All Chapters of THE ALPHA'S ADDICTION: Chapter 581 - Chapter 590
593 Chapters
Kane was surprised at his answer. From the gasp that escaped Dobah’s lips. He knew that his twin was surprised too. Kane hadn’t even known when he had said it. It had just been said in the spur of the moment. He never wants to lose Lucille, and he wasn’t even tempted to try the theory out—if Lucille would choose Emma over him. He had spent so much in thick darkness to even contemplate that.“Okay, I will take good care of her. You can count on me, like your father does.”Lucille laughed again, and Emma heard. It was time to go. “Thanks old man. I will hold you to your promise.”Kane sighed in relief, and re-adjusted himself on his seat, not moved when Dobah amused himself in their mind path, or when he caught Blenda and Nathan staring at him like he had grown horns.They didn’t understand. He thought. They didn’t spend centuries yearning for death, yearning for anything, apart from turning to the undead.“So, Freya, I have to go. I will talk to you later?” Emma’s voice crackled th
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After Sheila was done narrating the first time she had come in contact with rare humans, Ava raised her hand in query. She had read in one of her special books—an avid reader like her grandfather—about humans being entrusted with gifts by the gods sometimes—especially in cases where the supernaturals fail to see reason, or fail to accomplish their purposes on this earth. “Yes, Ava. What is your question?” Sheila asked; confidence pruned with calmness was her epitome at the moment, the exact attributes that they have always known her for. “Rare human. The type you had met. What are they?” Sheila cocked her head to the side, contemplating the best way to explain this. “They are humans quite alright, but they were chosen randomly by the gods. The ones I know of are the Ingodils. I’m sure Annabel is part of the family, since the latter had mentioned them being overseers of the training field. They have an ancestry dedicated to keeping supernaturals away from harm, either from the hum
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Melvina’s mouth dropped open in shock when Derek stepped into the living room, with a different look and swagger. His long hair which he always prided in has been cut. Derek was sporting a buzz cut. Melvina didn’t know if that was a good sign or a bad one. No one in the room made a sound, because everyone was shocked. His aura also seemed different. He looked different. Matured would be the best word for it. Melvina wondered what her son had been doing in his room, apart from cutting his beautiful hair, that is. She took in the sheen of sweat around his muscles which were evident in the jersey he was wearing, and knew that he had been exercising, the best he could in a confined space. She wasn’t sure what this new Derek entailed, but her instincts proclaimed it good. Melvina looked at her mate. He had the same expression with her, although she could see the flint of pride in them. Peter was pleased with whatever he was seeing. Kane was nodding. The ancient had been the one to push
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When Kane still roamed in darkness, when he had not found Lucille, when he had no idea how he could keep fighting the beast craving for attention within him, he didn’t know anything about feelings, about the feeling of elation, happiness, jealousy or even pride. But just a few days with his mate, with Lucille, he seemed to have experienced a multitude of emotions, and because he hadn’t seen them before, they seemed to have been magnified. Like now the pride that threatened to overwhelm him could fill up this room, could be enough in doses for everyone here. It was that great. He felt on top of the world. What brought him down was Lucille’s amusement. ‘I hope your pride won't be a problem for me, old man.’ Kane huffed mentally. ‘You will call me that too?’ ‘What do you want me to call you? My Kane.’ The pride reared its ugly head again, causing Lucille to shake her head, and alert the others that she had been silent communication with her lifemate. “Kane, what is this, that the b
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“So, he drank your blood?” Peter asked, incredulity ringing in his voice, already on his feet, his fiery gaze burning on a confused Kane. “Did you drink his too? Did you bite my son, ancient? Did you compel him?” He then looked at Derek, as if his son was not there, as if someone else had taken control of his son, as if he was a puppet to some vampire master. Lucille’s fear had come to pass. “Is he among you people now? Would he now feed on blood, instead of normal food like normal people…” “…careful, Alpha. This is a sensitive matter, and I suggest you tread carefully. Kane didn’t force your son to drink his blood. It had been his choice alone.” Nathan interrupted Peter’s charade gently, yet firmly. His eyes were strongly fixed on Peter who chose to ignore him, rather than answer him. “Yes, Dad…I made the choice myself. I wasn’t compelled or whatever…” “And how would you know if you were compelled or not…” ‘You better shut your mouth if you don’t want to break the alliance w
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When Derek saw the shock that flooded his parent’s features, that flooded the features of everyone in the room, including the ancients, he laughed. “Sorry, that didn’t come out right.” “Better for you. Eva is too young to take up the throne. She is barely seven. She is still a child. I won’t support that.” Yodah spoke, landing another shock ball on the people in the room. When he realized that he had spoken when he shouldn’t, that he had spoken what he shouldn’t, he sighed, and rested back in his cocoon. ‘Don’t worry. They won’t be able to tell. Only the family knows.’ Well, that could be a wrong deduction. Yodah thought when he saw Eva staring at him, like she could see right through him. He squirmed in his seat, questioning himself the next second when he thought of what he was doing. He was squirming because of a six year old? Yodah couldn’t believe himself. Yet, Eva didn’t stop looking at him with that blank stare. She only looked away when Derek, ignoring the possible implic
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2 Weeks Later:Freya and Lucille heaved in and out heavily, sweat dripping from every angle, from every plane of their bodies, as they tried to keep a firm grip on the magic ball they had each created to hold an elephantine metal intact, and suspended in the air. Before them was Margo who was relaxing on a wooden chair, watching them intensely, yet eating a grape fruit. An onlooker would think that the witch was terribly insensitive and abusing the girls, abusing the privilege given to her to train the girls—but there weren't much onlookers anyway. The trio were practicing outside the bungalow that Peter had given to the guests. It wasn't an obvious establishment to the other members of the pack, unless they turned aside from the Alpha's mansion, and walked to the backyard station. But even then, they wouldn't see it. The ancients, true to their word, had erected a safe guard first around the pack, and then an invisiblity one around the bungalow. Indeed, a person could be staring r
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“How is everyone doing?” Nathan asked, breaking the comfortable silence in the room, and alerting those whispering to each other that the meeting had started in earnest. There were nods and echoes of ‘fine, thank you’ around the group, their attention all hooked to Nathan who was sitting with Sheila, on a two seater sofa. There were more sofas like that, a few lone ones, and two long ones. Melvina had gone shopping. “Okay, that’s great. It’s been two weeks since our last meeting, and I would like to know how far each one of us has gone, either with the training, or the assignments that have been given to you.” Nathan stated, leaning ahead, his elbow resting on his thigh, supporting his clasped hands.“We need to know if we have made any significant progress, and if there are adjustments that need to be made, or more assignments to be given.” Kane nodded in agreement, looking at Alpha Peter to break the ground first. “From my son’s reports yesterday, our warriors have done marvelou
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The desperate look of help on Brandon’s face as he fell to the ground caused terror to fall upon Peter and his mate especially, seeing that they knew Brandon from when the latter had been young. Brandon was rarely terrified by an issue. “What is the matter?” Derek asked when he noticed that his father wasn’t forthcoming with the question, obviously overtaken by surprise, and then fear. “What do you mean by they are back, Brandon? Who are they?” Brandon lifted up his face, anguish spread thickly over his handsome features. “The shadow warriors. But this time, they aren’t just here to capture or make a statement. They are killing!” It was then that Peter opened the Alpha’s all-knowing mindpath, which he rarely does because of the energy it consumes. He balked visibly, when he heard the cries of his people, their lament and plea for help. He could hear the thrumming of energy from the shadow warriors, hear the slashing of a neck. Peter didn’t know when a tear slipped from his eyes,
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Complete chaos. Everywhere Freya looked at, was in complete chaos. The only place that wasn’t in chaos was the Alpha’s residence, and the bungalow where her family had been staying all this while. How had all these been happening, how had the painful shouts and the heart searing cries been happening and they hadn’t been aware? It was then that she understood that her father must have cloaked the living room where their meetings had been held with magic, with a safeguard akin to a sound proof, such that sound couldn’t leave the room, such that sound couldn’t enter too. And as wonderful as the advantages were, this was the exact disadvantage. Ignorance to chaos. Oblivion.People were running helter skelter, shouting as they run—their wolf strength and powers rendered obsolete in the face of the onslaught spearheaded by shadow warriors.Mothers were weeping for their children. Fathers were trying to fight the shadow warriors bravely—standing in the gap for their family—and dying whil
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