All Chapters of DEATH REINCARNATE : Chapter 571 - Chapter 580
729 Chapters
(SILLY TUNE) “YOU can do at least that, right, Kyle?” A kind of smile, that sinister one with the form and the ideals that don’t amuse Kyle for even a bit. But a suggested insult that isn’t that hard to know. “Tsk!” Kyle click his tongue and gritted his teeth. But for a few seconds, where he then fixed his mood along with his expression. Showing nothing of such an irritating face nor a tone to his voice. “Name it and I’ll do it in perfection.” He boasts with the truth in it that no one in that void and current world of His could protest nor even deny. Kyle’s character and uniqueness made him the perfect doll that He wanted, or so He thinks that Kyle is. “Very well. I am looking forward to the fruit of your labor, Kyle.” He commanded, all in His slithering form. Eyeing the two of them, especially the unlikely visitor who just recently knocked on the door and introduces herself. “Beatrice.” Kyle suddenly calls her name. As he draws t
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(MYSTIC WALTZ) KYLE stops dancing, not that he started to. But as the song ended and HE is all acting unlike HE usually does. A creeping smile draws Kyle’s face, observing and amusingly watching the Supreme One do HIS little act. ‘HE knows.’ Kyle’s mind whispers that fact. Something that he can only do from his deeper subconsciousness, knowing that he is being monitored closely by Him and the little bitchy Beatrice that he doesn’t like. “Thrilling. Such a wonderful thing.” HE whispers, which HE meant to say and directed towards Kyle. The words and a knowing tone that only Kyle could hear. With a menacing smile, Kyle replies in the same way and tone. “I see.” Damn, Kyle wanted to laugh. Maniacally in a way, he stops himself. Ease those urges and not until the spell that surrounds him is broken. “My dear Valerie, would you do me a favor?” HIS little que, not a warning, but a gift towards Kyle. That immediately Valerie heeded, vanishing fr
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(A LITTLE JEALOUSY?) “SUCH a Mad Hatter you are, Kyle.” Kyle giggles, embracing that compliment and the fact that the character is the thing that he embraces wholeheartedly. Besides, what could be the best representation of his character from that storybook, but the Mad Hatter himself? “The perfect one in that stand.” He proudly claims, earning a burst of amused laughter from the Supreme One. “Very well.” HE casually accepted, having fun at the fact that HIS creation’s creations are just like how HE envisions Him creating them. “Pauleen. “HE called, facing the holder and Clayden who immediately bows down before HIM. “Your wish?” Pauleen asks, expecting a mission and two, which is the very point and reason for their existence. “Do what you wanted to do. Meet her for me.” An indirect message and command, yet Pauleen understood it clearly. With a clenched fist, Pauleen glances at Kyle who waves his hand and smiles sinisterly as he
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(LITTLE BEATRICE) “LET’S just say that you need to be asleep for a long, long time, Beatrice.” She draws a wicked smile on her face. As she strides along the sound of the ticking clock and her echoing footsteps that kind of resembling a dark tone. A dark lullaby to considered about. “Such a long, long time in deed.” Her giggles, echoing into that dark hall that she walking on. Wearing her ever contented expression and the excitement for finally breaking free from her glass prison. Even though she is just a piece, the tiny one from her original whole. “Just one more thing. A little more, I will win this game that none of you could have ever think off.” She now laughs and in a maniacal tone. Enjoying her every step, her un pure heart and her very beginning that comes from darkness and the total equivalent of the original ‘she’. “Tick tock.” With a giggle and that now twisted smile, along with her entire expression that doesn’t give a damn about an
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(KNOWLEDGE) “DID you really think that I am stupid?” The void shakes and violently. Due to His voice and disappointment from what He saw that Kyle gives them. "Tsk!” Beatrice clicks her tongue, while hiding her hate and anger towards Kyle that is currently watching the little interesting scene that he found the moment that he returns. “Well, do not think that you can win that easily, Beatrice.” Kyle’s taunting thoughts that he directly sends towards Beatrice. Adding her anger and disappointment towards herself for not calculating the facts and through, before coming in front of Him and putting Kyle into the assignment that she thought she can manipulate. “It’s not that easy, you little fool.” Kyle’s giggling thoughts. Laughing at Beatrice while doesn’t show anything of some sort of expression from his face. All the while where He is burning with anger from the enemy that He still didn’t know who. Despite Beatrice promising that He will be.
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(PRINCE) JUST where does one person’s desire leads him into? Can someone tell when and where should one covet something and someone that they didn’t own? What is the bottom line in between desire and wish? “You do like her, don’t you?” The words that’s still echoing inside Kyle’s mind from time to time. Words that does not just provoking him to admit on thing, but pocking that certain part inside his mind to have the only thing that he knew all to himself that he could never have. “I know that you want her. You like her, don’t you?” Questions that taunting him from deep within his core. Words that speaking from the bottom of his subconsciousness and the fact that it is his original desire, isn’t it? “You have just been pre-occupied by the things that blinded you from the real thing that you truly wanted. You have been enjoying all the luxury that was given to you, and forgot that the starting point for everything of this is to have her. Am I right?”
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(THE OFFER ONE COULDN’T RESIST) A deal no one can say no for. An exchange that only comes once in a blue moon. But everyone wanted to have. To be called and be offered with such. In the world where sins are Gods, can you say no if the exchange is something worth your life to risk? But remember, everything is only temporary and your life in this world is nothing but a short game. “WE CAN HAVE A FAIR PARTNERSHIP. BENEFITING ONE ANOTHER AND EQUAL IN ANY WAYS. JUST SAY THE WORD KYLE. FOR I CAN GIVE YOU THE SPOT THAT NO ONE CAN GIVE YOU. YOU CAN BE, DANIELA’S HERO, PRINCE LELOUCH HIMSELF.” Beatrice’s offer. The deal that is so tempting that Kyle’s mind and heart becomes one and is now screaming towards him to accept such. A winning deal and the most precious one out of all the deal that he comes up with and receives so far. A deal that he simply couldn’t resist, right? “From now on you will be under my wing. I will help you forget everything of the pain. I will protect
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(HIS ANSWER) NOT a bit trembling upon remembering everything from that point in his past. Kyle draws a sinister smile on his face instead. A wide one that Beatrice is amused upon seeing him. “My oh my. What an unpleasant-pleasant smile you got there.” She chuckles, loving the expression that Kyle is showing in front of her. More than what she expects of seeing from him, and by now she knew and deeper that the taste of the darker side of him. His madness is winning over her long-broken personality. “What can you say? Do you want to strike a deal with me?” Beatrice asks him once more and for the third time. But unlike the previous times, she is more than confident to hear the words that she expects from Kyle. “Deal.” Kyle whispers and still in his twisted smile and somehow a delusional mind. “Right, you ask me to have a deal with you.” He added, tilting his head to the side with the madness that he is currently swimming and deep inside his Hat
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(PERFECTION) PROUD, high and in total glee. Beatrice skips her way into the woods, dancing occasionally as she hums the eerie melody that somehow becomes her own tune. “There is one naughty woodpecker.” The old told eerie song goes with the same story behind it. “I will be loyal towards you, My Lady.” She giggles, remembering those words and the little flattering gesture that Kyle did. Making her heart, her sinister and dark heart jumps with joy. Having her first little pun in somewhat a three-player chess that she is insisting to have and to play against the two beings. “Exhilarating.” Her laugher echoes, singing and continually looping the little old told song with her angelic voice. But unlike the pure one which the birds and the surrounding trees are singing and swaying along with the melody. No one is delighted, nothing is amused, but instead is sending that eerie and shivering danger of what lies ahead inside the darkness from the beyond.
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(SLEEP) “YOU better wake up and fast, Lelouch. Or else, you wouldn’t be able to see what you needed to see.” Beatrice giggles. Blushing in pure delight from her little taunting towards the sleeping prince in front of her. “Should we go back in time? Or do you want me to just tell you what happened then? Just to refresh your mind on how you died once more?” She now laughs and maniacal in a way. Loving her current state and how her plan is going forth. All after acquiring her first piece in the image of Kyle. “Alright. Let’s go back in time, way back unto the sixth loop and the counting days of your death. The creation of the two of you, the fall of the real thunder holder.” She then draws a wide twisted smile on her face, and started drawing the pentagram of time using her gate and void. When. “Now, now, now.” Beatrice attention is taken by the voice from somewhere near her. The warning voice that she couldn’t ignore, nor she could fight head
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