All Chapters of The Alpha's Omega: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
89 Chapters
Zed | Chap. 69
I was in the middle of packing my stuff in some old transport bags we had found stached throughout the house when Zak suddenly popped his head out of the room as he addressed Ava. I frowned, wondering what he was blabbering about but he lifted his arm in protest when I tried to speak, halting me in my tracks."Will do Luna!" He finished off, turning an eerie smirk in my direction. Confused, I nodded my shoulders which he paid no attention to whilst he headed for the back door. I followed, still oblivious as to what we were doing and despite my efforts Zak refused to answer, instead ordering me to stay quiet.I did as I was told, but my impatience grew by the second. We left off at a steady pace, marching West only to make a large turn to the left once we were out of view, circling back to the cottage. However, instead of angling to the house, we continued straight ahead, passing the shack. Once again, Zak remained annoyingly silent but I could practically feel the broad smirk on his li
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Ava | Chap. 70
I can easily describe the last couple of days with one simple word; miserable. Absolutely miserable.I don't know if Helios had some sort 9f vendetta against us, or Mother Nature decided to make the remainder of our journey a living hell, but not a single one of us who wasn't soaking wet. The first night we were greeted by a heavy storm and we were forced to take shelter until morning. After that, each day was either cloudy or dampened by a heavy mist, stopping our clothes an pelts from drying off —most of us eventually turned into our wolf form to get better protection from the weather, but even that wasn't enough. Adding all that, Tobby had developed a fever due to the cold which meant we were now in a race against time to get him to a LeBroch Pack Healer; although Kira's medicine helped the kid fight off the sickness, he needed a safe and dry place to rest if he were to recover.On a brighter side, everyone was ultra cooperative so at least I didn't have to deal with any fights or
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Jace | Chap. 71
Leaned against the back of my chair, I kept a watchful eye on the girl, my left leg twitching like a kid with hyper activity. It wouldn't stop shaking, no matter it's position —which is seriously starting to annoy me— but I tried to pay it as little attention.She's been out for two days without any sign of activity or recovery. It was a miracle she even survived such a—"How is she?" I turned my head over my shoulder, craning my neck like a mad man to see who was at the door— Kira... how did I not recognize her voice? I must be more tired than I thought. Rubbing my hands against against my eyes, I staid silent while the Healer made her way to the girl's bed before doing whatever needed to be done to assess her health. I could hear the worried murmurs of the pack a few rooms away. Zed would constantly link me every five minute to know how the girl was doing, but I've blocked him out a long time ago.I was already stressing out about one situation, I didn't need his annoying voice inva
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Ava | Chap. 72
The wind sang its gentle lullaby to my ears, lulling me with the swerving blades of grass surrounding my silhouette and the calming chirp of the bird in the trees. The clouds, soft puffs of white amongst an infinite of sea of blue, crossed the calm surface of the sky without any disturbance. It's so quiet. Calm. Peaceful. Not a sound resonating out of place as Mother Nature plaid her perfect symphony.A pang of doubt squeezed my chest, disrupting my piece.Pushing upwards, I lifted myself from my natural bedding and looked around me. Plains to the eye can see, a sea of waving twigs of green dancing in the breeze. Something's wrong. This silence, this tranquility...Why am I so peaceful?I rose from my spot suddenly overtaken by the urge to stand, grabbed by a sense of deja vu. This field. I was here before... with Ruby and... someone else. A strange void replaced my memory rendering me unable to recall whomst I was with during my previous visit. How did I even get here!?"Ava." My ent
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Jace | Chap. 73
The scent of booze oozed from the car, assailing my nose with such a tang, it almost made me gag. I sighed, trying my best to keep what little food I had in me where it belonged. It was hard to keep a straight face when this prick was around. Diego is the definition of dipshit. Loud, unclean, has no discipline whatsoever. In the name of Selene, the guy barely knew how to use a godam condom; surprised he doesn't have any offspring of his own by now- not any that I know of at least... I pushed the thought aside and reminded myself I had more important business to attend to.Diego grogily made his way to me, stammering alongside the chicks escorting him. A booze stained breath came flowing my as he smiled smugly."Is that my dear cousin!?" He blurted out, sounding like a Jack Sparrow ripoff.I groaned, keeping myself together. "I need to see Alpha Patton. I have important news to deliver-- Oh the old man? Haha, won't be seeing him around no more!" I blinked, confused. Either the alcohol
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Ava | Chap. 74
Needless to say my jaw almost unhinged itself when Cade's words sunk in. Either my brain was still too tired to understand or I misheard him. He seemed to read through as a soft chuckle rumbled his throat causing his shoulders to jump. Despite the sound, his face was cloaked with dread and what seemed to be remorse.It didn't take a genius to put the puzzle pieces together and understood Cade and Felix didn't have a good history, as if earlier's conversation wasn't enough..."What happened between you two?" I bit my lip, suddenly regretting my question when Cade's face turned into a sour frown. I laid my hand on his shoulder, ignoring the dryness of my mouth as I spoke: "Never mind, it's none of my businness, I-I didn't meant to intrude."A small smile lifted the corner of his lips making me tilt my head in confusion. I parted my lips to speak, but he beat me to it: "Hm, anyone ever told you you're cute when you stutter?"The compliment made my eyes roll, but I felt my cheeks turn red
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Zed | Chap. 75
The water running down skin felt better than anything I've experienced in my life; my skin felt so light now it was free of all muck and grime. I was so lost in the moment, I allowed my wolf to come put so he too could enjoy a refreshing shower. The stalls were luckily bug enough to fit a giant Wolf in them, so I didn't have to worry about space.Once we were both happy and refreshed, I stepped out of the stall, back into my human form then carefully wrapped a towel around my waist. With a smaller cloth, I ruffled my hair to quickly dry out the water, whilst walking over to the many mirrors displayed in the room. I washed my face with a splash of cold water then looked up into the reflective surface, a pang hitting my chest when I saw my face; I looked like shit. My hair had grown down to my shoulders, left clumpy and knotted at places. My skin looked even paler now that all the dirt was cleaned off. Even my muscle mass had greatly decreased; to be fair though, I was always on the mor
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Cade | Chap. 76
I threw on a white blouse and a fresh pair of jeans, walking up to the tall glass mirror whilst I rolled up the sleeves and tucked the waist in. It felt great to have some fresh clothing to wear, but it felt a little too tight for my taste; I may be well built, but I wasn't the kind to show off. However, it quickly became clear I wouldn't have to worry about such detail as most females wouldn't even look in my direction, or they were already occupied by another male whilst I walked through the halls. A heavy feeling dragged alongside me, following me everywhere I went; I couldn't shake it away, and it only got stronger for every Wolf I came across. The hostility was palpable to the point I was starting to get on edgeThis place felt... odd and in the worse way possible. None of this felt natural and the air was asphyxiating, bothering me to my very core. My Wolf remained on high alert, ready to pounce at the smallest sign of danger. Eventually, I decided to head to dining hall, in hop
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Ava | Chap. 77
Selene knows how long I stayed sitting quietly on the stone stairway, completely lost within an ocean of own thoughts. My hand held the silver head of my mother's necklace, the thought of her bringing tears to my eyes. They weren't all sour, no. A part of them were sweet, happy tears, as I recalled everything I've gone through these last few weeks, memories which now brought me a certain sense of pride and accomplishment.It was trying, difficult and heartbreaking at first but... at least I feel as if I've finally managed to become part of something I never thought I'd had the chance to experience before; I'm part of a pack. They respect me- most of them, but at least I know I'm safe around them. Even though I had a few doubts before, now I was certain I found my rightful place amongst the pack; Luna or not, I'd do anything to protect this pack.My family."Selene help me, do I sound corny." I chuckled, stroking Ruby's fur while she rested by my side, snoring at a peaceful rhythm. Eve
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Ava | Chapter 78
I stilled; my blood turned to ice in my veins. It took me a second to fully register Curtis' form whilst he stood before me, a sinister grin lifting the corner of his lips. My thoughts fluttered about, stopping me from speaking as I instead starred with nothing but fear in my pupils.He laughed, distorting the hidden side of his face into a disturbing grin. "Hello, Ava. Did you miss me?"I stepped back, anger blooming in my chest. "You... What did you do to Cade!" Ruby snarled in harmony with my words, the fur of her neck spiking into a frenzy."Don't fret, sweetheart, he's fine. For now." Curtis smiled to his own response while he stepped out of the shade, revealing the full extent of his deformity; half of his face was covered in scar tissue and honestly, even I wouldn't wish this kind of pain to my worst enemy... And yet part of me couldn't help but relish at the damage we'd cause.Curtis circled around me, gingerly walking to the kitchen to pour himself a cup of coffee, strutting
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