All Chapters of Not yours to love , young master !: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
186 Chapters
Are you crazy ?
Ayla went near him and started to check on him carefully . “ What are you doing ? “ said madam Ariana confused . “ Madam , I am also a doctor . “ said Ayla . “ There are a lot of doctors here to take care of us . “ said madam Ariana . “ Madam , I know that you have a lot of specialised doctors here but I am very worried about you two . Also , I am the only one here at this moment . “ said Ayla . “ Thank you but we don’t need your concern . Please leave now ! “ said madam Ariana and kept pushing the button to call for the doctors . Ayla went near mr Andra and checked his pulse then checked his chest . “ What are you doing ? “ said madam Ariana annoyed .“ I am checking him . He must have been suffering an inner complication . “ said Ayla . Looking at his lightly green fingernails , Ayla noticed that he was having a hard time with his breathing . ‘ Green fingernails , cold hands and hard breathing…….low blood pressure and heart rate increasing……….Looking at his tummy , there is
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Why don’t you like her mom ?
“ …..It can’t be……She really……She really knew what she was doing ? “ said madam Ariana confused . “ Yes madam ! She knew it and she did the procedure in a very clean way . There was no trace of anything wrong . “ said the head doctor . Amra sighed in relief when she heard him . She trusted that Ayala wouldn’t hurt her father without any good reason but the sight in front of her made her judgement waiver and even look at Ayla as if she was a culprit . “ What ?…..That….That doesn’t make any sense . How can…..How can she……How come what she did was right ? “ said madam Ariana confused . “ It is quite questionable but at the same time it is truly a miracle that’s eh was there at that moment and acted in time . Mr Andrea was indeed in the risk of suffering a heart attack . “ said the head doctor . Ayla and Amra looked concerned for a bit then her mother held her hand tightly . “ Where were you ? Why wasn’t any doctor checking on my father’s condition ? “ said Amra . “ I have question
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In danger
“ Mom , you aren’t the person to make a judgement before actually getting to know the other . What is making you show such discount price towards her when you only just met her ? “ said Amra confused . “ …..Amra , I am tired . Go back and tell her to go back . “ said madam Ariana with a decisive tone . Amra sighed and nodded her head then walked out of the room , leaving her mother alone . After talking with her mother , Amra went downstairs too the bar of the hospital . When she arrived , she saw Alex and Ayla eating while chatting . “ Ayla… “ said Amra and went near them but remained surprised when she saw Ayla’s forced smile .“ Amra……come sit with us . Is your mother alright ? “ asked Ayla . “ Yeah…..she is . Father’s condition now is stable as well . “ said Amra . “ I am glad to hear that . “ said Ayla and continued to eat the sweets . The way Ayla looked at her was clearly a bit colder than before . “ Ayla I…. “ said Amra then Ayla handed her a cupcake . “ I know what y
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Head doctor position
“ You must be making this up . we are surrounded by elite doctors . Who would dare to harm me ? “ said madam Ariana .Amra and Alex looked at Ayla and sa that she had totally lost her patience . “ Why won’t you just listen to me ?……Will you say to yourself , of I should have listened to that simple girl , only after you have been poisoned to the point of the poisoning being spread beyond recuperation . You may not value the advice of a decent doctor that is truly thinking about your well-care and that is fine by me . You don’t love yourself enough to care for your health than that is fine . Your health is your own responsibility but you are the mother of the man I love and I won’t allow you to neglect your health more than you already have . I will not let my husband grieve your loss . As long as I am married to your son , Whether you like it or not I will keep you alive and healthy by my own means and will only allow you to die because of natural old age . You better stop being such
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Who is lying and who is not……
“ In more understandable worlds for you , madam Ariana , you are considered a patient for fainting two times and are under recuperation . The decision to appoint the head doctor passes to Amara . Amra , will you let me be the head doctor of the medical team in charge of your parents’ health ? “ said Ayla . “ I give you full permission to authorise everyone . “ said Amra with a serious tone . “ Great ! Now I suggest you get accustomed top the idea that I will be the doctor in charge from now on madam Ariana . Let’s understand each other as patient and doctor at least . “ said Ayla with a calm tone . “ Amra ?! How could you do this ?! How could you go against my word and appoint her was the head doctor ?! “ said madam Ariana angry . “ Mother , I really find your current behaviour very conflicting with your character . I shall take matters into my own hands strattona from now . Whether you like it or not Ayla is your daughter in law and brother loves her very much . Not only that but
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What will you do ?
The doctors reunited in the meeting hall and Ayla entered inside . When she went inside , she looked at their judgemental faces with disscontempt , showing clearly that she didn’t give a damn about them . “ I am glad you are all here . My name is Ayla Casley . I am also a doctor and a surgeon . You can check . I have brought with me my documentation as well so that you can check it for yourselves . “ said Ayla and handed her documents to the head doctor . The head doctor started to check the documents carefully and noticed that every certificate was an A+ or excellent results . All the pages of the documents , every certificate praised her for her intelligence , great abilities and good attitude . There was no single fault he could find there . Ayla had also placed the report that mentioned the surgery Ayla did on Noah’s brother . ‘ This……this is….unbelievable……How can she even think of performing two surgeries at once , let alone actually do it ? This is pure madness . Not only th
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Can’t trust
While Ayla was inside the meeting room , Alex was waiting for her outside the door . Amra came to see if Ayla had finished but when she saw Alex outside the door she realised that Ayla was still inside . Amra went near Alex and handed him over a vitamin drink . “ Take it ! It’s very good . I drink it when I have a bad stomach . “ said Amra with a smile . “ ….How did you know I had a bad stomach ? “ said Alex confused . “ I know because I can see you rubbing your stomach , make a grumpy face which is not like you at all . It must have been because you took an energy drink . “ said Amra . “ How did you know I took an energy drink ? “ said Alex confused . “ Pffft ! If you wanna work at late at night to not be noticed then you should learn to type lighter . “ said Amra . “ You should be sleeping at night . Why were you awake ? “ asked Alex . “ ……I was very worried about my parents . I have been worried about them for quite a while . It didn’t just star three days ago . “ said Amra
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The other doctors looked at each other confused when they heard her mentioning madam Dana .“ Madam Dana ?….Are you talking about the madam Dana of the Danikhal family ? “ asked the other doctors . “ Oh , you know her ? Yes ! That is precisely the madam Dana I am talking about . If you do not believe my words then feel free to contact her and ask her about me . Being Aron’s wife , allows me access to the meetings of important people . She asked me about my medical experience and had the chance to witness what happened at the hospital . She was also the one whop helped me get out of the coma I was in as described in the incidents at the documents . She herself recognised my abilities as amazing and would support me in the medical world in the future . If you all don’t compromise with the decision of me being the head doctor then it is fine . I need to make a simple call and the new medical team will be sent here immediately . “ said Ayla with a smile . The head doctor was pissed but
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A perfect match
“ Alex , when will you be sincere to yourself ? Or rather , when will you actually be honest with me about what you feel ? “ said Ayla with a serious tone . “ Sister , what are you talking about ? I am always honest with you . There’s no way that I like her . “ said Alex looking away . “ Lie to me another time and I will not support you nor lend you a hand . “ said Ayla with an annoyed look . “ ….She……She is older than me . “ said Alex .“ Six years aren’t that much . “ said Ayla . “ She is a crazy shopping girl . I won’t be able to keep up with her both financially and mentally . “ said Alex . “ She is but you are the only one who can actually keep her company throughout her shopping . even though it is her hobby , I have come to realise that Amra also uses shopping as a technique to test people without making them understand it is a test . I have coem to know something quite interesting . Every boy or blind date that has accompanied her to go shopping somewhere has fled writhi
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Ayla smiled innocently then they went ahead to the car . When they got in , Ayla started to check on her phone and noticed that Aron hadn’t called her at all . “ How weird…. “ said Ayla . “ What ? “ asked Alex . “ Aron hasn’ called me at all . I wonder if something happened . “ said Ayla . “ I made sure that my brother would be extra busy and not have the time even for a small phone call . When he gets back from work is already midnight with the hour in X city . He would never call in the middle of the night to disturb your sleep . “ said Amra . “ Great ! You are very good Amra . “ said Ayla with a smile . “ Thanks ! “ said Amra . When they arrived at the hotel , Ayla noticed that Amra was being careful around her . “ Alex , how about you go buy us some sweets ? We will wait for you at here . “ said Ayla . “ You shouldn’t eat so much . “ said Alex . “ Don’t mess with a pregnant woman’s appetite young man . You might suffer a lot . “ said Ayla with a threatening smile . “ Fi
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