All Chapters of THE ALPHA'S ADDICTION: Chapter 471 - Chapter 480
595 Chapters
It's been a while lovelies. Let’s be done with this book now and forever. Lol. I apologize again for my absence. So, let's do a small recap. Just a little.Alright. Group of 7 who had walked into the hall comprises of; Freya, Aiden, Julian, Yodah, Kane, Dobah and Blenda. Then, there is Emma who is no longer in England, but in the United States now.That written down, let's continue the story properly. **Peter was surprised when he saw the group of seven walk into the hall. But he was slightly relieved when he saw the redhead with them. What was her name again? He thought, cocking his head to the side. Was it Freya? Yeah, that's what they had called her. At least one of Sheila’s daughters had been found. He stared at Sheila, his one time best friend before Melvins snatched her, as she gaped at the newcomers. She must be wondering what the girl was doing in the midst of vampires. Noting that now, he was curious about who Sheila had been mated with eighteen year
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Lucille gulped down saliva when she heard Freya's voice in her head for the second time. She wasn’t sure if it was because her sister was aware that there was a mate speaking to her, or because the latter could access her mind.Could all the supernaturals gain access to her head? She wondered, sniffing her nose, when she, for the first time, perceived the sweet smelling scent of Freya.It was quite different from the weird, but not bad smell she perceived from the others. Could it be because Freya was her sister? Most likely. Lucille heard Freya say, in her head of course.But not every supernatural can access your head. The reason Kane can, is because he is your mate. He had seen you last night before our mother had sent him away with a camouflage. I can access your thoughts because you are my sister. But you can hide them from me though if you wish, just like Emma. I will teach you later. As a matter of fact I have a lot of things to tell you. I can't wait till we are out of this m
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“Welcome again, everyone, to this meeting. I am sure that I am not the only one with questions. Well, we try to get as many answers as we can so that we can clear any misunderstanding between us.” Peter started, his eyes skimming from his mate, to his son, to Sheila and Lucille and finally to the group of seven which were just beside Lucille.They had preferred to sit together. To him, Sheila seemed to be okay with the vampires. Was it because her daughter had come with them? Indeed, he would have to be patient to find out why.“In that effect, each of our visitors, starting from Lucille, will explain their side of the story, so that we all can know the next step to take. Lucille dear, I am sure that you have done an introduction before, but for the sake of the new people, please do it again. I am sure they will appreciate it.” Peter said, eyes moving to Kane and Freya, who nodded at his statement. They were curious about Lucille’s history, for entirely different reasons though.Luc
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Derek watched his parents dart shock glances at each other, and furrowed his eyebrows, his mind reeling with questions on why his parents were shrouded in unbelief. They weren’t even bothered by Freya’s last rude remark.Freya had mentioned that she was a mage and an ancient.Well, he knew of mages, not that he had seen any, except her mother’s friends, Brenda and her sister-though they weren’t actually mages, just witches.But he knew of mages from his history teacher, Mr Davens, in high school. During one of the history classes, the teacher whom he had always thought as eccentric, had given an in-depth definition of mages. Derek still had that in his head.Apart from his wolf nature, his memory was quite better than a human's. He could remember and quote word for word, the speech of a teacher or the texts from a book if he was in a good mood.Well, according to the teacher: A mage is a term commonly used in fantasy literature and role-playing games to refer to a practitioner of
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Derek sighed. He looked at his parents for the third time. There was nothing. They were still in shock. His eyes slipped to Agrip who had been standing all this while beside Ava, his daughter. When had the man stand up from his seat?The man was muttering to himself whilst staring at the group of seven. He would have loved to mind-link the old man and ask him what he thought about the term ancients, but a lot of people were in the hall, and there was no way he could ask that, without it filtering into the thoughts of others. Since he had no private mind path with Agrip, it was almost impossible to send him a message directed specifically to him, in a crowd full of his pack members, unless with intense concentration. He hasn’t heard of anyone being able to do it though.Ancients.Perhaps he could draw the meaning from the mythology book on his history’s teacher’s desk. One time, the man had told him to get his class’s scripts on the table in his office. He had been done collecti
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Watching Dobah spew out curses at the term vampire, caused Peter to sigh. It seemed to him that this meeting would go on far more than he had anticipated. His pack needed a lot of explanations. And that was okay. His only regret was that the girl, Emma, wasn’t here. He still couldn’t believe that he had ousted his son's mate. What father does that? He shook his head. He couldn’t believe himself. How had he forgotten that the girl had been the sole reason for the reckless search of the black queen? Hadn’t Melvina’s friend, the witch who had saved his son in that forest from the phantom, mentioned that Emma couldn't be an ordinary human; for her to be on the radar of the powerful witch, Leonarya? How had he ignored that? How had he ignored the fact that the girl looked like Sheila? How had he forgotten the professor’s fascination in her?He soughed. He had actually known that she wasn’t ordinary, but he had let his emotions rule again. And now his pack might pay for his mistakes. H
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Hearing the reverential tone in Agrip’s voice, Derek swallowed, knowing that his mentor wouldn’t employ that tone unless the ancients were really worthy of the title. He needed to hear more.“Okay, Uncle. So, what else about them?” He asked, shifting in his seat. He saw Freya glare at him, and sniffed in sharply, turning away from her direction. He understood the girl’s distrust of him.Agrip sighed, then began to speak again.“The term “ancients” is a significant concept in history. In one of the history books, the ancients refer to a group of powerful and ancient beings who have lived for thousands of years. They possess exceptional supernatural abilities and are deeply connected to the earth and its elements. They are portrayed as the oldest and most powerful beings in existence. They are revered and feared by vampires, as well as by humans and other supernatural creatures. Their origins are shrouded in mystery, and they are believed to have been created by a higher power or divin
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After Agrips’s description of what he knew about ancients, the entirety of the hall was booked with silence. No one said a word. There was a hush in the atmosphere, so much so that if a pin would drop, the sound was bound to echo. To start with, Anthony sat with his mouth hung open. After hearing Agrip’s explanation, he now understood that the stories of heroes past that his mother had regaled him with during bed time were not altogether false. Those beings had existed, still existed, and he was actually lucky to meet them facially. As a matter of fact, they had been right in front of him the whole time. To think his pack and he, had assigned the name vampires to them, those detestable disgusting creatures? Oh god, it seemed that this period, his pack was cocooned in making a lot of mistakes, starting with Emma. He could now see why he had always felt a thread of connection with the mouthy redhead. She was his little cousin, and he hadn’t been able to protect her, nor had he been
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“I am not my father, Aunt Sheila.” Maya repeated, a tear dropping from her right eye. She had seen the instant look that had clouded Sheila's face when they had disengaged from the hug, a long haul from the happy look that had been on Sheila’s face when she had noticed her for the first time. And of course, she had put two and two together, that Sheila as sharp as ever had picked up the murmurings of the people. Well, she hadn’t been surprised. She had known that the pack had been skeptical about the return of her and her family. She had also known that the pack didn’t understand her uncle's affiliation with her family. And she hadn’t cared at first. Yes, she hadn’t cared to prove her loyalty to them. The only people she had cared about proving herself to was her immediate family, to Derek and to Eva, but not to the pack who was as fickle as anything fickle. But Aunt Sheila was different. After her mother and Melvina, the woman was the next mother figure. She had loved her s
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Melvina smiled, grateful that Maya had released some hateful brunt on her son’s shoulders, although she knew that things were far from being over, until they found Emma. According to Anthony, Emma had flown back to her place in the United States. Well, that was better since it narrowed down their search. She felt her hand enclosed by her mate's and breathed out, seeking to relax herself further. She understood his gesture because it was something that he had over the years whenever he senses she was troubled. It told her that everything would be okay, and that they would always find a way to fix everything, no matter what. And just as always, she believed him. They would find Emma, and they would fix their son’s relationship, and they would win this war which was approaching, which she remembered now that Emma had foretold, when she had confided in them about her dreams. Yes, it was true that they had made mistakes, but they will surely overcome it all with persistence and determi
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