All Chapters of THE ALPHA'S ADDICTION: Chapter 441 - Chapter 450
599 Chapters
A glare from Kane had Freya and Yodah shutting up their mouths."What are you two laughing about? Don’t you ever think that I am letting you off the hook like Blenda had! You both had lied to me, and then sneaked down here to do whatever it is you people were down here for..." Kane started, still glaring at the two who bowed their heads in shame at being shouted at."Kane, take it easy on them. Remember, they are still fledglings." Dobah intercepted, wanting to cover the offending duo from the anger of his twin brother."My taking it easy on them had been the reason why they had thought that they could fool me easily." Kane pointed out, seething in anger, especially as he took note of Aiden’s now protective stance behind Freya. What the hell was the scallywag doing?"Hey…scallywag…" He called to Aiden who quickly rebuffed him, getting rid of the fear that assuaged him at the thought of standing trial in front of the infamous twins he had always dreamed to become like."I am no scallyw
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Aiden looked at the finely sculptured ring on Kane’s finger and nodded."Yes, that mineral..." He replied slowly."Wow, that is good news. The few people of our kind who remain would at least have access to the beauty of the sunlight." Kane cited, nodding his head, agreeing to something for the first time since he had joined the group. "So, have you found the cave?" He asked Aiden, scowling the next minute when Aiden remained mute and silent."I knew it. You sca...""Uncle Kane, stop it!" Freya shouted at Kane, putting to abrupt whatever Kane had wanted to say.There was a minute silence after Freya’s shout. It was obvious that it had taken everyone at unawares. None of them had seen it coming. After all, this was her first time speaking in such a tone to either of the older men.Kane opened his mouth to say something, but shut it the next moment. Freya was one of his favourite people, and he knew that she took him as the father she wasn’t sure she had. He also knew that at the moment
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“...and that is our own story, and part of the reasons why we are here, apart from searching out Yodah and Freya.” Kane said, rounding up his own side of the story, two hours after Dobah had asked the four offenders to spill out what was actually happening.They had all shared their own side of the story, and the parts they had played in them, and so, right now, Dobah and his twin, with his lifemate, now had ideas of what might be going on or transpiring among the supernaturals.Something evil and mightier than each one of them was coming, but together, they might be able to fight it off. Blenda thought, even as she wondered where the girl, Emma, was. She wished that they had arrived minutes earlier so that she could take a look at the girl who seemed to hold the fate of worlds in her hands despite not knowing of what is or the powers she possesses.“So, the girl, Lucille...apart from her wolf nature, did you see her human version by any chance?” Aiden asked Kane, but the latter shoo
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Derek let his eyes roam authoritatively over the members of his pack in the pack meeting that has been going for an hour and thirty minutes, as he delivered his last statement with all precision and power, the Alpha’s tone backing up each of his words.“...we all should be on safeguard. Report suspicious activities to the warriors that would be stationed at each junction. And any word on the whereabouts of the witch called Esther would be highly appreciated. Also, there would be a curfew by eight pm. So everyone, endeavour to be in your homes before that time, for this season is quite perilous. Stay alert. Stay safe. Goodnight you all.” He stated, his face, a blank mask, even when echoes of ‘goodnight Alpha Derek’ permeated the atmosphere of the meeting hall.“That was a nice one. Nice job for a first try.” Shane said, patting Derek at intervals on his right shoulder.“Nice job, old friend.” He repeated again, the pride very visible in his voice.A smile slithered across Derek’s lips
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Derek sat forlornly on his bed, not taking off his patchy sweaty cloths or boots, his head bowed and held in his hands, his mind besotted with thoughts swirling around the departure of Emma and the likely betrayal of Leo, his eyes clouded with a variety of emotions.Derek was tired.Breathing in deeply, he raised up his head, letting his eyes wander across his slightly dark room. His eyes found a small book on the small table just close to the door. Emma's diary! He thought, standing up from the bed and trudging in the direction of the table.He picked up the book and let out a sigh, feeling overwhelmed with thick sadness. He gave up on his standing posture, and slide down the wall to the floor, the diary resting on his hands, having switched on the light in his room, before succumbing to the calls of the floor which had beckoned on him.His hands caressed the little book, stopping in its movements, when the thoughts of Leo's betrayal crossed his mind again.Leo had betrayed them. Ev
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Going through Emma’s diary brought tears again to Derek’s eyes. She had managed to capture their moments together in such a way that had made his member hard and his composure weaken with sadness and longing.He had read of her doubts when she had found out that he was a werewolf, doubts which had centred on him discarding her when he found his mate. There were also doubts about who she really was, especially when she had been taken to the kingdom of the witches.He had read of her thoughts on the prophecy which she thought was a myth, not a true story. He also read her thoughts on finding her old boyfriend, Daniel, who turns out to be a grandson to the white witch, and Casper, her old friend, who worked for the black witch before she had killed him.Derek had literally felt her pain when he read her thoughts on killing Casper whom she had taken as a brother she had never had. She captured and wrote her feelings like long poems which had no option but to stick to his already broken he
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“Who is that?!” Lucille asked, her voice rising more than usual, as she beheld the man who had just, and was still drinking blood from the neck of a weak man. Her mind already gave her the answer but she was still struggling with disbelief. Never had she thought that she would behold a vampire on her first day here. Shouldn’t this be a werewolf territory? What was going on? And that man...he looked like the man in her dreams. Could he be the one? She wondered, unable to take her eyes off his black ones which were also stuck on her. “A vampire! A creature of the undead! Get in now! We have to shut the windows, and I need to create a protective spell. He has already seen us, and I don’t think he would be letting us go for that.” Sheila whisper- yelled, pulling Lucille into the confines of the room, and shutting the window forcefully and quickly. She had been unpacking their clothes, not much though, since they were only spending the night, when she had noticed that Lucille had been st
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Kane gritted his teeth as he watched another bout of guards approach him. He had been holding back on his inner strength when fighting off the former set, but the hotel management seemed to have a lot of staff to spare for duels. He had the capability to be done with them in a second, but that would be risking the job of Aiden and the identity of his kind. Not that they would even guess it correctly. They would just think that they were vampires. But even then, he didn’t want to risk an unbalance in the world system. So, instead, he retreated, raising up his two hands in surrender, taking steps backward as the security man, both those whom he had earlier beaten which were on the floor, and the newly called.“Don’t come any further.” he said in a faux tired voice. “I give up. I will be going now. I am sorry for causing any inconveniences. Please don’t call the police too. I was just drunk and frustrated that my wife had left me today, and had decided to stay in this hotel with her fr
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Kane gritted his teeth for the umpteenth time that night, as he tried for the hundredth time to break through the shield, but all to no avail. He thought of going through the window but he thought better of it. If the lady had locked up this part of the room, then the window would be under the same fate. He sighed, thumping his hand on the door consistently, not knowing what tactic to employ again. His senses were rather clouded by his lifemate’s scent and heartbeat which were quite overwhelming. He knew for sure that she was the one, but how would he get to her? She was with a witch!How had they gotten together? He thought, resting his back on the door. Then with a startling realization, he jerked away from the door. Tsk! How had he forgotten? Freya was a high class mage too! She must be stronger than this witch, for the latter had been practicing and had been confirmed by many as a very powerful mage from a powerful lineage. Even though, her identity and lineage was being questi
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“Wow…” It was Dobah who spoke first, out of the five. His voice was tainted with surprise, then disbelief, as he was still processing the volume of information he had just heard. If the details of his brother's story were right, of which he knew they were, then it was possible that the woman might be the mother of Freya, precisely the mother of triplets. They needed to get her.“We need to get to them before they move again. Most likely, the woman might be Lucille’s mother, most likely your mother too.” Dobah mentioned, giving voice to his thoughts, as he looked at Freya who was still lost in thoughts.“Freya…” Yodah called to Freya, tapping her on the knee. “You seem out of it which is still understandable but I think that whatever assumptions you are making now could wait till tomorrow when we see them. It's not advisable to get our hopes up. Probably, the woman could just be an ordinary traveler, or your mother. Coincidence still exists. The truth will show forth tomorrow. For now
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