All Chapters of DEATH REINCARNATE : Chapter 561 - Chapter 570
729 Chapters
(PRETTY COMMANDMENT) “WAKE UP, DANIELA!” Expressionless and undeterred by what she is seeing in front of the mirror in her little world and void. She in her presence and appearance is similar to the Supreme One, and the only one who had such features, unlike the rest. Is in the middle of her own space with a bit of not wanting to do a thing for a moment. “Tsk!” She smirks, irritated and not even in the slightest mood to receive such a visitor nor she wanted any company at the moment. Despite being the prim and proper one among the rest. “You know that you are not invited in here, right?” Her words are insulting in a way, considering that the pentagram and gate that was drawn and shown with the hue and belongs to her senior, is someone that she should respect. As it is thought to her in that way. She didn’t even look back and instead drops his name unaffectionate. “Carlos.” With a huge grin and call us to the cold treatment of their little com
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(THE OWNER OF THE TAROTS) “THE tarot cards can only be handed and passed down to the eldest daughter of the family. The one who is blessed to have control over them.” Words from the past that Valerie memorize from long ago. The repeating scenes that she continues repeating and watching from her mirror. Not to remind her of her mission, but she finds it intriguing and amusing to take part in. “Remember that, Pauleen.” With a sinister smile drawn on her face, Valerie then giggles loving the entire mission that she is been given. “The real owner of the cards. The holder is put asleep intentionally, while the twin is known as the enemy, but in reality, is not. Just how this entire roller coaster scheme, dread, and hope will turn out to be?” A bit mocking of the entire written novel that the Supreme one wrote way from the very beginning. She continues watching the little scene that she is a bit flashed forward to the recent time. “Let’s continue where t
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(BOTH LIGHT AND DARK) “THE perfect time.” With a sinister smile drawn unto her face, followed by a giggle with the tone that the other three will immediately know that it was her. She immediately made her way into the gate and perfectly into the place where she is meant to be. “I see.” She whispers, stepping out of the gate and quickly surveying the place with the beings that she expects to meet at that moment. She wastes no time and went her way into the place where she is once created, pulled, and owns the personality that is the half darkness of the now awakened holder. “You know what to do. Take your place and bring that person back to where she should be.” Emie’s words are echoing suddenly inside her mind. Words that she didn’t like nor hate, but something in between. But for all else no matter how she would try to protest about the inevitable, she couldn’t do anything. “I hear you, I knew what to do, as I am on my way to that place.” A l
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(HOWLING MEMORIES) THE gate is open, initiated by the darkness that came from the holder that recently woken. Valerie’s doubts over Pauleen are still lingering. With her guard up and prepared for anything that might happen. Pauleen draws a sinister smile on her face, and a bit mocking Valerie with her words. “You may be a commandment, but I am one of the directions. You are under the direct command of the Mistress of time while I am under the Supreme one. So, it is just fair if that so-called security of yours should be put towards the real enemy. Am I right, Valerie?” Pauleen’s mocking and superiority complex are innate to the darkness that she is. But it is not something that Valerie is fond of. “What did you say?” Instead, her mind ticks with the red flag that she rather wanted to vent out right towards the direction and face the consequence later. “So, you aren’t just a bit of a hold-up, but a deaf one.” With Pauleen giggling along with
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(TIME) THE stage is set as the needed pieces are in place. In this little mini-play, HE draws the kind of smile that HE considers perfect with the words that he says. “Shall we head on to the game?” A few seconds of silence took place. With the pieces still head low and bowing. The definition of loyalty sounded. “As you wish, Supreme One.” Pauleen’s words, that proud tone, and the superiority complex that she is presenting in front and slapping it towards Valerie. Their little feud isn’t that unknown to HIM, nor the Mistress, and by the moment is rubbing the patience that Valerie has inside. “That is enough, Pauleen.” The familiar voice echoes, along with the steps that they knew. From the sim-lighted corner, she slowly appears and walks towards the side of the Master, with her face bright and with a sinister smile. “Why did you stop her, Chie?” The name that HE can only say with a casual tone and sometimes with superiority. All above an
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(THE WOODPECKER’S SONG) “THE old song.” Words that are lingering and somehow echoing inside her mind. Words that she is familiar with, knew it more than anyone would. For in those words, lies that one most important memory. “Will you sing it to me again, Pauleen?” The wish of the little sister. The innocent and wishful heart of the person that she cares about so much. All into this memory and somewhat a dream where everything is still fine, and they are still living in peace and without any worry. “What song?” She asks, with her comforted smile and warmth. The love and gentleness that she only gave and had for her sister. “The Woodpecker’s Song.” Her little sister requested, giggling and excitedly asking her for it. With a smile and gladness in her heart and showing it in her eyes, she nods and said. “Alright.” With her little sister laying on the grass and comfortably resting her head on her thighs. She is slowly stroking her li
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(MEMOIR) ‘WAKE UP! WAKE UP! HOLDER OF ARIES! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! PAULEEN!’ The chanting that is getting on the nerves of the holder, Pauleen. Making it painful with each passing second and somehow ringing past her ears and into her head. “Wake up. That’s all that you needed to do.” Her other self. The one who was introduced to be her darkness. The past of her darkness. Smiling wide and sinisterly which is making her uncomfortable and doubtful of everything that is happening. “Stay away from me!” The holder, Pauleen, screams while in pain and in anger from the chanting that is getting louder and more painful with each passing second. “You cannot run away from the truth and the inevitable, Pauleen.” The words that are taunting her. Adding to the burden that she already had and is inflicting the pain that she doesn’t want to have nor to ever feel. “Where is my sister?’ She suddenly asks. Now bothered that for a while now had been explai
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(TRUTH III) “COULD you promise me one thing, Pauleen?” The words and gentle voice of her little sister that she loves so much. “What is it?” Her confirmation and gentle heart that is willing to do everything for the sake for her little sister and all for her happiness. “Promise me that you will do everything for me, to protect me and give me everything that I want.” Words that is alarming, yet she doesn’t mind at all. Thinking that it is just a request from her still young and younger sister, which is out from her younger years said those words and such. “Of course.” Her reply. The assurance that she gave, thinking nothing serious about it, and in that sense didn’t reprimand her little sister for the wish that is not appropriate in the first place. “No, I want you to promise it to me with your words.” Now insisting, yet she didn’t still think much about it. Instead, she gladly gave the promise like giving a candy as simple as that one.
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(DARK WORLD) HE draws HIS usual sinister smile. Amused, no, HE is enjoying every bit of what HE is seeing right now. Doing the things that HE could simply ask one of HIS pawns to do. Yet, the way HE wrote this entire book is what it is currently dictating right now. “Aren’t I a genius?” HE asks while giggling and making Valerie and Clayden shiver from deep within their core. But then they couldn’t let it show, nor even breathe a sign of it. Let alone and worse, speaking about it. “No.” HE protested, changing the premise and claim. “I am a genius. For who else will it be? I am GOD after all.” The darkness somewhat spreads but unlike the miasma of the known evil that everyone knew. The type of darkness that slowly surrounds them is different. Something that doesn’t taunt, nor will be able to hurt someone. It can provoke and convince, where everything about it is the equivalent of the light that balance everything. “Good and bad, light and dark, the oppo
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(LITTLE GAME) WITH a kiss on the lady’s hand, Clayden honors his position and gives his loyalty to his lady. On his knees and in a knight’s stand, he pledges himself to protect the person that promises from the very beginning. “Holder of the ruling gate of Aries, I present to you, the Prince’s gift. Your knight, Clayden.” Pauleen smiles, knowing and very much familiar with her knight Clayden. For all else ‘she’ already knew and meet him. The piece of her darkness, and from all the memories and knowledge that her darkness and once Pauleen had. “Now, now, now.” HIS favorite word, and by this time HE somehow resorted back to HIS usual self. Compose and calculated, not laughing the way an insane being does, nor blabbering about a thing or two from time to time. “Valerie.” HE immediately commands, snapping HIS finger and giving back the mana that the commandment had lost due to the pentagram and spell of unification. But adding much and the necessary te
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