All Chapters of THE ALPHA'S ADDICTION: Chapter 571 - Chapter 580
590 Chapters
The room fell into an almost palpable silence after Claire's confession, each word hanging in the air as if suspended in time. The atmosphere was thick with shock, the weight of her revelation pressing down on everyone present. It was as if the very walls of the sitting room absorbed the enormity of her words, amplifying the tension that gripped the space.Claire stood in the center of the room, her posture defiant yet vulnerable. Her eyes met Curtis briefly, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her face before she steeled herself once more. She had laid her heart bare, and now she awaited the reactions of the people with bated breath.The silence was abruptly shattered when Curtis stepped forward, his expression hardening into one of cold denial. "Claire," He began, his voice firm, "I don't know what you're talking about. We aren't mated."Claire's face fell, the hurt and confusion stark in her eyes. "Curtis, please," she pleaded, her voice trembling with emotion. "I know this is my fau
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00:45 am The soft glow from the chandelier above cast a warm light on Annabel’s features, revealing a calm but intense expression. She took a deep breath, ready to share her story. From her position, she could see that her last words had shocked her friends into a huge mute phase. Emma, for one had her mouth open. "My family," Annabel began, her voice steady, "…has a long and unique lineage. We are the opposite of hunters. While hunters seek to destroy supernatural beings, we have dedicated our lives to protecting them."Emma and Amelia, seated across from her, exchanged curious glances. This was not the introduction they had anticipated."Our family, the Ingodils, has always stood as guardians of the supernatural," Annabel continued. "For generations, we have been entrusted with the safety and well-being of those with extraordinary abilities. It is a rare calling, and even among humans, it is rare to find individuals with the gifts that we possess."Emma leaned forward, intrigued.
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In the midst of the subtle chaos that had ensued with Freya and Lucille groaning in pain, Nathan stood with an air of solemnity in the large living room. His gaze was fixed on his two daughters, who were slithering on the floor like frustrated, pained, snakes. Beside them were their mates.“Kane!”Kane turned sharply to his Prince, his attention divided between his almost wailing mate, and his stern Prince.“Take Lucille outside. She is about to shift. She would need the calmness of the forest air.”Kane, without the slightest hesitation, obeyed. He carried Lucille in his arms, and hurried out of the room, without turning aside to notice the positions of the others. However, Shane and Clem followed after him, including Dobah, to offer protection incase of unpredictable circumstances.“Peter, are there rooms which we can use to work for healing magic?”Peter nodded, eager to be useful in this situation.“Then, take Eva to one of the rooms. Margo, and Keturah, you go with him. We might
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“She is about to shift! Oh my god! Quick, let’s help her up. There’s enough space outside to shift!” Annabel shouted, immediately Emma fell to the ground and started twisting like an earthworm that had been dumped in a tray of salt. Amelia immediately moved, keeping Prescott on the center table. She held Emma by one side, whilst Annabel took up the second position by Emma’s other side. Emma herself kept cursing the gods for putting her in this situation. Who said she wanted to be a wolf? Or that she wanted to save the world? The pain racking all over her body idled her brain intermittently, so much so that she lost consciousness of her surroundings sometimes. Other times, she was aware that she was being pushed, mainly by Prescott’s magic, through the hallways, and then to the open air. Amelia and Annabel weren’t doing much, even with their grunts. She wondered if they were aware that Prescott, even though they had left him inside, was the one actually pushing her. It amused her,
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Two Days Later:Emma woke with a start, disoriented and groggy. The room seemed unfamiliar, shadows playing tricks on her tired eyes. She blinked, trying to remember where she was. Slowly, the events of the past day flooded back to her consciousness.Shift.Annabel.Rare humans.She remembered that she had transformed into her wolf form after a long shift, her duties as a chosen one demanding all her strength. The change left her feeling strange, now she was in her human form. It was terribly intense. Emma wasn't sure she would want to go another round. She wished it could be a one time thing. But how possible was that?Rubbing her eyes, Emma sat up in bed, the sheets clinging to her skin. Her limbs felt heavy, as if they didn't quite belong to her yet. She ran her fingers through her tousled hair, noticing how coarse it felt compared to usual. Everything felt sharper, more acute. It was like her senses had been turned up to their highest levels.Glancing around the room again, Emma s
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Freya sat in a cozy armchair, flanked by Aiden and Maya, surrounded by the family which has become extended, and untied to an extent. The witches, Margo and Keturah, were there too. Esther was still recuperating from the attack, and they had chosen to stay to take care of her, to return to the community when the young witch became whole again.Eva, now healed, was leaning comfortably against Maya, her small head resting on the latter's shoulder. At intervals, Maya stroked Eva's hair gently, as if to reassure the little one that all was good now, that no one was annoyed with her, that all was forgiven.Across from them was Lucille. She was sitting on a plush sofa with Kane. After she had woken up from a fitful sleep yesterday, she had been unable to seperate herself from the male, or the mate bond. She couldn't deny it any longer either. Now, they were inseparable.Around them were other members of the extended group; Nathan and Sheila, Melvina and Peter, Dobah and Blenda, Julius an
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Silence descended in the room when Freya uttered the name, ‘Emma.’ A silence that was different from the others that had fallen on the room at intervals since the meeting started. This particular silence had everyone’s ears at attention, and everyone at the edge of their seats. Anticipation thrummed in and around the hearts of everyone in the room, including Claire. ‘Put the call on loudspeaker, my love.’ Freya turned up her lips at Aiden’s suggestion, but she was too happy to ignore or get annoyed over the suggested intrude in her privacy. She obliged. She removed the phone from her ear, tapped the loudspeaker tab, and kept the phone on her lap. “Emma…is that you?” A lighthearted chuckle resonated from the speaker, a chuckle that caused the drum of joy to begin to beat in the heart of Nathan, who was just hearing his first daughter’s voice for the first time. He had heard from Kane, that once, the girl had spoken to him through his mind, had bypassed the mind barrier. For the l
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"What did you say, Emma?" Freya choked out, her voice ladened with the same expression that buttered the faces of everyone present in Peter's living room; incredulity. Melvina, for one, held up her hands, and then brought it down consequently, as if tired of the mysteries and surprises surrounding Emma. Not even a contemplative look from Nathan, could change her thoughts. It was not that she was tired of Emma, it just seem that no matter what they did, the redhead usually courted trouble. 'If she is as powerful as her actions these past few days have proven, I am surprised that she hasn't been captured yet. This might just be the tip of the iceberg.' Melvina soughed, hearing her mate's words. She knew he was right. She wished for things to be simple. She have always wanted simple. Yet, the goddess had declined that very wish. 'You shouldn't be worrying about your wishes and the past, Melvina. You taught me that. And there's the fact that we had been the ones who had pursued her ou
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The breaths of everyone in the room was held on standby, until Emma's voice crackled through the phone. "He is not a vampire. He is a mage. Like you, to some extent. But he is evil. Evil. I couldn't even get closer to his thoughts. They were too sinister. I just couldn't stay in the environment. One thing I can say is that he is very old, despite being in a youthful body." 'Ask her, how old.' Aiden communicated to Freya. "How old do you think he is…" A beat of silence. "More than a century. Perhaps two?" Freya looked at everyone in the room again, aware of the sharp increase in the beating of their hearts. A mage of more than a hundred years old, in a youthful body. The ancients kept exchanging glances. 'What is it?' Freya couldn't help but ask Aiden. 'Mages like that are very rare, not like the witches of this region. They are darker. Possessed by spirits some times. Those are the ones that can perform that sort of thing you had seen the shifter do. However, I don't know if t
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Freya tapped her index finger on her lap slowly, her eyes taking in hurriedly, the expressions of everyone present. Her father was in a contemplative mood.Her mate and his twin were curious.The werewolves were lost. Well, she was lost too.Her eyes settled finally on her mother, who had a calm expression on her face, a sharp contrast to what it was before Emma had mentioned the training field. What was that about? Yes, training surely went on there—considering the term—but was that all? How had her mother known about the place? At what time did she go there? Why did she tell Emma to wait for her there? How had she known that Emma would get the message? Motherly instincts? “Freya…is everything okay?” Freya jerked, her tapping motion stopping as soon as she heard Emma’s worried voice. “I hope you can understand the reasons for my actions…” Freya immediately cut in. “I do. Don’t mind me. I was just caught up in thoughts. So, we can’t see you for now. That’s alright. But you want
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