All Chapters of THE ALPHA'S ADDICTION: Chapter 431 - Chapter 440
599 Chapters
"Jack, I thought you mentioned that the seizures won’t be coming back anytime soon, at least for 24 hours!!" Melvina screamed, seeing her mate’s now lean body beginning to undergo rough and violent shaking and spasms.The dam of her eyes was beginning to cut open again. She just couldn’t help it, couldn’t believe that her sigh of relief was all for nothing. Her mate wasn’t out of the dangerous woods yet!She looked at a confused and shocked Jack beseechingly, not understanding why the medicine had a short lived effect. Around her, she could feel the tension that was underlying the atmosphere of the room. She also knew that the occupants of the room were all waiting for a reasonable explanation from Jack."Jack, what is happening? say something! I thought my father still had more time!" Derek stated, his voice rising higher than he had intended. His emotions which he had earlier subdued were beginning to rear their ugly head again.He felt Anthhony’s light tap on his arm, and let out a
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"Agrip, my mother is still waiting for your answer." Derek pointed out, seeing that his mentor had zoned out for a couple of seconds."Oh, Luna." Agrip apologized, bowing down a bit. But Melvina waved it off. She could care less about her titleship and the benefits it came with. She just wanted him to say something concerning her mate’s condition."Just tell me, if Peter will be okay." She uttered, looking at Agrip earnestly."I am not sure about that. The pill is for pains according to Agog..." Agrip stated, although remembering that the pill had healed his broken leg without any further first aid on his part. Could it do the same for Peter?"So, how long does he have till the antidote arrives?" Melvina asked, choosing to be rational and clear at this point, instead of wailing out her eyes again. Crying wouldn’t solve any problem. She had finally thought to herself. It was time to take some actions, of which finding that Esther was the top on her list.To think she had tho
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Agrip sighed when he heard his son's statement, knowing that there was no way he could talk his way out of this one even though his utmost desire was to find out who Esther and Derek's mate was.Well, his son had promised to talk about Esther, but what about Derek's mate. He believed that was even more important.His eyes met the gazes of Anthony and Derek and he could swear that he was seeing relief in them.Those brats! He cussed, snorting loudly before turning to his son."Let's go then. Now that I think of it, I am very hungry." He voiced out, deciding to deal with the two guys later. They were not dying anytime soon after all.Jack nodded happily, before turning around to face Derek."We will be going now, Alpha. Have a nice evening, and send my regards to little Eva." Jack mentioned, giving a slight bow to Derek, before walking out with his father out of the room, after Derek had acknowledged his bow with a nod.But before they had entirely left the room, Agrip had turned around
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After Clem’s pronouncement, Derek looked at him warily, remembering the last time the beta had chosen family over the pack by trying to cover for his family when they had tried hurting Emma on he and his sister’s birthday.Would he make the same choices again? Derek wondered, staring at his beta. He was unsure of what the next choice might be. But he was sure that he wouldn’t take it lightly with the latter should he say something out of place to Emma once they got to her place."Okay then." Anthony muttered, before turning aside to glance and nod at Derek.We should give him one more chance. Anthony mind linked to Derek, knowing that his brother still had misgivings about the latter. After all, he had unseated the father, and had rejected the sister.Derek agreed with his brother, but he still did nothing. Rather he turned around, toward the exit of the pack, and continued walking down the path, his thoughts consumed with anger.Remembering the past was upsetting him greatly. Especia
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Julius stood still, his arms crossed at his chest, as he stared at Derek, Anthony and Clem blandly.He would have asked them how his life mate was doing, but had decided against it at the last moment. They were traitors. He didn’t deal with traitors. He can always check on Ava later."What are you guys doing here?" He asked for a start, literally glaring at Derek especially. The stupid Alpha has guts for sure. He thought, remembering the incident of that night."What do you mean by that question? This is my pack, and I can go wherever I want to." Derek replied, shifting uncomfortably on his feet the next second when he saw Anthony from the corner of his left eye, palm his forehead as if in frustration."Still as haughty as ever." Julius retorted with a scoff, ultimately disgusted.It didn’t sit well with Derek.He knew he had messed up, but the vampire shouldn’t be talking to me like that in his pack."I can’t believe you are still concerned about your stupid pride at this point!" Ma
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Derek’s head felt dizzy for a second when he heard the offhanded short statement of Yodah. He staggered for a bit, before reclaiming a stable stance of his body."Derek, are you okay?" Clem asked him, stepping closer and holding him lightly by the arm.But Derek shook Clem’s hand off, not interested in his beta’s sympathy. He just wanted some answers."What do you mean by gone?" He heard Anthony ask Yodah, breathing heavily especially as he heard the slight trembling underneath his brother’s tone."She is no longer at the pack. She left like an hour ago, to the airport, in the company of Freya and Aiden." Yodah replied, now feeling a bit sorry, just a tiny weeny bit, for Derek who was looking as lost as a sheep without its shepherd."Where is she heading to? What’s her destination?" Anthony asked frantically, almost immediately after Yodah’s answer, already feeling the not so good state of his younger brother. The situation wasn’t looking good. He thought."To her family in Florida."
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Julius stared down keenly at Derek and soughed. The lad was really something. He thought as he gave a nod to what Derek had just said."We will go, but so you know you might see us later, sooner than expected, of course that excludes Emma unless something strategic happens." He spoke, ruffling his hair a bit."And why is that eh? Did she ask you to keep tabs on me?" Derek asked, unable to stop the flicker of hope that blossomed within himself.But Julius chuckled, annoying Derek again."You wish, boy!" He mentioned before chuckling again.Derek gritted his teeth, even harder, as he heard Julius’ next statement."I will be teaching at your school by next week…I need to be close to my lifemate. Yodah here, and Freya will be transferring from their schools sometime next month, or this month. But don’t worry, we will not be seen within the confines of your pack." Julius explained to Derek, a small laugh playing around his lips as he remembered Derek’s earlier question. The lad was really
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Derek cast a furtive glance around the sitting room, down to the other entrance that led to the wide kitchen, but he didn't see his Beta. Which only meant that Clen might have gone into the rooms.Quickly, not thinking the ‘why’ of his action, he left Anthony who was still taking pictures of the map-like drawings on the wall, and strolled toward the passageway which led to the two rooms in the house.The first room he walked into was that of Emma’s of course, and just as he thought, there was Clem standing right in the middle of the room, holding something in his hand.“What is that? What are you holding?” Derek asked Clem without preamble, and without wasting any more time, stalked towards Clem, to see properly what the latter had been so engrossed in looking at.He stood before his Beta the next second, his eyebrows furrowing when he saw the small book in Clem’s hands. It looked like a diary.“Didn't you hear me come in or speak?” He questioned, taking the book off Clem’s hands.Cle
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Emma looked at the long white staircase right before her for a while, and then turned back for the second time to take in the final glance of Freya and Aiden before she walked up to the aeroplane.Freya’s eyes were laden with tears and mixed emotions. Emma didn't believe that she would miss the girl that looked so much like her in this way the first time they had met.But she vowed within herself that before they met again, she would have uncovered everything concerning both of them, including the mystery surrounding her and her powers. She didn't know how she was going to do so in a town filled with just ordinary people, but she will through any means necessary. And of course, she still had Prescott.Looking down at the squirrel right in her arms, a short unfeeling smile crawled along her lips. He would be a huge asset to her research.“Are you having second thoughts?” Prescott asked Emma after seeing the lame smile on her lips. He was thinking that perhaps she was rethinking her dec
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Seeing the aeroplane run across the track and leap to the skies, Freya bit her lips such that it hurt, but grateful for Aiden’s warmth around her.“Why won’t she listen to me? Why hadn’t she listened to me?” She asked rhetorically, eyes still on the flying aeroplane. She could have joined the flight if she wanted to, since she wasn’t a human, but she respected Emma’s decisions no matter how much it pained her to do so. She still couldn’t grasp why she felt this strongly about someone she had just met yesterday.“You both are probably twins.” Aiden replied, tightening his hold on Freya’s arms like she would disappear the next minute.Freya shifted and shrugged off his arms around her, piquing her eyebrows at him. “Are you trying to grip to death?” She asked, unable to stop the teasing smile that slid across her lips.“How could I?” Aiden jived back, smiling down at her before dropping a kiss on her forehead, not minding the gawking looks they were receiving from the passersby at the ai
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