All Chapters of The Alpha's Omega: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
89 Chapters
Cade / Chap. 59
I trotted up to Zed, curious to know what could've made him so tense, until my eyes spotted the vile and the plant in the palm of his hand. My Wolf instantly jumped back, well aware of the dangerous substance as it snarled. Wolfsbane! I snarl, ordering him to put it back where he found it as everyone else backed away, startled by my sudden shift of tone. I grabbed the strap of the bag between my jaws, fighting back the urge to throw it away while the plant's irritating smell burnt my nostrils. Let's head back, Kira will clean you boys up. I'll take care of this. I turned towards Winston and Conor. Carry the youngest to camp, let me know when he wakes up. I need to have a little chat with him... I added that last part as I turned around, trotting towards camp, already gagging as the mixture's smell invaded my snout and covered every other scent.
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Cade / Chap. 60
"Hey, hey, calm down." Despite a part of me wanted to hear him out and help him, I couldn't keep my guard down. I was preparing myself to ask a few more questions, but my Wolf pulled my attention elsewhere as he noticed an intriguing detail; his wounds were already showing signs of healing. It was faint, but noticeable to a sharp eye. Intrigued, I took a moment and starred into his eyes, searching for a sign until I eventually felt it; it's presence was faint, but unmistakably there. This boy is a werewolf. I could barely hide my stupor at the realization. He must've gone through an incredible amount of trauma to have his Wolf side subside this way, or something else was affecting him. He didn't seem to have any physical injuries, but his face did seem rather pale and covered in cold sweats. Something is definitely a wrong with this k
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Zed / Chap. 61
Tommy kept a tight grip on my shoulder, making growl when his nails kept digging into my skin; he was nervous I could hear his heart beat increase by the second. The bounds around my wrists irritated and burnt as they began to cut through my flesh, but I forced myself to ignore the pain. It felt like forever since we had left camp, yet we still didn't seem to be anywhere near enemy grounds. I'm not even sure this kid knows what he's doing... We walked for what could've easily been another hour before I finally detected signs of a nearby camp; the pungent smell of humans and smoke reached my nose and I groaned in disgust. I still can't believe I let myself get dragged into this, but I couldn't do anything about it now, we were already too close for my own comfort. I continued to play along, tolerating the sensation of a knife in my back and nails digging into my shoulder when we finally
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Zed / Chap. 62
A small voice rose from the silence, catching our attention. All eyes turned to one of the tents as a small child with slick brown hair peeked his head from the side of the entrance. The kid gently pushed the curtain aside, only to run to Tommy who fell back to his knees. Embracing each other, I realized just how close the two really were. Tobby was also much younger than I first thought; the boy seemed to be around nine or ten years old, much too young to be out here all alone with these people. Tommy pulled back, cupping the kid's face while he whipped away his tears with his thumbs. He was speaking so quickly, I had trouble following his words. "Hey buddy- are you okay? Did they hurt you? Are you hurt?" The kid shook his head, and his brother instantly pulled him back into his arms, unable to let him go. He shot a grateful look towards Cade then the rest of the pack. "Thank you... Tr
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Chap. 63
Knock, knock, knock. I froze. Did someone knocked at the door...? Or is my mind playing tricks on me? I waited for a moment, keeping my senses sharp. Knock, knock, knock. Someone's at the door. Disoriented, I hobbled onto my feet, the migraine tussling my mind and thoughts. My senses were hyped up, as if I was in the middle of a dream in which every sound or sensation I felt was amplified by a thousand. Intruder... I heard my Wolf growl, irritated by the noise coming from the door. But as I approached, the disrupting smell of Wolfsbane reached my nostrils, setting me on high alert; shit! I hugged the side of the wall, holding my breath as I slowly  moved towards it. Preparing myself to
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Ava / Chap. 64
"Hey, Luna?" I jumped when Zed addressed me with that title, unaware he had stayed at my side when I dismissed everyone. "Z-Zed! Yes, c-can I help you?" All pride washed away, I suddenly returned to my nervous self but quickly calmed down when I noticed he was just as anxious as I was. "I uhm... Can we talk in private?" Taking a soft gaze, I nodded and stepped through the back door, memories of our previous argument washing over and disrupting my mood. Perhaps I should apologize for snapping at him like that... I nodded and we headed outside. As he closed the door we walked a few minutes into the forest before he turned towards me. I could feel his body emanating waves of anxiety. He rubbed the back of his head as he spoke. "I... I wanted to apologize..." Zed's voice was shaky and he seemed to be extremely nervous which made me all the more empathetic and guilty about how I treated him. "I know I've acted... I never meant to— I didn't wa
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Ava / Chap. 65
  "So...? What... what do you think? - Hm, it's honestly way too early too tell." Kira groaned, her wisdom filled eyes trailing up and down Angel's body. "Only time will tell. If you have any vomiting, sudden nausea, unusual hunger, anything out of the ordinary; you know what to do." In typical Kira style, the Healer walked away all the while mumbling under her breath. Angel on the other hand seemed like she was about to explode into a panic attack. I took a careful step forward, unsure how she was about to react or if she would pass out on me. Instead, Angel suddenly kneeled to the ground, covering her face with her hands in a sobbing fit. Oh crap, what am I supposed to do now!? I'm not cut out for this! Comfort her. Ruby nudged, taking the lead in the conversation for the first time. I felt strange as my body seemed to move on it's own. I kneeled by  her side and embraced her into a hug. "Hey, hey, it's okay. It's gon
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Cade / Chap. 66
Waking up was hands down the last thing I wished to do today. Nothing but pain rippled like waves through my body, making every little movement agony. I struggled to push myself up, every fiber of me fighting against my own will —even my Wolf embraced the idea of a lazy day. And yet, despite my much needed rest, the pack's well being comes first.I took a sharp breathe and leveled myself up, taking a moment to adjust my blurry vision and fuzzy head. A groan left my throat when I pushed up, my head feeling like a 50lbs rock pressing against the top of my neck. Passing a hand onto my sore shoulders, I gazed towards the fireplace and realized Ava had fallen asleep alongside Zed. Had to admit, she looks pretty cute when she sleeps. Zed however —looking how he was completely hunched into the wall, his neck almost broken from the weird angle it was bent in and his arms splay
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Jace / Chap. 67
To say my night was sleepless would be an understatement. Every part of my being, from ear to toe was sore, painful and bruised if not bloody. Pretty sure I have a concussion to top it all oft but mentioning it would simply cause me more pain. That was once my life on a daily basis. After my mom's passing, my father had developed a severe drinking habbit; on his bad days, he'd arrive home drunk like a brick, swearing like a sailor and he'd beat me up for any reason he deemed valid; a bad grade, a misplace word, a fucking lost pen.I've always feared my father. I quivered at the thought of making him mad and what consequence would follow the beating, to the point I promised myself I'd never let anyone step over me again. The only way to earn someone's respect is through fear. Never show them that you are weak, stay in control.
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Ava | Chap. 68
I stilled, taken aback when I found myself standing face to face with Jace. It wasn't the fact I noticed him eavesdropping onto Tommy and I's conversation that startled me, no; it was that oppressing aura emanating from him that had caught my attention.The same one I felt when he had turned into that beast back at the elf village.Unsure whether he was about to lose control or not, I was cautious with my approach and took the calmest tone I could muster."Jace... are you okay...?" My voice was shaky despite my efforts, but I paid it no attention, focused solemly on him. Ruby whimpered when she noticed a large bruise crowning his cheek, my arm lifting to his face with concern. I felt his entire body freeze at my touch, myself suddenly feeling an urge to hold him in my arms and never let go.He pulled his head away from my hand, sorrow clouding hie eyes as he cleared his throat. "I uhm... tripped. It doesn't matter, I... I think it's best we start
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