All Chapters of THE ALPHA'S ADDICTION: Chapter 451 - Chapter 460
597 Chapters
“Grandma, are you okay?” Lily inquired, noticing the flash of sadness that had crossed Zipfarah’s face. Since her grandmother's strange illness and more stranger, but welcomed healing, she had noticed that the woman’s gentle and calm face was sometimes preyed by flashes of longing and sometimes sadness. What could she be thinking about? Lily wondered, whilst waiting for a reply which she knew would be anything but the truth.“Of course dear. I am fine. Just tired.” Zipfarha replied, putting on a faux smile, a no surprise to Lily who just nodded, before resting her head on Damon’s shoulder. “I miss Prescott though. You should have sent me with them.” She cited, sighing tiredly at the end. Leila scoffed, not believing that her twin was really serious about leaving her here alone with her two brothers to travel out of the vicinity with Emma. Why? Had they been that close? But they had only known each other for less than a week!“So, are we going to let them be alone? Are you sending one
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A knock sounded on Derek’s door, and he turned over on his bed, his eyebrows furrowed as he gazed upon his door. Who could be knocking by this time? It was already midnight. Whosoever it was, was lucky that he hadn’t slept yet.“Who is that?” He asked, getting up the bed, preparing to move toward the door and open it up when his mother’s voice resounded through the door. What could his mother want by this time? He thought, unlocking the door. Was she here to console him, or talk about his father? Was everything alright with his old man? Did the seizures start again? Apprehension was already clouding his features when Melvina opened the door and beheld it.“What is the matter, Derek? Are you okay? Is the beast disturbing you?” Melvina questioned citing her son’s expression, even as her eyes trailed down to the necklace which was still firmly hung around his neck. Sadly, as much as it reminded her of the beast which laid subdued in her son’s body, it also reminded her of Emma, the girl
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Claire tossed restlessly on her bed, her mind consumed with a lot of thoughts, her wolf in the same turmoil with her. She kept on wondering if rejecting her mate and waiting for Derek to recognise her was worth it. Her wolf thought that she was foolish for doing so, for rejecting her mate and waiting on someone else, and she was beginning to think so too. But her mother.. “Quit worrying about your mother and think for yourself. What do you want? Is your life pledged to your mother? The moon goddess has given me to you to serve you, not become your mother’s play toy. What do you want? Try removing your mother out of the equation.” Her wolf cited, grovelling in uncomfortability. The latter had become so cranky since Emma had thrown her right across the pack hall without blinking, without mercy. Claire still wondered how Emma had managed to do it. It was clear that the latter wasn’t a plain human. Something was at play. She had also overheard what had been going on whenever her twi
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Claire mused,bringing up her knees such that her jaw rested on them, whilst she thought on how to outbest Emma. The more she thought about it, the more she was aggrieved. Was there no way to get rid of the latter for good? She thought, exhaling hotly. Well, the best strategy in her mind now was to keep Derek from going to her. And what better way than to create a love potion. That was one fall of werewolves. Magic works on them, just as it could work on vampires, and that was why witches were hard to accept. Their magic could be disastrous. Well, this time she would use it in her favour. She had come across the love potion in one of the books that she had stolen from the pack’s archives, during the first time of the shadow warriors attack. In uncertainty, the readers had opened the archive, looking for answers on what the creature was, and that had been when she had snuck into there, clothed with her magic such that they couldn’t see her, something that she hadn't learnt from anyw
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Curtis let out a deep breath as he climbed down from the high window which he had climbed earlier in order to see his mate, Claire, or rather instinctively watch her invisibility form move into her house. When he thought that he had seen enough bizarre things relating to Derek’s mate, his own turned out to have magic. Oh wow, what a twist. He thought, sliding down to the floor, the sleep totally gone from his eyes. He had been dozing off, when the scent had first wheeled past his nose. He had tried to ignore it thinking that perhaps his mind was playing tricks on him in his subconscious state, but the scent had stayed, and he had no choice but to get up and know what was really happening. When he opened his eyes and sat up on his bed, he had counted from one to twenty, and had counted his fingers, to be sure that he wasn’t still dreaming. The scent had stayed, and the time was just two a.m. What could she be doing outside at this moment. He had thought, getting out of the bed. He
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Time - 6:15 amKane woke up before the rest, having set an inner alarm to be awake at a certain time around sixa.m. Dusting himself off the rich soil he had slept in last night, he mentally imagined himself clean and clothed, humming in approval when he felt the comfortability of the green cotton polo and denim jeans. He had chosen well. He thought, strolling out of the room to wake up the others. This was the day he claimed his life mate. He first woke up Julius and Yodah, strongly ensuing a command, more like a compulsion to awake them. Yodah grumbled, obviously unhappy that his sleep had been tampered with. “Uncle, you couldn't wait an hour more? I don’t think the hotel would…”But Kane was having none of it. He waved his nephew off, whilst stretching his hand toward him. “Get up. You should know how this is important to me. I don’t find this lackadaisical attitude of yours entertaining.” Yodah shrugged, his head bent low after he had taken Kane’s hand and gotten out of the grav
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Time - 6:40 am“We should have just taken up our mist forms instead of entering those junky cabs. They were so slow, and we know we would have gotten here faster than being constrained in that crappy machine.'' Kane grumbled, walking beside his brother, Dobah, and Blenda. “Quit grumbling Kane. We are here after all, aren’t we? Dobah queried. “Besides, don't you think it will attract a great deal of attention if we should just appear in front of the hotel?” “We don’t have to be in front of the hotel, Dobah. We can go behind and reemerge. No one would have known.” Kane pointed out, akin to aghast when Dobah shook his head. “You don’t know that. This age is different from the centuries we have spent in different countries. I keep telling you this but you seem too reluctant to accept the harsh reality. For all we know, one of these teenagers might be with a phone doing some video or trying to sneak up on hoteliers. Someone could be making out or smoking at the back. Anything could hap
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Black Moon’s Pack. 6:45amDerek woke up a bit agitated from a dreamless sleep. He had thought that perhaps he would receive some kind of information on the whereabouts of Emma in a dream. The idea sounded funny to him afterward, but he couldn’t deny that the idea had been stuck to his head like glue before he had slept off at midnight. But that wasn’t only the thing that had gotten him tied up in knots. There was a knock on the door, and he nearly screamed out in frustration. That was another huge part of his anger! Someone had interrupted his sleep! Perhaps, if he had slept more, he might have dreamt. “Derek, are you there?” he heard his mother call out to him from behind the door and sighed, cursing himself as he stood up from his bed for beginning to believe in dreams. He would leave that part to his little sister, Eva, who always thought that she saw Emma in her dreams. Why can’t he see her for god sake? They are mates!“Were mates…” he heard Maru mutter, and sighed. “Good for
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“Derek, do you have any idea where Leo is?” Maya asked Derek immediately he stepped into the large family sitting room. She was sitting beside Curtis on the longest sofa in the room. “We have not seen him since yesterday night. Did you send him on an errand or something?” she questioned, her eyebrows furrowing in slight worry when she saw the unsure gazes that were exchanged between Derek and Anthony. “Guys, what is going on?” That was Curtis. He had noticed the movements too and was beginning to believe that something was wrong. Something that obviously involved Leo. “Well…'' Derek started, wishing his mother had followed him here to do the explanations he wasn’t sure how to go about. She had taken a detour to Eva’s room to see how the latter was doing. Maya grabbed her thigh tight, unable to stop herself, hoping that whatever news that Derek was about to break didn’t go in the lines of ‘I’m sorry, but Leo is dead, or kidnapped…’“Leo isn’t around.” Derek finally said, shrugging
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"I can live with being on a small boat with no privacy for seven long days, the sun turning me into a lobster girl, and mosquitoes feasting on me, I really can," Emma informed the closest passenger beside her, a twenty something year old lady who she had gotten into a discussion few hours ago after the plane had taken off the tarmac in England. "But I swear to you, if I hear one more complaint or disgusting sexual innuendo from Mr. I’m-So-Hot-Every-Woman-Should-Bow-Down-To-Me, I’m just going to shove the idiot overboard. His constant licking his lips and saying he likes the idea of mother and daughter gives me the creeps."Emma cast a glance of pure loathing at Miles, the annoying idiot in question. She’d met a lot of narcissistic pigs while in her seventeen years old life, and a few at the college, even in high school amongst her peers, but he took the cake. He was a great brute of a man, with wide shoulders, a barrel chest and an attitude of superiority that irked Emma. Even if sh
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