All Chapters of THE ALPHA'S ADDICTION: Chapter 421 - Chapter 430
602 Chapters
When Derek and Anthony strolled across the room, out to the well lighted passageway, they met Agrip coming towards them, and in his hand was a walking stick. They both furrowed their eyebrows, the same thought running through their minds, wondering since when did the old man need a third leg to walk. Agrip was one of the oldest men in the pack, yes, but he was one of the strongest elders, and he looked younger than his age. With all his study, he never even had cause to use spectacles, so why the stick? Did he have an accident? But before they both could open their mouths to ask him these questions going on in their minds, the old man raised up his stick at them, signaling them to shut up and to stop walking."Good afternoon Agrip." They both greeted, and Agrip nodded slowly, trailing his eyes over them, especially Derek. He had a somber expression on his face."We need to talk." Agrip started, and Anthony piqued his eyebrow as he turned a bit to stare at Derek who just shrugged. Obvi
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"The witch is Leonarya then." Derek finally broke the silence in the passageway, feeling his heart constrict at the mention of the name which seemed to have been a source of constant terror in his life since he had met his little witch, Emma. It had started that fateful day they had gone into the forest with Maya to find the springs, only to lose sight of Maya and fall into the hands of a phantom. That had been the beginning of the train of misfortune. But of course he couldn't attach this to Emma. she was his mate, and he had already done enough harm to her."Since the poison was done by a powerful witch, does it mean that it cannot be undone, or can another witch destroy the potency of the poison?" Anthony asked, seeing that Derek was still battling with emotions, especially anger, to talk."Perhaps. But the other witch should have an idea of what the poison is. I don't think any witch will have that…except…" Agrip cocked his head to one side, letting his statement hang in the air.
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This chapter is dedicated to all my faithful followers. I love you all. I'm back fulltime, for good this time around. Expect daily updates. And I'm not kidding around this time around. Just keep the votes coming.*Enjoy the read!***Derek bit his lips, increasing his working pace as he walked swiftly down the hall, almost breaking out in a run but for the Anthony and Agrip that were right behind him.Whilst he wondered how he would go about talking to Emma and asking her for help after his unfairness toward her, his ears picked on the conversation that was going on between Anthony and Agrip.And of course, they were both discussing, or rather Anthony was filling the old man in on the events of the pack since the latter's absence. And when he heard Anthony mention about his drunk incident and Maya's interference, he couldn't help but call Anthony a loud mouth.'Since when did the guy start talking this much?' He muttered to himself, biting his lower lip again, wondering what Agrip wou
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Recap:When Derek saw that Caden was just breathing in and out in anger, he notably sighed before continuing his next statement."Caden, there are more important issues this pack has than crowning a Luna. My father is on a deathbed, and our pack has been attacked. Your inability to separate work from family would not be of help to us on this matter. I suggest you go back home and take a rest. Your son is here after all, and he is my beta. Shaw(Shane’s father) will fill me in on what i need to know about the attack." He said, slipping his left hand ino the left front pocket of his trousers."Derek, you might be the Alpha but you can’t…" Caden was saying, taking a step toward Derek, when Derek cut him short."That was an order Caden. Go home." Derek commanded, using his Alpha tone, all traces of amusement gone.Story Now:Caden, unable to refute the command of an Alpha, despite the age differences between them, turned around in a fit of rage and walked aggressively down the hall, not tu
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Derek listened attentively as Shane’s father, Mr Shaw, narrated the incidents that had been considered an attack to the pack. The other end of the pack, to the north, which mostly was occupied by ‘lone’ pack members who cherished their solitude like monks, had been on the receiving end of the attacks. Although none died, quite many were injured. Derek was surprised that they were even able to defend themselves against the creatures which the attacked had described as looking as black shadows. He sighed as he remembered what they were; shadow warriors.How would they defeat something like that? It was obviously made of magic. Werewolves were anything but that. A sarcastic smile slithered across his lips as he remembered that Clem’s father, Caden, had been so eager to go and fight back. Perhaps he should have let the old man go. He thought, musing. He didn’t understand the man’s ‘hotness’ when he didn’t know the full story. All because of the stupid motion that Claire should become th
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He would show the old man later. Derek thought, glaring at Mike. But for now he had to resolve the issue somehow, quickly, before it escalates into something else, before it stains his father’s good legacy. Still, he couldn’t stop himself from making a dig at Mike.“As you mentioned Mike…” He started, producing a huge mocking emphasis on Mike's name, aware but ignoring the exaggerated sighs from Anthony and Agrip. They both knew that he was going to never let the elder go. Despite that knowledge and their sighs of seeming tiredness of Derek’s act, they were still interested in what the latter had in stock for the elder.“…the creatures are of magic, so to be able to deal with them as you mentioned, we have to know more about them, we have to throw a wide research net on them. Our findings would determine our next course of action. Or don’t you think so…Mike?” Derek asked the elder, producing the emphasis again on the name which was of course obvious to the occupants of the room.Mik
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Derek furrowed his eyebrows, his lips forming a thin line, mirroring Anthony’s expression, after Agrip’s latest declaration.He was captured?Derek shook his head, feeling a strange chill all over his body.No wonder. He thought, referring to the matter of Agrip’s long time in coming back to the pack.He heard the other elders murmuring between themselves and sighed. They were probably waiting for him to question Agrip on what had really happened.He would have agreed with them, but for some reason, he didn’t find it okay at that point. He didn’t know why, but he decided to trust his instincts this time around."That’s…new, Agrip" He finally managed to stutter out, ignoring Anthony’s raised eyebrows and the elders’ look of unbelief. He would talk to his brother later.Agrip nodded his head at Derek’s flimsy statement. And even though it looked like the young man behaved or had acted as if he didn’t care that he had been kidnapped, Agrip knew that the little dude cared. Perhaps somethi
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"Don’t you think you were too firm or harsh with your words??" Anthony asked Derek, immediately the elders had vacated the conference room.The only people left in the room were he, Derek and Agrip."Perhaps I was. But didn’t you see that they were trying to look down on me because of my age? The insolence!" Derek mentioned, gritting his teeth in the process.He was still unhappy that the elders had thought they would neglect and stamp on him because of his age, instead of supporting him and guiding him properly like Agrip usually did. They were supposed to respect the Alpha’s title for fudge’s sake!They deserved it! He affirmed for the umpteenth time, since he had noticed the signs of their disloyalty. Especially Mike. Why he had let Gabirel off from the punishment hook was because the latter had been wise and quick enough to admit his mistake and apologize unlike the pompous bratty elder, Mike."Anthony, Derek is right. For now, your brother needs to use a strong hand and voice to
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There was an unpeaceful quietness after Agrip had dropped his question on Anthony and Derek.Derek bit his lips, his head bowed down, his feet shuffling and drawing unknown patterns on the floor like a shy girl who was being wooed by a man. Only Agrip could make him nervous this way despite his title of Alpha-ship.He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it as he thought of the implications of the truth right at this moment. The old man’s staff would find his head as a good resting place, at least a hundred times. He would be signing for his death!Should he lie? Should he say that his little witch had traveled to reaffirm her parents that all will be alright?Contemplating on this, he nodded slightly, thinking that it will be the best option for now till he has laid hold of Emma. Hopefully he can convince her to forgive him and come back to her rightful position. There was no way she had already forgotten him, right?“Dream on!” He heard Maru say, and almost scoffed but for
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Derek’s eyes widened, his words lost in his mouth as he heard the scream that had echoed and vibrated around the house.That was his mother’s voice!Quickly, without minding that he hadn’t given a reply to Agrip, he rushed off towards his parent’s bedroom, his heart beating fast as he wondered if the worst had happened.Behind him, Anthony and Agrip were trying to keep up pace, especially Agrip who due to his old age, couldn’t walk as fast as the two young lads.Derek burst into the room abruptly without even knocking.His heart drowned to his stomach when he saw his mother wailing on the floor like a woman who had just lost her mate.His eyes ran across the bed, and dilated when he saw his father convulsing and shaking violently on the bed.Was this it? He thought, numb from what he was seeing. He couldn’t act or say anything. He had never felt so useless.He wasn’t even aware when Agrip and Anthony entered the room. Only when Agrip shouted that Anthony should mindlink the pack docto
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