All Chapters of DEATH REINCARNATE : Chapter 631 - Chapter 640
729 Chapters
(ISN’T IT JUST A DREAM?)“I LOVE YOU.”“Love? Tsk!”Beatrice smirks, then laugh foolishly. Screaming her thoughts through her laughter that the word and the emotion that everyone treasures is not something entirely good. But the beginning of sin.“Love that soon will turn into desire. Desire that will end into sin. Love that is making one person envy the other,” she started to make the list of the sins, one by one and all about love. “The emotion that could turn into greed for the love for money and possession. Love that earns the wrath of the world, the lustful price from someone who covets something from the other.”She continues to be little the emotion. While having fun for the facts that ‘LOVE’ is both good and evil. Yet, in this world and book, that emotion lies greatly into the side of evil.“Love. Just how entertaining that stupid emotion is.”Her smile draws to her face. The type of smile that is telling all the world’s evil deeds, and at the same time fantasizing about that
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(AIRA’S WORDS) “ONE AFTER THE OTHER. I WILL MAKE SURE THAT I WILL HAVE THIS PIECE ON MY SIDE. WITH THE PROVOKING AND TWO. JUST WAIT FOR ME, MY DEAR LITTLE ROOK.” Beatrice laugher echoes, then it slowly turning into a maniacal one and getting louder and louder by each passing moment. All now with her idea inside her mind of who among the characters in this book and world will she be taking as her next prey. “I will be there, I will definitely achieve what I want and what I deserve in this filthy, but amusing world. My dear God.” “AIRA!” Nate calls her name, snapping her out from the sudden trance that she just went into. Somehow, she was just drag and into the deeper abyss that is unlikely of her to be in the first place. “Is there something wrong Aira?” “No, I am fine.” Aira immediately assures Nate, shaking the thoughts that she now questions to herself. Worst with the fact that she just forgets and suddenly about it. A thing and two that she d
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(THE LAST TWO SINS) “SIN OF WRATH AND GLUTTONY.” Nate whispers, for the two of them finally got into the point where Aira will now only inform him of the last two embodiments of the sins. Which the first, the sin of wrath is someone that he expects to be the worst out of the bunch. “Very well.” Aira immediately gave him what he wanted. Now with the softer tone and mood, defining her ideals and heart of hating the sin of greed more than anyone else among the entire seven. “Let’s start with the sin of gluttony.” She smiles, the type of smile that a lady always gives towards children. Kids that they love to spend time with and greatly favored about due to their innocent and adorable nature. But this time and this case it is a bit to the darker tone. The sin that adorable nature is pluck and dig deep directly from the deepest part of hell. “Eithan James Forbes.” She said the name with the sly smile and two drawn perfectly to her face. “The one who has th
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(ANOTHER PIECE OF HER CHESS) “WELL, WELL, WELL. LOOK WHO DECIDED TO ARRIVE, AND LATE.” Luke’s insulting words, provoking Mike and without any boundaries nor even taking it as a little joke. The moment that their acting leader, no, the current most powerful one enters the room with Tucker following behind. “And of course, his most loyal minion is following from behind of him.” He added, rubbing to much of his provocation that he isn’t hiding. But is itching with his wants to have a fight. “That’s enough Luke.” Keith scolded him, but a bit. Didn’t completely against Luke’s idea, for he himself is too prideful to yield with the current most powerful sin, Mike. Yet, he doesn’t want to cross the lust rage, nor provoke him into something that they will only regret at the very end. But. “Enough?” The sin of pride is too prideful indeed for such a word to stop his ego from exploding. "It is not for me.” Luke started once more, slamming the table
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(OVERUN OF DARKNESS) “NICK ZANDER.” Beatrice whispers, repeating the name inside of her head for multiple times. All the while giggling and having fun of the upcoming dread and deal that she will offer the commandment. “Just how wonderful everything of this would be, if I will have everything that I want and fast?” She wonders, asking for a thing and two and a bit under the cloud. Just then, a past and a thought that she witnesses from long ago rings and suddenly inside her mind. Drawing that wide sinister smile and then making her laugh maniacally like a broken doll, no, a pretentious broken doll. “Well, well, well. To set the stage, shall I act as that broken doll.” Her plan then started. With a snap from her finger, a pentagram draws, all with her symbol and mark. Immediately summoning her gate that slowly opens for her and only hers. Stepping inside with that same sinister smile, she whispers. “Let this little play begins.” “ALLIAH!” The sudden call and a wake up one from
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(OMINOUS) “FUN.” He whispers the word and somehow finishes the thought of someone that he knew, yet he needed to pretend that he didn’t. With the pen in his hand, spinning it effortlessly with his fingers, his mind is too far away from the current reality that he doesn’t even care for himself. “Alright everyone, see you all tomorrow.” The bell then rings, the class is over and everyone is all smiles for the day that ends just like any other. “Nick, Nick, Nick!” He is snapped out of his deep thoughts and away from his long gaze, when his group of mortal friends, humans called out for his presence. “Daydreaming again? Are you even listening to our professor?” “I bet he didn’t even remember a thing that was talked about.” Two of his male friends’ giggle, teasing him a bit, which doesn’t suit the youngest one and the only female mortal and human among his circle of friends. “Stop it will you!” she pouted. “We all know that Nick doesn’t
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(THE GENERAL’S DEAL) “JUST what do I owe you for this visit, little darkness, Beatrice?” Nick immediately knows, no, he all along knew that this time and very moment will be coming. “Owe me?” Beatrice giggles, loving the commandment and just like the rest of them. Especially Nick’s sharpness and intuition that is uncanny. “Well.” She puts a little thrill before the game. With the time pauses by her little command, the brightly lit restaurant and the busy people around that immediately turns into nothingness but the darkness. Nick knew and without a doubt, where he let himself dwell and even welcomes the said little darkness. He is now into the void and temporary sanctuary Beatrice created for the two of them and only for this time. “Would you like to have a deal with me, commandment Nick?” Didn’t waste any time or running around the bush to drag things a little and even longer. Beatrice immediately asks the question, started the game and sh
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(ACHIEVEMENT OF THE PIECE)HE bows down, honoring his master just like any knight would do. With his words, he accepts the end of the deal. Nick’s presence and the plan started the little rift of the little darkness's downfall. “Tell me what you need me to do. I’ll heed your wish and fulfill my duty. As your rook and puppet, my master.”A sinister smile and more draw on Beatrice's face. Then she giggles for a few seconds before laughing maniacally at the success and glee that she is having for achieving the piece that he wanted to have. “This time, I didn’t fail.”She whispers to herself and embraces the little success that she had. All after her multiple attempts of making those perfect characters her chess piece. “First things, first.”A snap from her finger echoes, and immediately her spell is created. The pentagram shows Nick the contract of the deal that he agrees upon. “Sign the contract.” She demanded, knowing that even though she got the agreement from the general of a com
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(LITTLE DARK PLAN) “LET ME FREE. I WANT TO HAVE THE WHOLE ME.” “Tsk!” Nick smirks, more than loving the little game within the little game that he is having right now. The fact and the darkness that is more than what he expected for. The little thrill that comes from all the lies and façade that they are playing ever since from the very beginning. “I see that you are in a good mood, Nick.” Valerie calls out to him, suddenly, yet expectedly when their path crosses. Along the hallway of one of the learning facilities of the Royal Knights University. “Valerie, how nice to bump into you this day.” Nick replies with the smile that only brought the shivers down to Valerie’s spine. His smile that they often seen from him, and the kind of smile that he never draws to his face, but now. “Now I regret having that unfortunate chance.” “Of course, you are.” He teases her, while laughing in the tone that once more brought the shivers to Valerie’s s
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(CONFIRMATION) THE clock is ticking. The only constant thing that this world has. The valid truth and the remaining innocence that is connected from one world to another. “Are you alright, Emie?” “I am, Daniela.” She half lied. With a drawn smile on her face and eyes that compliments the same. She assures the Maiden who is just been through the current biggest hurdle in the image of Arthur. “How about you?” She dares to ask. The question that Daniela knew and was even deeper about, and that one sentence that always makes her think in a bit of a mix of negative and positive ways. “Are you asking me about, Arthur?” Emie then nods, immediately confirming her thoughts towards the Maiden. I thought things are a bit clear right now. It doesn’t change the fact that Kyle is still being hostile toward Arthur. Their little play is getting more complicated to manage with each passing day. And the upcoming festival that preparations are needed to be fina
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