All Chapters of DEATH REINCARNATE : Chapter 611 - Chapter 620
729 Chapters
(ROMANTIC TRAGEDY) “NOW Nate, do you want to hear some more?” Aira’s sly smile offering the story and that little kind of like a deal that Nate is asking for. “We still only on the exciting part, aren’t we?” Nate’s reply and casual words that Aira loves about him. His mysteriousness and seriousness that makes him the best ally and holder that she can trust and fully among the rest. “Very well then. Shall we continue?” The clock ticks and once more the atmosphere turns heavy as that little past and tragic tale continue with the words. “YOU shouldn’t be here, human.” The words and deep voice welcome the Princess, Aira. Into the warm place, and into the bed of roses where she woke up. Written perfectly just like the person that inspired her to do such a perfect tragedy of a love story. Aira is in awe by the vast green forest, surrounded by different kinds of sweet-smelling flowers. Birds that’s chirping and some are flying around. Animals tha
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(SHAKESPEARE’S SONNET) “SO, is that how you got his heart? From the fictional past that you written yourself, Aria?” “Well, I am proud to tell you that, it is.” Aira’s cunning smile then draws on her face. Holding the expression of both excitements, and satisfaction from the thrill that she just did from the memories of the said past that is all nothing, but a fiction. “A fiction inside a non-fiction. Smart.” “I always am.” Nate’s compliment and her little proud heart to accept the things that is successful and the result of her wit. “But aren’t you regretting for a bit, in how you use such a precious gift that the Supreme One gave you?” “Regret?” Not a bit taken a back, but asking in a few moments for what Nate just asks of her. Aira giggles in amusement, then laugh out loud from the stupid question that Nate wanted her to answer. “Why should I? I am having fun and continuing to have the privilege of the game that I made myself. Besi
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(ANOTHER) “WOULD you do me the honor to hear everything?” Nate’s reply to their conversation that is now directing to the sins and the embodiment that was introduce, but only a glimpse from this book and world. With Aira’s sly smile that quickly creeps unto her face, she gladly replies. “Very well then.” The clock ticks, started to tick and somehow for a moment from all those conversations that they both just had. It was in a pause. “Where should I start?” Aira’s playful tone with her words. While serving Nate a new up of tea that the holder gladly took and have a sip from. With a now cunning smile that is drawn to her face, Aira started the introduction. “The embodiment of the seven deadly sin.” “Would you like to meet them, Aira?” The words and a particular memory suddenly cross Aira’s mind. The time and the perfect moment that Mike introduces her the pieces that is her goal in the very first place. With the same thrill that she fel
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(FAVORABLE SIN) NATE’S eyes glance towards Aira but only for a moment. A simple glance that the holder of water and goddess Aquarius doesn’t need to guess what it means nor what it might have meant. “What can you say? Intriguing enough?” “More like a fairytale to begin with.” His unfavorable comment. Holding the facts that Aira just said and his current opinion that the sins are not just having the perfect and unfair life. But it is all written in a way to be envied about. “Well, it is a perfect condition for them to have such an identity to freely do whatever they want as their sin tells them and about.” “I guess so.” He took his cup for another sip, but realize that it was empty. With Aira’s keen sense of observation and hospitable host. She poured another cup for him, but this time it is a different kind of tea. “Sometimes, I am thinking that you are kind of abusing me for having to taste your experimental tea.” “Experimental?” Aira’
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(UNFAVORABLE PAST) “SAY, do you want to play a death game with me?” The first question and eerie words that little Alliah asks of him. Words that he expects to hear and receive from her. Especially during this particular night of Blood Moon where the darkest side of hers is reigning. “A death games?” The seemingly innocent reply of the young boy who they meet for the first time.” “Yes, a death game.” “Isn’t that dangerous?” The young boy’s curiosity, no, his definite knowledge of the thing that little Alliah wanted to do. “Well, if you will think of it that way. But I can promise you that it will be fun.” She giggles in between her words. Somewhat taunting, no, tempting the young boy who is currently her prey and that she needed to teach a lesson with. “Do you hate me that much for asking me to play such game that will only upset Daniela?” “Daniela?” Little Alliah’s irritated tone, followed by a laughter that is cursing to
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(DYSTOPIA) “THE team captain of the Baseball team of Eagle Eye, with his calm nature, intellect, and sophisticated personality from the influential family that owns the famous restaurants in the country, holds the devil Leviathan as the sin of envy, Harry Stein Stanley.” Aira introduces the second embodiment of the sins, the sin of Envy toward Nate. Along with the background information in the shortest statement that she didn’t lazily done. “The sin of Pride and Envy.” Nate whispers, counting the first two that he needed to know about their biggest enemy. “With Lust at your side. Pride and Envy in check, who’s next?” “Are you that curious enough?” “I guess so.” Their little taunting exchange that they both finds amusing about and towards each other. With Aira pouring him another cup of tea, but this time and again is a new one, she smiles slyly while Nate didn’t think twice and took a sip and gave his thoughts about her poison. “Not the perf
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(MIRAII) “THIS is exciting and more than what I could ever expect for coming here!” The little boy’s words and delight that is all new to the innocent one. Expression and the way that the little boy perceives what happened and unlike the normal beings who never been in their land have acted. “I couldn’t believe that I will be meeting and this soon of the Shrine Maiden’s holder and one of her knights.” “Who are you?” The question and half curious thought of the innocent boy. Who is contemplating if he needed to kill the little boy who is currently in front of him? For knowing things that shouldn’t be known by a new comer. Facts that should be introduce a week after they stay. A precaution that is needed and been implemented to protect everyone, and those foreign people who thinks that their land is magical. ‘SHOULD I KILL HIM RIGHT THIS INSTANT?’ He wonders and the question that keeps on popping from his mind. Yet, unlike the usual days and the rules
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(THE FUTURE IN BETWEEN) “NOW, are you up to next sin?” More than willing to hear the identities of the embodiments of the sin. Nate looks at Aira with those eyes that tells her exactly what he means. “Very well.” Aira whispers. With a cunning smile that draws to her face and the satisfying tune of a music box that sound is an eerie beat right down from the very core. The clock ticks and suddenly stops, with the crow that’s been observing the two of them from the very begging. Its blood shut red eyes delivers the message that she wanted. “Very well, very well indeed.” Bianca’s words and her smile that draws perfectly into the blood moon hue of the place and little space that she created and declares to be her very own. “I got what I wanted to know for a while and for now.” Her delighted expression, after having the information that she wanted. Information and the characters that wasn’t written on the first pages of the book, yet she now knew and
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(OWNERSHIP) “EMBODIMENT or not, we do not own anything in this world including our very own lives.” A dark truth and the fact that they seven embraces and are proud about. “Are we complaining or even thinking about such a thing?” A reply in a sarcastic way and tone that they are all use on doing. An innate response that they casually doing, for they are all made with those foul words and darkness that represents their sins. “Am I right? Tucker?” “Me?” Tucker opens his eyes, looks at his kin with those uninterested gazes. His lazy nature and sleeping habits that the rest of the six is all used on having from him. “Seriously?” Keith objected, and a bit irritated. “For all, why do you keep asking trivial questions to Tucker who is clearly too lazy to care about a thing, Harry?” “What could I do? I envy that lazy nature of our kin, Tucker.” His little protest that Harry casually defended that is all part of his innate sin of Envy. “En
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(CLOCKS) TICK TOCK, TICK TOCK, TICK TOCK! The same sound of darkness, along with the type of eeriness that accompanied by the dwindling time of a being, but still the early stage of world and book that they are bound and curse from within. “Me?” Tucker softly whispers, stopping on his way and asks the question that the shadows that’s been following him heard him so. Loud and clear, but only to their called perception. “She’s here.” “She chooses you.” The shadows whisper to his ears. Running back and forth and around him. With their human form gliding the walls and ceiling with only their two set of circular, but hallowed white eyes and mouth that is plastered into a Cheshire smile. “Would you like to go?” “No, you shouldn’t.” “Go back.” They warn him. Asking him to ignore the invitation and set himself to where he should be. With the words and reminder that he should prioritize no matter what. “He will be disappointed if you
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