All Chapters of DEATH REINCARNATE : Chapter 601 - Chapter 610
729 Chapters
(THE HALF OF HER BISHOP) “I can give you your freedom. That’s a guarantee. I can make everything perfect like you never been trap in this place. As I can give you the life that you deserve to have.” Deal and her words. The things that Aaron is more than vulnerable about. The fact that no matter how pure his heart is, a tiny spot of darkness is surely there to grow and corrupt him from his very core. “Now, are you interested to listen?” A few seconds of silence dominated the entire place. With the atmosphere that is somewhat getting heavier and heavier by each passing second. Beatrice smile slowly widens, with the darkness that is getting bigger and bigger than it is all that is in it. “Tsk!” Yet. Aaron is not that foolish to be drawn into that temptation. Or is he? “Do you think that I am a fool like the others and how you perceive me to be?” His gallant words and a bit prideful tone. Holding on and tight to the right and sane mind that he had
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(FEAR AND LOVE) A SNAP from Beatrice finger’s then echoes and quick. A command that her own dark mirror and mimicking the one that the Supreme One had heeded and immediately. Showing Aaron, the dread of the night from the past of his beloved, Alliah. “Die, die, die, just what should I do?” A humming dreadful lullaby started. All at the same time as Aaron’s heart almost jumps in both excitement and worry. Upon seeing the innocent face of his beloved that is slowly turning into a devilish one. “Die, die, die, what could I rhyme for it next?” Little Alliah’s voice that sings. Along with the symphony that the music box creates. Sitting comfortably on her folded knees and humming the eerie tone that is claiming the entire place. She draws a smile as she giggles in a twisted and sinister way. With her once innocent eyes that is now corrupted and in deep blood shut red in hue. “Remember you wanted this for yourself to witness.” Beatrice taunting in the side.
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(ENDERMENT FOR DARKNESS AND PAIN) “JUST give up. You do not have the strength to stop anything, for the past will always be one.” Beatrice’s words, the fact and the slap that Aaron needed right now, yet he doesn’t want to have. The truth that he needed to wake up and accept, yet that acceptance is the only thing that he couldn’t dwell and more than how he is being taunt and pulled into this darkness. “We both know how much you dearly want to save your woman.” Beatrice’s sweet words and emphasizing one more time for a few times now how much Alliah means to him. A darkness that he just needs to took a step inside and everything will be alright for his woman’s sake. But. “Stop it! That is not what I wanted. That is not the only way to save her.” His remaining conviction and the strength for purity and goodness that he is. Not just being the Maiden’s guardian, nor the holder of God Sagittarius, but the reflection and the other alternate soul of the orig
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(THAT DROWNING LULLABY) THE nightmare doesn’t end, nor it will end that simply. For the nightmare that Aaron is seeing, hearing and enduring right now is the same pain from his beloved women. That can only be stop if he decided to give up and take Beatrice’s deal.“Come on Aaron. It’s just so simple. All you need to do is to accept my offer and be free from this hell and pain that you are currently into. Yet, you are being too stubborn.”Beatrice words and her slowly dwindling patience. Patience that she needed to have more than what she can make. For she could not afford to lose some piece anymore, especially with the candidate that is a holder himself.“Come with me, come with us, let me be free, let us be free.” The words and the taunting of the darkness that is provoking the mysterious man in Aaron’s princess dream. The little girl that’s nightmare is eating her slowly but surely. The nightmare that ended for the tragedy to happen.“Stop!”That mysterious man’s screams.
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(SWEET DEAL) “I’LL take the deal.” Beatrice laugh and maniacally with her pure glee and successful deal that the holder of God Sagittarius took upon. All after Aaron choose his woman over his mission and his identity. To save her and the world that she is about to face. “Such love, a stupid emotion yet it all went for my favor.” Her little compliment and insult that Aaron doesn’t care less anymore. Besides, he already gives in to the deal, yet have that will that he will never let Beatrice know. “Very well then.” “Wait.” Aaron interrupted that put Beatrice into a few moments of silence. Not wondering why, she casually smiles and waited patiently. All too complaisant that the holder already took her deal. “Before anything else, I want to play a game against the one who imprison me here.” The smell of revenge that Beatrice loves the most and more than she could play as an accomplish with. With a sinister smile and giggling laughter afterwards
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(BLACK KNIGHTS) “NOW, now, now. Who could that be?” Beatrice asks, giggling and still dancing under the shade of the blood red moon. Thinking, no, planning her next move while she is weighing the facts, the significance and darkness of the characters of this world and book will benefit her. The perfect two knights that she needed. The rightful once to own the black title. “Of course!” she laughs, coming with the conclusion and choosing the ones that she needed to be her pieces. “Let’s have that person, shall we?” With a sinister smile drawn and perfectly unto her face, the crows scream flaying away from the scene and somehow perfectly painting the ominous Cheshire like smile as they flew over the blood red moon. All with the ticking time and the past rings. “INTERESTING.” Still in the darkness of her prison. Deeper into the subconscious of the corrupted JK and once the young prince of this world and book from the current sixth loop. Beatrice face draws an
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(THE LADY’S HEART) “AIRA.” Deep, provoking and a teasing tone. Nate calls Aira’s attention trying to calm her down with her worries that he thinks is unnecessary, but for a while. “Aren’t you a bit too excited for something that isn’t there and a way far from now?” He reminded her, a bit calming her nerves, yet is aware and more than how Aira does. “You know that I am not talking about that, but rather the eerie darkness that suddenly looms around the Maiden.” Aira clarifies. Guard up and worried from the pattern of events that is a bit getting out of hand and not like the one that they expect to have. “But you also know and pretty much aware that the Maiden always had that darkness following her.” A simple reminder that Nate speaks. Putting a nozzle to her steaming head and uncanny worries while he is perfectly hiding his own. “Nate.” Aira’s rebuke, impatient and irritated to his actions and seemingly uninterested thoughts to the proble
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(THE SIN’S THRILLS) “I know. For I would also do the same if it is for Daniela.” Nate’s reply that Aira knew about and long gone is aware of that fact. That even though the both of them are not glue unlike Alliah and Kyle, they are still aware for everything that is happening around the Maiden. Especially the adviser of the Elite class that they both suspect to be an uncanny person in the first place. “Among the people around Daniela, I can tell that the only person that I could trust is Kyle.” Aira confidently omit Kyle from the list of people that they both on guard and warry about. But unlike her, Nate is thinking he opposite. It’s just that he is not that vocal in telling it to her, for now. “How about Winona, and Emie?” “Tsk! Those two? Probably.” She played with her words and suddenly wonder about those two that for her is nothing, but ordinary. Or so does she think. “Winona is a mortal in every way that I see her. While Emie is someone th
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(HIS LUSTFUL GAZE) “WOULD you like to play a love game, Aira?” The question and the uncanny assignment that the holder of water and Goddesses Aquarius receives from the Supreme God. The request that leaves the same uncanny thought inside the young heiress mind. “Love game?” She draws that thrilled smile over that expressionless eyes that she is known about and her defense from anyone who had the ability to read expressions and gestures. “What kind of love game are we going to play?” The intrigue that HE loves to hear and to see deeper than those expressionless eyes of her. With a sinister smile and a snap of HIS finger, HE said. “I’ll give you the sin of Lust, the embodiment that you needed to guard and look after. The one that is destined to reveal that identity of the other sins.” Aira giggles, a different kind of one. More like a mix of dread and the tone from hell. But more than that, her expression changes, particularly her eyes that she rarely does.
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(LOVE GAME AND PLAY) “CAN I be curious for a second?” Nate’s words and a bit too polite for asking a favor to Aira that is uncommon for him. The first and might as well the last time that he will asks such a request knowing his character and the things that the two of them knew about each other. “Well, well, well.” Aira giggles, amuse by the fact that Nate finally asks her that long impending thought that he should have asks of her from long ago. “What do we have here? Did I really hear you asks me for a request? A request that’s pointing and directing to the current love game that I am playing.” “You know that I will only say what I want once Aira.” Nate didn’t take the teasing as he always had and will be. A little stiff and too serious especially after knowing the truth about his twin holder and under the guardian God Gemini. “Alright.” Aira giggles, giving up and gladly gave him the answer that he is asking about. “Where do I start?” She pretended
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