All Chapters of DEATH REINCARNATE : Chapter 591 - Chapter 600
729 Chapters
(IN THE FACE OF JEALOUSY) “PETER!” Daniela’s voice, calling his name that is enough to send him in glee. “Daniela.” Peter whispers, all mesmerize and in awe to the beauty that incomparable to anyone that the Shrine Maiden had. With the Maiden’s all white dress, white sandals and hair that is like gracefully swaying in the wind from the way she strides and took her steps running towards him. Peter couldn’t help but be fixed into the cloud of glee and wanting that Alliah sees all through and through him. “You are here!” Daniela took his hands and smile widely in relief upon seeing him well. “I thought that something might had happen to you when I didn’t saw you in that place.” “You came to see me?” Peter’s awe-struck expression and voice. Couldn’t believe that The Shrine Maiden and Daniela herself cares so much for him to the extent of seeing him once again into that dim lighted and cold prison that he had been. “If Alliah didn’t tell m
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(BOTTLE UP HATE AND ENVY) “WHY don’t you just admit it?” Alliah’s taunting, her fun little game that she is the only one benefiting from. A playful score that one doesn’t want to acknowledge yet is getting on his nerve more than he could want it to. “It’s just simple, very easy to say that word.” She continues to taunt, giggling in between her words and the fact that it is rapidly getting into the head of her little prey. A thing and two that one doesn’t want to admit, nor give her the winning smile about. But. “Peter!” Each time, and each call, with the smile that he possessively wanted all to himself is boiling that rage from the jealousy that he is having. “Time is ticking, but I have all the liberty until you admit it yourself.” Alliah laughs, presenting that other self and the hellish one that she’s been hiding. The darkness was awakened the moment that her dreams creep better ahead of her. The night she killed her entire fam
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(ONE’S GAME OVER) “DEATH or an eternity of pain. Which one is much more worth it to be sentence to a covetous being?” Kyle whispers, while looking towards a wall inside his room filled with symbols and text that only he can understand. “Tick, tock, tick, tock!” He imitates the sound of the clock. That by this point is becoming a hobby by each and everyone of them. While weighing his options and deciding which one is the best fit for his little dark plan. “You should have chosen who you are messing with. As you should have known which one should you want and not.” His threat, all for a while looking at the photo that just been taken from the day of their little get together. The photo where Daniela is at the center of the both of them, and wherein Kyle is currently cursing upon. “Burn in hell, death by poison, no, there must be better than those pathetic little tortures.” He giggles by the thought. Crossing the line with the brutal ways to end o
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(REIGN) “JASSMINE TEA. I heard that you have a liking of such tea?” Kyle offers Peter the said cup of tea. An invitation that Peter doesn’t have any reason to turn him down. Especially that he is a holder, a master and the knight of the Maiden that they both dearly loves. “Thank you, Kyle.” Peter’s a bit of shaking voice, still hesitant towards Kyle and the fact that Alliah warns him about him and just how dark and cunning one envious heart could ever be. “Why do you want to talk to me?” He bravely asks, keeping his cool and his shaking nerves at bay. Yet no matter how hard he could try and hide his discomfort and doubts towards Kyle. Kyle already knew it, and all a bit too much in the sense that he is using it to his pleasure and little game that he started long ago. “Nothing of some big reason behind. I just wanted to know a bit about you since you are one of us now. Besides, can’t I invite a friend over?” Kyle’s taunting’s, hiding the real m
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(A LIE ABOUT CHASTITY) “DIE, WILL YOU?” The pentagram is then activated, then a gate slowly appears behind Peter. Into the room, no, a dungeon. A secret one that Kyle made for himself and his little experiment with life and death. Peter is bound into a chair, gag and helpless, as the gate that is now complete and behind him, is the gate to the abyss of forever suffering and pain. “I’ll you, never, Peter.” The last time that Kyle thinks that he will say his rival’s name. The very last time that he will see his face and have someone as lowly like him to be his rival. “This is exhilarating.” Alliah giggles, all watching everything on the side and where she is comfortably sitting upon. Just then, Peter felt the darkness that is behind him. The dead end for him that Alliah is ore than amuse upon witnessing and Kyle is more than satisfied to inflict to him. “Hmmm!!!” He cries, begging. Pleading and having the desire to be free from the predicament th
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(CHASTITY’S CHANCE) “I YOUR SERVANT IS BOWING TO YOUR PRESENCE.” Peter’s words and his outmost respect. Immediately noticing and got the tight grasp of the identity of the being that is in front of him. “What can I do for you, god?” The name, the title and addressing HIM with all the respect and gallant that HE is more than well deserve for. “Well, well, well.” HIS wide smile and proud tone. While from everything and the current picture that HE is seeing right now doesn’t surprise HIM a little bit at all. Knowing and always does, that the one in front of HIM is the perfect doll to be with the ranks of HIS little league of neither a hero or a villain. “Such a perfect candidate.” HE whispers, then draws a sinister smile on HIS face while looking in a bit of awe towards the little piece that HE found. The right one to be one of the puns that HE needed to dispose and made way for HIS game to fell through and ensures HIS winning end. “I heard
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(HOW IT BECOME) “NOW, I welcome you to your new world. Peter.” HIS voice echoes, together with the three seconds ticking of the clock everything shift and quickly. With a snap, a pentagram is formed and the gate to the other world and alternate timeline in between appears. “A deal, is a deal.” Peter whispers. More than prepared, yet not that amuse with the fact that he still needs to be somewhere else before he could have his desire in the palm of his hand. “I shall see you very soon, Peter.” HE smiles and wide. All proud and excited to the little experiment that HE started. The only experiment out of the ten puns, and by which the only experimental guinea pig will only exist in the face and identity of Peter. “Very soon.” He wonders about that fact but not for long. Facing the door that slowly opens in front of him. He didn’t hesitate for even a second and immediately took his step inside. Walking perfectly into the same dark tunnel like of a
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(AND THE DEAL GOES) BEATRICE hums in delight. A bit overwhelmed and is having the best time about the feeling of successfully having the two pieces of her own chess.“What a delight. What a run, what a beautiful end for this tragic tale.”She whispers, laughing and dancing like a ballerina. A graceful and beautiful ballerina in her all black dress that somehow is representing the famous black swan of the swan lake. All while under the bright full moon and in the middle of a wide grassy area surrounded by trees and bushes that’s making a rustling and eerie sound as the wind blows.“The King and the Bishop.”She admires the pieces on her hand. Giggling and perfectly domineering the fact that she successfully got the old of the first two most important pieces of her chess board.“Now, now, now. Where were I?” she asks, giggling and twirling, as she then said. “Who is the next one on my list?”Then a laugher from hers echoes. Startling the birds resting on the tree, but delighted the cro
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(THE CHOICE) “SAGITTARIOUS holder.” Beatrice whispers. As she draws a sinister smile on her face and slowly turning her entire expression into a twisted one. “Right. He should be the next perfect prey that I needed right now.” With a giggle, she soon laughs maniacally. Her laughter that echoes all throughout the forest. Scaring the animals away, but the crows with those red blood shot eyes are somewhat making a sound that resembles a laughter, a delight and approval to Beatrice words and her dark insane mind. “Now, if I remember correctly. During this time, I this little chance that JK made. My little piece, my chess board’s other bishop should be in that very place.”She giggles once more and dances gracefully under the light of the bright full moon. While a little glitch is showing from time to time the reality of her original life. A background and the entire place that is covered with red and blood. “No time to even waste. Let us head there.” He
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(BURNING DARKNESS) “JUST be patient and watch everything dwindle until you die in vain, Aaron.” JK’s ever taunting words. His sinister smile and the darkness that he’s been making Aaron eat. Slowly putting his hope into ashes, until he doesn’t have anything to give anymore. “Damn you!” Aaron could only scream, struggling, yet helplessly in chain to the place where he couldn’t ask for help, but be in chain and doom into the fate where his end is death. Nothing but the oblivion of darkness and where he couldn’t see the light of the day anymore for the rest of his remaining life. “Until tomorrow and soon, Aaron.” JK’s confidence and darkness. The devil that he ever knew that exist and will be existing for the rest of his life. All after sucking his life force, his mana to continue the façade of being the holder of God Sagittarius which he isn’t. “The game is only starting and don’t you forget about that.” The door closes as JK’s echoing footsteps
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