Ayla . “ …..It’s me . “ said Amra with a trembling voice . When hearing her voice , Ayla opened her eyes immediately . Amra was always cheerful and for her to sound so sad it was quite rare . “ Huh ? Amra ?……….What’s wrong ? “ asked Ayla . “ I think we have to meet . Don’t tell my brother . “ said Amra . From her voice Ayla could tell that it was something serious . “ Amra ?……You don’t sound good . Is there anything wrong ? “ said Ayla worried . “ Ayla , I………..I……need to talk to someone but I don’t know who to talk to . Please…..Please meet me . Don’t let my brother know . Please…. “ said Amra with a crying tone . Ayla got up from the bed in a hurry and wore her jacket . “ Where are you going ? It’s so early . “ said Aron when he felt Ayla slipping through hi
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True love…..maybe it’s close
“ I am sure you must have heard from Aron that we basically grew up without parents . We were spoiled rotten as an result from grandma……...Jewels , money , riches , luxury……..Everything becomes useless . Everything loses meaning when you are about to lose the one priceless thing that you have . At the cost of all this empire , we lost our parents . We lost the people we loved the most . The time that we already lost with them is unfair . Why is fate taking them forever from us ? “ said Amra with a sad tone . Ayla softly patted Amra’s head as she stared at the flowers . “ Why are you saying that you are losing your parents ?…..Your mother is there with you as well . She will never leave you . “ said Ayla trying to find something positive in all this negativity. “ Our mother…….she loves our father a lot . Their love…….was envied by everyone . They were the perfect couple . Their love story……was a total fairytale in the eyes of others . their love for each other was so pure and deep
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